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If You Were Stuck In An Elevator With Mr. Snyder.......


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Ask him why a kid who grew up watching the skins play and dreamed of owning the team someday did not plan ahead on how to run it.

This is such a fallacy. The guy never ever stepped foot into RFK. Sure many people never did, but this guy had the means to do so and still never stepped foot in the building.

The guy was not a fan. Looking at him he probably didn't even play sports. Whenever he says he was this great fan I simply shake my head.

Yes, I question his fandom

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This is such a fallacy. The guy never ever stepped foot into RFK.

You got a link? Basically, I've heard otherwise... I know it's Wikipedia, but it was the quickest thing that I could find and in there it is claimed that he visited RFK in his youth every Sunday. I'm not claiming this is accurate, but I'd like to know where your source comes from.

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I'd mash his face into the buttons a few times.....take his wallet..........and pee on him.

haha thats what i would do. I would probably get a million signatures and tell him to resign cuz no skins fan likes u. and then i would tell him to hire williams, and if not williams mcdainels. ANY1 BUT FOSSIL. :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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Are you kidding?

I would be too terrified to even get on an elevator with him!

I'd be too afraid he would do something stupid to it and completely break the damn thing. :D

that wouldn't be a problem if the elevator was on the ground floor -- seems that Mr. Snyder has a penchant for bringing everything around him down to that level

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I'd say, look, Dan, I know you love this team as a fan like I do.

But you and your buddy Vinny are totally in over your head. I couldn't run this team as a fan either. And you can't.

Find a good minority owner who knows football. AND find a real GM. Not some buddy of yours. A REAL GM.

And for God's sake, learn to call your own employees and talk to them. Stop hiding behind Gibbs.

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I would ask him to bump me up on the season tix waiting list

Believe me ZHouse, if this crap keeps up, you can buy mine for next season!

And if I was on the elevator with "The Belt Buckle Kid" I would tell him one thing:

"Worry about making money with the franchise, and leave the FOOTBALL smarts to someone else that knows what the hell he or she is doing!"

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Believe me ZHouse, if this crap keeps up, you can buy mine for next season!

Seriously, the way this is headed, Skins tickets will be easier to get than parking tickets in DC.

I repeat, Danny and Vinny are just totally over their heads right now.

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