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Wild rumour : Skins to the UK 2008?


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Okay. This is a RUMOUR from of all places the cowboys message boards (sorry no link)with a little speculation thrown in given the comments of the VP for NFL Europe who brought the NFL to London in 2007. He has said there will be an anouncement this week (next 7-10 days) as to weather there will be another out of US regular season game and given the comparitive sucsess of the Dolphins/Giants game it looks like there will be.

Now he said the games on offer in 8 of the 12 match ups it comprised of at least 1 playoff team from this year AND I am not sure but I think he said they were in action this week, which would rule out a couple of possibilities. Now the teams in question have not been anounced and it might not happen but it if a game is comming over the pond again it is most likley going to be an eastern division team and it is probably not going to be NY or the Dolphins as they have already been .

The rumour is the Skins, having the largest fan base of any NFL team in the UK and that Dan Snyder was impressed with the London opperation when he was invited over for a visit with other owners ( notably not all owners were brought accross mostly other east coast or eastern division teams like the Crafts, Lauries Snyder and Jerry Jones) prior to the last London game, will be one of the teams.

The only question is who will be the other team as looking at our opponents ouside the division there is no one on the east coast from the AFC so it may be an NFC clash or more likey will be a Skins home game that will be moved.

I am guessing most people will hate this with good reason but as a UK skins fan I rather selfishly would like to see it...

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I miss NFL Europe for more reasons than I ever imagined now. I know we have a pretty big fan base across the pond but if we go, we better be considered the road team. It ought to be a road game for both in fairness to the fans.

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Peter King a while back complained about the state of the field at Wembley. Some fail to realize thats how they do fields over there, extremely wet down and they use soft ground studs.

I am totally cool with it if we get a long week after the game and/or it is an away game for us and we don't lose a home game. Even still, if we do lose a home game but get a long week after or a bye week i'm totally cool with it.

I'm not so greedy to want every skins game for me to go to. You guys over across the pond have been loyal fans and it'd be sweet for you guys to get to rep the skins over there.

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If I'd knock out a home game for us, you can't like this as a fan. I don't care where you're from, if you want us to win, you want us to have every advantage presented to us. Home games are an advantage.

We have the most fans of any team in the UK. Hopefully it'd be like a home game for us.

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When the Dolphins came over it was verymuch like a home game for them . It was presented as such and I would say 90% of the mostly partisan attendance was cheering for the fins ....the Giants i think thought it would be alot more neutral and even commentated on the fact .

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We have the most fans of any team in the UK. Hopefully it'd be like a home game for us.

"Like" a home game is not a home game, point blank. It goes farther than that. The feel of the turf, light emplacements, the locker room, the fans that show up every week, the comfort level knowing what kind of atmosphere to expect. The UK fans may go nuts, they may not! In any event, our players will have to adapt to their surroundings, a lot like an away game.

Even if Redskin fans fill the stands, it will be new territory for our players.

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well business is busines and the NFL will screw whomever they think will make the biggest marketing impact.

This is more than rumour........the UK has live NFL coverage throughout the season and on last nights programme (SKY Sports) they interviewed a guy (name escapes me right now) originally involved with NFL Europe who at least confirmed that the list of probables includes all of the play-off teams from this season. So, not exactly 'its the Redskins' but they are certainly in the hat.

Wembley - the turf isnt designed really for NFL, Rugby etc as such but it has to be considered that it was a pretty new turf that over the days in the run up to the Giants-'fins was deluged with heavy rain.

they should hold it at Murrayfield, Edinburgh, Scotland: a rugby stadium with a field to suit, holds 70,000 and would sell-out in the blink of an eye. Of course marketing (see screwing fans above) means that it will be London, London, London :rolleyes:

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The pitch at Wembly was apparently suited to nothing as the soccer game that was held there also came with its compliants. I had heard the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff was in the hat for consideration the problem is more than likey any stadium will sell out in a blink of the eye... Wembley had 500,000 requests for 80,000 tickets (12,000 were held for US markets).

I do understand what people say it may be like a home game but not the same as a home game but it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for the players to play in such a venue . I know the NFL tried to be as accomodating as it could be for the teams involved making sure each had a bye after the London game .

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No doubt that there are a lot of Skins fans in the UK. But as a season ticket holder, I don't want to loose a game. We have the largest stadium in the league, so we'd be talking about a huge disadvantage for the Skins next season if we loose a home game. I have an idea...why don't they forget the idea of having an eastern team play the Skins and move the Washington vs. Seattle game (scheduled for Quest Field) to London...

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No doubt that there are a lot of Skins fans in the UK. But as a season ticket holder, I don't want to loose a game. We have the largest stadium in the league, so we'd be talking about a huge disadvantage for the Skins next season if we loose a home game. I have an idea...why don't they forget the idea of having an eastern team play the Skins and move the Washington vs. Seattle game (scheduled for Quest Field) to London...

I think that would be a great idea and then they may be able to take the time to figure out how to spell Quest ...Qwest :doh: and it will repay them for being so far away from everyone else...

I actually think the sticking block would be the loss of a Skins home game for Dan Snyder although it is technically the NFC teams turn ....

Any annoucement will not be untill probably the confrence championship game with reservation details on NFLUK... I would guess

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For us UK fans it would be sweet; but I fully understand the reluctance from our US cousins, after all it is gonna be someones home game.

I'm planning a trip to DC later this year and a game at Fed Ex is on the cards (keeping plans on hold until the Schedule for 08 comes out), although knowing my luck the Skins will be in bloody Wembley the same week I'm in DC! :doh: ;)

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What a joke. The NFL is now a Road Show like some schmaltzy carnival....

Loosing a home game is huge. Keep the games in the US or North America plus loosing 2-3 days b/c of travel is way too much.

They want to play games all over the globe at some point, Tokyo, Brazil, Hong Kong, Russia.... nothing like screwing up a whole season to make a little cash.

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What a joke. The NFL is now a Road Show like some schmaltzy carnival....

Loosing a home game is huge. Keep the games in the US or North America plus loosing 2-3 days b/c of travel is way too much.

They want to play games all over the globe at some point, Tokyo, Brazil, Hong Kong, Russia.... nothing like screwing up a whole season to make a little cash.

I totally agree. No offense to people from other countries in that I know that the Redskins are popular, but this is an American thing. Why in the world should AMERICAN NFL fans have to suffer by loosing a home game on their schedule so that the league can market itself overseas. In my case I might actually be able to go since I'm of Italian extraction and my parents have a house in Italy (where I could go for the week and then head over to London), but that's beside the point. I'm not trying to sound like a racist or like I hate other countries, but it just doesn't make sense.

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It would be great for us UK based fans and it goes without saying I would be there. I went to Dolphins/Giants game.

That said I don't want us to loose a home game for the competitive advantage and I can totaly understand season ticket holders getting bent out of shape if they loose one of the games they have already paid to see.

Lets wait and see what happens before we all start getting excited/pissed off as appropriate.

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If it's true that they want it to be 2 "eastern" teams than the games that could possibly go are as follows:

Home games- vs Pittsburgh, vs Cleveland, New Orleans, St Louis

Away games- Baltimore, Cincinnati

There's no way they'll move a division game over there.

So the odds are 2 to one that we'll lose a home game over this.

The plus side will be a mid season bye. I hate the week 3 or 4 bye week.....

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i say we give up a "home" preseason game.......This team went thru enough this year......We shouldnt have to deal with the stress of goin over seas next season.....Let the Eagles play there.........Hell with all the hooligans in england if they let them into the game it will be just like home for the eagles.

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