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Who's dumber?Garrett for passing on Ravens job or Harbaugh for taking it?


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Unless your a know commodity like a Cowher,Shottenheimer or someone with a winning track record,I find it eye-popping that a nobody would pass on chance to really prove themselves to the world that they can coach or to fullfill a personal goal and dream!

On the otherhand,would you really want a job if you knew that you were just the secondary choice and backup plan?(That's like a girl decides to go out with you because the guy she had her eye on originally is no longer available!....But you go out with her anyways)...Never done that... :D

IMO...?Garrett is the fool for passing on it because a lot of things can change in one season!Sure...He probably is the next coach for Dallas,which even I'll admit would be a better situation than Baltimore... :doh:

But to leap from secondary coach to head coach (even if the Ravens) is more than a promotion!It's like you just get hired on at your new job as a peon and a year later, they ask you to be the General manager of the company!

I applaud Harbaugh for taking a risk and a load of responsibility,to try to prove he can turn the Ravens into winners!

Garrett on the otherhand,may find out that when given the opportunity to lead a team or an army may only come once in a lifetime!

But that's just my opinion...

(I think it would be actually funny,if he never gets a shot to coach again do to failure or stupidity)

So I have to vote Garrett as the bigger idiot!

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Like I've been saying Garrett isn't ready to be a HC. He knows it, why else would he pass on a HC job? Yeah he's getting 3 million, but he would've gotten the same 3 million in baltimore and would've been able to run the show. Trust me, Garrett may have been promised he'd be the next HC, but if he felt he was ready he would've taken the job. Remember he's a first year O-coordinator and was a QB coach the 2 years prior and that's it.

I was honestly suprised he was offered the Baltimore job, I can see Atlanta cause they can wait for Garrett to figure things out, but Baltimore needs to either win now or get rid of agging vets like Ogden, Lewis, Pryce and McCallister so they can hold onto the young guys they do have and position themselves to go after young FAs

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how was this a dumb move for garrett? He is the highest paid co-od ever, and he doesnt have the responsibilities of being a HC.

If you ask me, he's the luckiest coach in the league right now. He has had 1 good season as OC, with all kinds of firepower. He is cashing in big

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Garrett had a good deal not accepting the job because he got a huge lump of money for an assistant coaching job (which is a job with less responsibility than the HC, who's getting paid close to as much as he is).

On the other hand, Harbaugh also got a good deal because I felt he got offered a job that he somewhat might've been underqualified for (he's never head coached in any level), who has a proven GM, and at least have some decent (but underachieving) talent on D.

But, if you have to ask whose got the better deal, I would say Garrett. Harbaugh has a lot to do if he wants to fix that O.

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Anyone who passes up a head coaching 'gig' when offered to him is plain stupid.

I'm sure if any of you were offered to be boss of another company like yours, you'd decline because you weren't ready? :doh:

Jerruh must have promised him the moon.

Baltimore was a good situation...they needed an offensive guy...Garrett wouldn't have been burdened with a poor defense.

Bad career move...especially if the pukes' offense stinks next year.

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Anyone who passes up a head coaching 'gig' when offered to him is plain stupid.

I'm sure if any of you were offered to be boss of another company like yours, you'd decline because you weren't ready? :doh:

Jerruh must have promised him the moon.

Baltimore was a good situation...they needed an offensive guy...Garrett wouldn't have been burdened with a poor defense.

Bad career move...especially if the pukes' offense stinks next year.

Well, if I were offered the same amount of $$$ with less responsibility and less criticism then that is tough.

Let's not forget, Billick was the Coach of the Vikings when they set the then record for Points in a season with Moss, Carter, Smith. So it's a bit deeper then that.

I also don't see our offense "Stinking" this year. Drop Julius Jones throw in a speed back like Jonathan Stewart and a Rookie WR we could be even better then last season.

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Highest paid assistant coach to stay in your home team and your going to be the Coach of the team you played for?

Yeah, but the problem is, he would've most likely had a chance to win at least ONE playoff game within eleven years if decided to take the Ravens gig.

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how was this a dumb move for garrett? He is the highest paid co-od ever, and he doesnt have the responsibilities of being a HC.
There have been many in ATN over the past couple years who have been critical of the Redskins for paying GW and AS more than many HC's receive. Me thinks that will cease.:D
If you ask me, he's the luckiest coach in the league right now. He has had 1 good season as OC, with all kinds of firepower. He is cashing in big
I agree......However there is a flip side. There have been many flash in the pans (one hit wonders) over the years. A poor offensive performance next season and this may have been his only HC opportunity.
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Garrett isn't stupid. He's a young guy- only a coordinator for a season, and a coach for three, I believe. In having two interviews each with the Ravens and Falcons, including a publicized offer from the Ravens to be their head coach, Garrett backed Jerry Jones into a corner. Lose Garrett and Wade Phillips' replacement, or pay up and keep him.

Jones kept him. Garrett got a hefty pay raise, and is now the assistant head coach. Shoot, he's making more than his own head coach is, if I recall correctly.

Harbaugh, though, is an idiot, but so are the Ravens. He has no offensive or defensive coordinator experience, just a special teams coordinator. While there is no doubt that the special teams will be great for the Ravens, he would be better off working as a defensive coordinator first. He's very inexperienced, and they picked him over Marty Scottenheimer, who has had a very successful run as a head coach and can build a team.

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If his career goals are to be named a Head Coach without any real aspirations after the fact, he should have taken the job in Baltimore.

If he intends to be a successful coach for a number of years, with a career he can look back on and be proud of what he's accomplished, then he should wait until he is comfortable with all of the factors surrounding each opportunity.

I think the Ravens job is pretty appealing, but not if he thinks he could use a few more seasons as a coordinator.

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There have been many in ATN over the past couple years who have been critical of the Redskins for paying GW and AS more than many HC's receive. Me thinks that will cease.:D


Was it a dumb move on jerruhs part? hell yes. He over paid just as much as snyder did. But is it the fault of the co-od's that they are making too much money? hell no, blame the owners.

I agree......However there is a flip side. There have been many flash in the pans (one hit wonders) over the years. A poor offensive performance next season and this may have been his only HC opportunity.

Oh I totally agree. That's why I said right now. For the sake of our division, I hope he is a one hitr wonder :dallasuck

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I agree that both guys made the right decisions. You should take an opportunity when it becomes available and if someone is offering you big bucks to stay, then why not stay? Clearly Jason Garrett was promised the job if Philips doesn't do what he is supposed to do next year. Harbaugh was given a great opportunity. He could come out of nowhere and wow the NFL next year. Look at Mike McCarthy. Everyone thought he was going to be in a losing situation with Favre and a young team. Two years later, he is in the NFC championship and playing it at home.

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