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'you are what you eat' - Earthlings - a disturbing look at animal abuse


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The OP makes some good points. In general, Americans definitely would be healthier if we ate less meat, and the earth would benefit as well.

We also do have a moral responsibility to be as humane as possible in our animal husbandry practices, something that the meat industry does a terrible job with.

Still, I'm not going to subscribe to a moral imperative to be entirely meat free, much less vegan. It is not biologically natural.

Im not so sure whether we are biologically meat eaters or not, but I was wondering what you think about this video?

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I only have two weeks to live. But, I'll die a happy man. :laugh:

I assume what you're trying to say from what I understand, is that, you are not in the best of health but since you have freedom in choosing what makes you most satisfied (i.e meat) that brings some sense of happiness to your life? Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Im not so sure whether we are biologically meat eaters or not, but I was wondering what you think about this video?

More evidence that the Internet generally (and YouTube, specifically) is the source of ALL CORRECT KNOWLEDGE!

Frankly I'm disappointed that that wasn't some kind of horrific PETA propoganda movie...

But I understand your point, though I mock it. :)

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More evidence that the Internet generally (and YouTube, specifically) is the source of ALL CORRECT KNOWLEDGE!

Frankly I'm disappointed that that wasn't some kind of horrific PETA propoganda movie...

But I understand your point, though I mock it. :)

Im not following what you are trying to say?

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Im having trouble finding any credible research done on the dangers of Soy and Tofu. I believe anything in moderation, even alcohol and drugs, are not THAT dangerous. How can soy and tofu possibly be that bad? Can you please provide we with some evidence?

As I stated earlier I am not going to get into "Link Exchange" with people on this board. I also stated earlier I fed my younger daughter soy formula (because of health problems). I would favor myself as an "amateur" nutritionist in that I study/read about it a lot.

I never said meat is good for you. Even taking away the fact of the saturated fats in red meats, and taking away generic nutritional information, our meat supply is incredibly steroid laden and filled with unhealthy chemicals due to the feed we give them.

Our VEGETABLE supply is incredibly pesticide laden and poorly handled which carries all kinds of bacteria which is not good for the body.

Our soy bretheren seem to ignore issues with that as a dietary supplement. Even the FDA discusses issues with soy protein.

I understand what it means to be vegetarian. I never said being vegetarian = getting all protein from soy. I could care less if thats your diet of choice. However to imply soy is the perfect food is simply laughable. Do some of your own research. It has dietary ramifications.

But you don't have to believe me, heck I can't convince my sister in law why giving her kids diet soda is bad for them. Why would I expect you to listen to me on the negatives of soy?

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While I admit there can be more humane ways of dispatching the animal, they are bread for slaughter and consumption.

They are a food source. Personally, in the end I don't really care. As long as they end up as a juicy steak or burger in my hand and mouth, that's about it.

If we want to get into the spiritual aspect of this, meat is not really murder since to commit murder the thing would have to be human and posses a soul, to which an animal has neither.

1mur·der Pronunciation: \ˈmər-dər\ Function: noun Etymology: partly from Middle English murther, from Old English morthor; partly from Middle English murdre, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English morthor; akin to Old High German mord murder, Latin mort-, mors death, mori to die, mortuus dead, Greek brotos mortal Date: before 12th century 1: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

I mean if one wants to get into the crazy, we murder every day, since we itch our skin and our skin is a living tissue and by doing so, removes the skin cells which die.

If you want to go the veggie tales route, cool, but don't push your religion on those of us who want meat.

Why do you think animals do not have a soul and what is a soul ? I dont think we can ever prove it either way, but I am interested in hearing why you believe animals are less significant than humans?

-And- lets say you are right, animals are "soul-less", why should we destroy them when we dont need to eat them to SURVIVE?

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As I stated earlier I am not going to get into "Link Exchange" with people on this board. I also stated earlier I fed my younger daughter soy formula (because of health problems). I would favor myself as an "amateur" nutritionist in that I study/read about it a lot.

I never said meat is good for you. Even taking away the fact of the saturated fats in red meats, and taking away generic nutritional information, our meat supply is incredibly steroid laden and filled with unhealthy chemicals due to the feed we give them.

Our VEGETABLE supply is incredibly pesticide laden and poorly handled which carries all kinds of bacteria which is not good for the body.

Our soy bretheren seem to ignore issues with that as a dietary supplement. Even the FDA discusses issues with soy protein.

I understand what it means to be vegetarian. I never said being vegetarian = getting all protein from soy. I could care less if thats your diet of choice. However to imply soy is the perfect food is simply laughable. Do some of your own research. It has dietary ramifications.

But you don't have to believe me, heck I can't convince my sister in law why giving her kids diet soda is bad for them. Why would I expect you to listen to me on the negatives of soy?

Well, im still here...and I'd love to listen to your advice.

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Im not following what you are trying to say?


Here's the same thought articulated differently:

Some animated movie on the internet from a random, anonymous source is not going to prove anything to anyone (except to those that have already adopted the position set forth by the source)--

I found it kind of funny to link to a video like that as a means of trying to persuade people...

Furthermore--I would assume that a significant rebuttal to that video is that humans have incisors, which are more like meat eaters (and completely different from cows) -- thus showing that they have teeth features from both carnivores and herbivores, and are therefore omnivores.

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Look in your mouth. You have teeth made for eating meat. Your body needs the things that meat provides to keep it healthy. So really it comes down to either you going out and hunting down and carving up all your own food, or you pay somebody else to raise it and slaughter it for you. I'll happily pay for that service. Are they cruel to the animals? I don't know. Could be. Anytime you end an animal's life purely to consume them, I'd say that in and of itself is kind of cruel. It's the way of the world, however.

Exactly. I can't stand when people tell me that humans aren't made to eat meat. What the **** are the canines for then *****? Geez.

As far as the animal cruelty aspect of it, eh whatever. I've only got the capacity to care for so many issues. There just isn't any room for me to care about how cows die. I'm sorry.

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If you shoot animals properly they don't feel pain eliminating the torture factor.

You might be right about that, but unfortunately the process of slaughtering an animal isnt that easy. They feel a tremendous amount of pain up to their killing, because most animals, especially factory farm ones, are kept in small cramped spaces for most of their lives. They are fed crap, they get treated like crap, and lot of them suffer psychological damage. All these animals get branded (thats torture), they all get their tails or beaks cut off (torture), they all get whipped when not producing(torture), they are injected with tons of drugs (torture), they are seperated from their families (torture)..do i really have to keep on going? Most animals arent shot anymore nowadays because it is too expensive. They just slice their throats, and quite a few stay alive for a long time after that.

From the moment these animals are born, to their death, they are exploited. They did not choose to live that life, and who are we to put them through all that. That exploitation is enough torture for these poor creatures. Even if we had the a technique in which no pain was involved, I believe you are misinformed about the torture factor.

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There's no way i'm trusting a talking pig. He clearly has a conflict of interest when researching whether humans should eat him or not.

I didnt ask you to trust it. Im sure credibility is just as important as what is said. Although, they still raise interesting points, and I wanted to know peoples opinions were?

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I watched about the first 7 minutes of this video, until the narrator starting trying to compare animals to holocaust victims. I'm not an easy guy to offend, and I'm not even jewish, but I have to say that made me flip it off. I'm willing to cull my diet if given good cause, but if an individual with an agenda wants to get a rather neutral guy like me to listen to them, getting rid of **** like that might be a good start.

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I'd really be interested to know what state your health and energy are in? Would you be willing to share that with us?

Since I am a heavy red meat eater I'll share.

Not much to report...Healthy,horny,and have worked continuously for decades

Energy? Most people marvel at what I accomplish in a day

If you are looking for blood work ect, I am afraid I can't help you since I do not use doctors except for emergencies(stitches,appendix) and do not do physicals.

I am considered borderline obese,yet have hardly any body fat(lots of muscle mass from hard work)

I of course may drop dead tonight,but I will be well fed and satisfied with my choices in life.

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Obviously I would not want to see undue cruelty, but if it happens, it's more of a condemnation of the people who are being cruel than of meat eating in general. And that is their problem, not mine. I can't control it, and I am not willing to give up meat because of the inability of the low wage earning factory worker to act like a decent person.

It's amazing how quickly americans forget how the free market works when the meat topic is raised. You as a consumer are absolutely responsible for what you consume and what that consumption promotes. It's not a question of simply giving up meat or not - it is your choice to educate and your choice to promote change with your choices. The information is easy to reach just like the meat products from less cruel producers are easy to find.

It's as easy as not ordering veal or paying 50 cents more for ground beef at the grocery store.

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Im having trouble finding any credible research done on the dangers of Soy and Tofu. I believe anything in moderation, even alcohol and drugs, are not THAT dangerous. How can soy and tofu possibly be that bad? Can you please provide we with some evidence?

In moderation, it is probably fine, but like anything too much is a negative.


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They are fed crap, they get treated like crap, and lot of them suffer psychological damage. All these animals get branded (thats torture), they all get their tails or beaks cut off (torture), they all get whipped when not producing(torture), they are injected with tons of drugs (torture), they are seperated from their families (torture)..do i really have to keep on going?

Are you sure you aren't just talking about pledging DKE?

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It's amazing how quickly americans forget how the free market works when the meat topic is raised. You as a consumer are absolutely responsible for what you consume and what that consumption promotes.

I gotta agree with Destino here. The only way the producers will have an incentive to behave differently is if the consumers force them to. Throwing up your hands and saying, "It's not my problem--it's theirs" actually means "I don't care--it's not important enough for me to change my behavior."

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