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Would you vote for Will Smith as President?


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You better, he stopped the aliens on the 4th and the robots years later. This is the least you can do to repay him.


HOLLYWOOD superstar Will Smith has revealed he has his eye on the greatest role of his life to become President of the United States.

And the 39-year-old Men In Black star regarded as one of the most powerful men in Hollywood said his priorities in office would be to reform American healthcare and tackle homelessness.

"I'm going to be President of the United States," Smith told the Mail On Sunday .

"I always wanted to be the first black president, but Barack Obama (a black presidential hopeful) stole my idea. That's OK with me. Barack can go first and then I'll take my turn."

The actor, a Democrat, revealed he had already decided which social issues he would address.

"Once I'm in, I'll start changing a few things that urgently need changing," Smith said.

"The basis of human sanity is physical survival, right? So I'd start with universal healthcare and shelter. I can't see that happening under Bush. Too many bad things have happened under his presidency.

"I don't believe he is an evil man, I just think he has an unevolved perspective. It's a good thing he's served his time. Now it's time for Barack Obama."

Smith is a big supporter of Obama's bid for the Democrat nomination for the 2008 election.

He's reportedly contributed to Obama's campaign and made a video with other Hollywood stars in support. The actor has also expressed a desire to play the Illinois senator in a film of his life.

Smith has three children: Trey, from his first marriage to Sheree Zampino, and two more from his 1997 marriage to actor Jada Pinkett.

The couple's eldest, Jaden, 9, co-starred with him in The Pursuit Of Happyness , in which Smith was nominated for a best actor Oscar.

He was also nominated for 2001 film Ali and has sold millions of records as a rap and hip-hop artist.


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What honestly makes celebrities think they know any more about politics than anyone else.

I know one thing, my wife would vote for him. She's in love with him. :doh:

What makes everyone else think they are smarter than all celebs? Some are morons to be certain but then again most people in any group are average or below. I respect Will Smith because despite what was popular he didn't make negative music and strives to be a positive role model.

Good smart people is what we need more of in government. Let them surround themselves with experts. Does Bush strike anyone as smarter then Will Smith? We don't need more Richard Nixon's that may be great at playing the game of politics (read: lying) but are evil SoB's in reality. I'm sick of hearing all this crap about qualifications. Career politicians aren't qualified to do anything other then BS the american people.

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What makes everyone else think they are smarter than all celebs? Some are morons to be certain but then again most people in any group are average or below. I respect Will Smith because despite what was popular he didn't make negative music and strives to be a positive role model.

Good smart people is what we need more of in government. Let them surround themselves with experts. Does Bush strike anyone as smarter then Will Smith? We don't need more Richard Nixon's that may be great at playing the game of politics (read: lying) but are evil SoB's in reality. I'm sick of hearing all this crap about qualifications. Career politicians aren't qualified to do anything other then BS the american people.

I didn't really want to make any assumptions regarding this particular instance, but Smith's announcement is really tainted by all of the actual morons that have come out before him i.e. the Dixie Chicks, Hanoi Jane, and the innumerable others. This is the case for me anyways.

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I didn't really want to make any assumptions regarding this particular instance, but Smith's announcement is really tainted by all of the actual morons that have come out before him i.e. the Dixie Chicks, Hanoi Jane, and the innumerable others. This is the case for me anyways.

Announcement? He just said he would like to be president one day.

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I didn't really want to make any assumptions regarding this particular instance, but Smith's announcement is really tainted by all of the actual morons that have come out before him i.e. the Dixie Chicks, Hanoi Jane, and the innumerable others. This is the case for me anyways.

The only reason they seem so stupid is because they press gives them more play... the ones that say wild crap twice as much. Not everyone famous is a moron. Look at Arnold the guy wasn't taken seriously by almost anyone (especially after his role as Mr. Freeze) but he's done a good job.

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I didn't really want to make any assumptions regarding this particular instance, but Smith's announcement is really tainted by all of the actual morons that have come out before him i.e. the Dixie Chicks, Hanoi Jane, and the innumerable others. This is the case for me anyways.

What about Ronald Reagan?

Most celebs just pop off at the mouth because they crave attention. Will Smith is actually a very smart guy.

In any group, you are going to have smart people and dumbasses. But look at the people that we currently have as our politicians. What are they good at? Do you seriously look at Mike Huckabee and think, "man, i bet that guy is freaking SMART." No, you look at him and think "what a ****ing tool."


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I wish celebrities would shut their big collective mouths and stop believing they know anything about politics.

Normally I would agree with you, but I do not place Will Smith into that category at all. He's a smart guy and comes from a good family of caring equally smart parents. He's an impressive guy and were he to start out small, perhaps running for mayor etc... and work his way up while honing his skills - I would absolutely consider voting for the guy.

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