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Official Mike Sellers Appreciation Thread!....nfl Should Ban The Wedge!


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After seeing the way Big Mike fell to the ground last night, my thoughts went straight to Kevin Everett especially the way he laid there motionless. Not only was I relieved to see him (after the commercial break) walk off but jog off the field. I think the NFL should ban the Wedge. Thoughts???

Ban the wedge??? Next they can ban the offensive line as well or at least Blitzing? I can understand your concern but not the suggestion to ban the wedge.

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When NBC cut to commercial they said they were bringing out the cart. My dad responded to that; "Sellars don't need the cart, he's moving his legs."

And when we come back not only did he not need the cart he jogged off the field. Damn that guy's tough.

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Banning the wedge would be ridiculous. All the wedge is is three or four guys close together blocking for the guy behind them. Would you start throwing flags because guys are blocking too close to one another? Thats just ridiculous. Sellers is a wedge buster and does that quite well but this time he just ran into some really big guys. This is a physical game and if you keep taking away the things that make it physical, games will be shown on the golf channel. These guys get paid a ridiculous amount of money for the risks they take. Yes its sad any time someone gets hurt but thats the risk they take. The game would not be as exciting without it!

And yes Mike Sellers is the biggest beast in the NFL and I get excited every time I see him in on a play. He can hurt you just by looking at you the wrong way!

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I thought he was moving his leg and arm while on the ground.

People saying he was motionless.......I didnt see him as motionless.

I am not by any means triviolizing his injury.......but I didnt see him as motionless.

He was crumpled at first, totally still. If you notice when the trainer came out he had to straighten his legs, but shortly after they started checking on him he started moving.

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After seeing the way Big Mike fell to the ground last night, my thoughts went straight to Kevin Everett especially the way he laid there motionless. Not only was I relieved to see him (after the commercial break) walk off but jog off the field. I think the NFL should ban the Wedge. Thoughts???
This had nothing to do with the (capital W) Wedge.

It had to do with a 285 pound bull charging at full speed screaming "PALOFFS IS NOW!!" and then crashing head-first into two equally-sized bulls charging the opposite direction. If you ban the wedge, you ban kickoffs, it's that simple.

On a side note, who else caught him blatantly interrupting the post-game Stephon Heyer interview on Comcast Sportsnet? That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!

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