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What team are you pulling for in the playoffs? (merged M.E.T.)


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San Diego, because LT helped me win my fantasy league :)

Also, whoevers playing the Pats, Boys, and Giants.

Yeah, I'd like to see either San Diego or Jacksonville come out of the AFC. Hate the Patriots and I don't really like Manning either.

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Green Bay and Favre ... hands down. I really, really want him to win it and go out on top.

And I really, really want the NFC to beat the AFC. I'm tired of hearing "experts" say that any one of the AFC teams can beat whoever the NFC ends up sending to the Super Bowl. It's time the NFC gets the big one again.

Well, unless that ends up being Dallas ... or the Seahawks. :D

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Man, no love for the Colts at all :mad: .



I can't stand poster boy Manning. If he wins another ring we'll be subjected to twice as many commercials.

Seeing his smashed faced ugly mug every single game :puke:

Although I won't deny that some of those Priceless Pep Talks are klnd of funny.

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It's sad to see that our rival with the Cowboys is dimishing because of these new fans.

I remember when I was 10 everything was, Dallas Sucks, We love the Redskins and whose ever playing Dallas, NOBODY cheered for Dallas.

And now people are talking about cheering for them in the playoff's, PATHETIC.

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It's sad to see that our rival with the Cowboys is dimishing because of these new fans.

I remember when I was 10 everything was, Dallas Sucks, We love the Redskins and whose ever playing Dallas, NOBODY cheered for Dallas.

And now people are talking about cheering for them in the playoff's, PATHETIC.

AMEN to that!!!! :cheers:

Have hated them since the early 70's ... and always will.

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Chargers and Green Bay.

But, for all practical purposes, football is over. Doesn't matter at ALL now. It's Hockey season!:D

I like to see the Patriots take it all. It would be a shame to go 16-0 and not win the Super Bowl. {wouldn't be saying that if 'skins were playing} Thank God for hockey and NASCAR until August.:2cents:

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