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What team are you pulling for in the playoffs? (merged M.E.T.)


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Well my AFC choice should be obvious :). After watching last nights game, I'm not nearly as concerned over JAX as I was. I was really hoping the Steelers could pull it off, as the Pats v Steelers are always great games. I think the big AFC game will once again be the Colts and Pats. I believe Bolts will self destruct again somewhere along the way.

As for NFC, I got caught up in the hype (don't mean that word in a negative way at all) surrounding the Skins. I was really hoping they could keep up the intensity and go deep, if not all the way to the big show. Everything considered, what they accomplished this year is nothing short of amazing.

So now that they're out, bring on the Pack. I'd love another shot at them (and don't really like Dallas at all, though it's nothing like what you guys feel towards them :D ).

Probably the wrong place to post this, but honestly, this is the coolest fan site of all the ones I've visited. The passion of the average Skins fan is very evident.

Good luck in 08 :cheers:

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Green Bay in the NFC and Jacksonville in the AFC.

Yea I think id go with this matchup as well. I kinda would like to see Peyton beat Brady in the AFC championship though just to shutup everyone who says Brady is better, which i think is incorrect. Regardless, the Pack out of the NFC would be great

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all teams have some classless fans. my friend is a bears fan and he went to the game at fedex wearing his bears jersey and got called every name in the book. this didn't stop him from cheering on the skins in their run to the playoffs.

Well then how about this........Was there really a need to return the last interception all the way for a touchdown when all of our timeouts were spent. IMHO the team that is disrespectful does not get my vote period.

Will you cheer them on now?

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As soon as the Skins are out of it, I lose significant interest. But, if I had to choose, I wouldn't choose any of the remaining NFC teams since they each all had a victory against the Redskins this year. I wouldn't cheer for the Pats because of the same reason, plus I rarely root for the favorite.

If I had to choose from who's left, I'd go with the Colts. I like a lot of their players, and I really like Coach Dungy, since Coach Dungy has a lot of the good qualities that reminds me of Coach Gibbs.

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No picks for the team that you lost to today? Please don't take this as an insult but if my team loses, I want to see the team that beat me go as far as possible in the playoffs. Then you can at least say something like, "Well, we lost to the NFC champs or we lost to the Super Bowl champs". It makes the loss sting less.

Now is not the time.

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Well then how about this........Was there really a need to return the last interception all the way for a touchdown when all of our timeouts were spent. IMHO the team that is disrespectful does not get my vote period.

Will you cheer them on now?

of course he should have run it back. this game is about scoring points.

i won't cheer for the seahawks because i don't like the team. i don't hate them, but i have no reason to root for them. i admire the packers and favrah, so i'll root for them.

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