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Electric Football


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Man, I found a Miggle Electric football game for my nephew for Christmas and it was a blast from the past! Anyone ever have this game? Vibrating football field where the little plastic players move across the board when you hit the switch?

My nephew loved it! Surprising to see a kid today enjoy that game when you have video games and what not to compete with.

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Those were all right ... but the REAL deal was

I was the neighborhood shiznit when I got that for X-mas in '72. :cool:

Damn, that is pretty cool :)

We used to have full seasons in our neighborhood. We had a 20- sided dice system for passing plays and each team was allowed the use of up to 7 pennies to weight certain players down. You can slide them inbetween the base and the player, makes offensive linemen better blockers and what not.

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Oh, okay then what about passing plays? You know what, just explain the whole damn thing to me ;).

When you decide you want to throw a pass, you turn off the electric field. Then you place a tiny foam football in the quarterbacks arm, which you lean back, and it springs forward to throw the pass. If it just touches a receiver, it's a completed pass. Then you turn back on the electric field and let him run until he's touched, goes out of bounds, or scores.

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When you decide you want to throw a pass, you turn off the electric field. Then you place a tiny foam football in the quarterbacks arm, which you lean back, and it springs forward to throw the pass. If it just touches a receiver, it's a completed pass. Then you turn back on the electric field and let him run until he's touched, goes out of bounds, or scores.

We ditched that and went with a dice system. 20 sided dice.

When you wanted to throw it you'd roll it and if it was 1-14 was caught, 15-18 was incomplete. 19 was intercepted and 20 was tipped... roll again.

Much better than the spring loaded QB arm.

On hand off plays, you just had to say it was a hand off before the RB crossed the line of scrimmage.

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We ditched that and went with a dice system. 20 sided dice.

When you wanted to throw it you'd roll it and if it was 1-14 was caught, 15-18 was incomplete. 19 was intercepted and 20 was tipped... roll again.

Much better than the spring loaded QB arm.

Rolling the dice ?

Then it's no longer Electric Football, it's more like Yahtzee :laugh:

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We ditched that and went with a dice system. 20 sided dice.

When you wanted to throw it you'd roll it and if it was 1-14 was caught, 15-18 was incomplete. 19 was intercepted and 20 was tipped... roll again.

Much better than the spring loaded QB arm.

On hand off plays, you just had to say it was a hand off before the RB crossed the line of scrimmage.

That's pretty much exactly what we did only we used one dice. 1-3 was caught, 4-5 was incomplete and 6 was an interception to the closest guy to the intended receiver.

We also put a small magnet under the quarterback so that he would stand back in the pocket. If he decided to scramble, you just removed the magnet and let him go.

My brother and I spent hours playing that game. I sent away for more teams also and had 6 or 8 before it was all over with. I think I still have it and I may have to dig it out. :point2sky

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A friend of mine had one of those...I remember going over to his house and playing that for hours. The QB held a little football made of felt material and you would pull back on his arm and fling that thing down the field...lol

or if you weren't careful, or weren't good at it, the football would fly way off the field, somewhere in your bedroom or underyou bed, and you'd never find it. Those things were so easy to lose. :laugh:

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Ah, electric football. :laugh:

Sometimes the arms of two of the players would hook and they would just spin in circles, so it looked like they were square dancing.

Some of the players would spin in circles by themselves, if you didn't adjust their setting perfectly right. I called them handicapped players :laugh:

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I always found that game too slow and boring. The players never went the right way. Even though it's a good blast from the past, I thought the game sucked.

To be honest with you, the game did suck. But thats all we had. Then they came out with electric baseball. Homerun is when the ball stuck on the fence.

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