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B-Mitch @ eagles game (UPDATED W/ PIC)


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you guys are all ignorant and stupid for taking such things so personal... let it go man... let it go.

Because our opinion is different than yours DOES NOT make us ignorant nor stupid.

I do NOT appreciate your name calling nor do I appreciate you posting such.

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you guys are all ignorant and stupid for taking such things so personal... let it go man... let it go.

Let me get this straight slinky. You call people names because they are the ones taking things personal. Take some time to think about that and how you managed to break the rules with that post.

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Because our opinion is different than yours DOES NOT make us ignorant nor stupid.

I do NOT appreciate your name calling nor do I appreciate you posting such.

am i not doing to everyone here what everyone here is doing to B-Mitch?

I am not B-Mitch Apologist, but all everyone here does is call him names and not allow him to have his opinion even if it bothers you.

i'll replace the "ignorant" word with things like "over sensitive", "ridiculous", "lame", "horrible"...

but, ya'll just need to let it go and stop letting things like this bother you.

BMitch is a good man and great to talk to.


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am i not doing to everyone here what everyone here is doing to B-Mitch?

I am not B-Mitch Apologist, but all everyone here does is call him names and not allow him to have his opinion even if it bothers you.

i'll replace the "ignorant" word with things like "over sensitive", "ridiculous", "lame", "horrible"...

but, ya'll just need to let it go and stop letting things like this bother you.

BMitch is a good man and great to talk to.


When ****ell starts posting on this board and I, among the others who despise the man, start to insult him.. you would have a point.

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am i not doing to everyone here what everyone here is doing to B-Mitch?

I am not B-Mitch Apologist, but all everyone here does is call him names and not allow him to have his opinion even if it bothers you.

i'll replace the "ignorant" word with things like "over sensitive", "ridiculous", "lame", "horrible"...

but, ya'll just need to let it go and stop letting things like this bother you.

BMitch is a good man and great to talk to.


I don't necessarily think it's a big deal, but if your allegiance is split, then well... your allegiance is split. It's pretty simple.

No difference from a fan who is a fan of both the Eagles and Skins. They aren't as much of a fan as someone who sticks with one team.

BMitch retired as a Skin, it would be better if he was only pro-Skins, rather than pro-Skins and pro-other teams.

By the way, I don't blame him or hate him or anything like that, but I'm saying, it should be pretty obvious that it can easily be less gratifying to fans of BOTH teams. Particularly because these are division rivals.

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am i not doing to everyone here what everyone here is doing to B-Mitch?

I am not B-Mitch Apologist, but all everyone here does is call him names and not allow him to have his opinion even if it bothers you.

i'll replace the "ignorant" word with things like "over sensitive", "ridiculous", "lame", "horrible"...

but, ya'll just need to let it go and stop letting things like this bother you.

BMitch is a good man and great to talk to.


Once again, telling us what WE need to do........just because you say it.

I have not called him names. I just said he should have dressed neutrally.

I don't believe my thoughts are "lame or horrible."

I am finding your defense of him AND telling me I am am overly sensative to be quite eye opening however. I have now seen YOU in a different light.

People can disagree......which is important to learning......without being rude.

You have not found that place yet. You have been quite rude.

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Whatever, B-Mitch puts on a charity flag football game every year with Eagle alumni vs Redskins alumni. I think he plays on both sides. Obviously he has a lot of respect for both organzations. Let it go.

you're right! the children are out in full force today!!!

they make it sound like wearing gang colors!

of all the things in the world to grow testy about!

bahahahahahahaha..... :laugh:

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you're right! the children are out in full force today!!!

they make it sound like wearing gang colors!

of all the things in the world to grow testy about!

bahahahahahahaha..... :laugh:

Again, having an opnion is expected but, belittling someone for having a different opinion is not.

I promise you that you are no better than any one here, Al. So, how about stop acting like it?

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Again, having an opnion is expected but, belittling someone for having a different opinion is not.

I promise you that you are no better than any one here, Al. So, how about stop acting like it?

PG...Brother...friend...fellow ES poster.......you have no idea what my state of mind or intentions are. no grudges or preconceived ill will toward you or any others. I am not probing at any one of you...I find the notion behind the post a bit of a...sssstttttrrrreeeeetttttcccccchhhhhhhh..... :(

quite literally...I am laughing at the whole thread. it seems just a tad inconsistent to me to be asking for respect as a principled way of iteracting and then flipping the coin and ripping someone for wearing a dang jacket! cmon now....how silly can this be!!!!

there are times I agree with BMitch and other times I disagree. either way wearing a jacket somehow doesn't light me off. he's a commentator making a living for crying out loud! people are wiggin out over this! I'm sorry...but it's funny!!!

addendum: I can hypothesize very easily several lines of reasoning for his actions:

1) He's in Philly...why provoke the fans? show them some respect and let them know you appreciated their support while there.

2) He, most likely, respects the Philly organization.....they have been successful and lengthened his career...why disrespect them?

3) He enjoyed his time there...nothing wrong with a little symbolism to demonstrate that.

Now...were BMitch to show at a Skins' home game wearing Iggles colors that's a different matter altogether and would be disrespecting the fans and organization.

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PG...Brother...friend...fellow ES poster.......you have no idea what my state of mind or intentions are. no grudges or preconceived ill will toward you or any others. I am not probing at any one of you...I find the notion behind the post a bit of a...sssstttttrrrreeeeetttttcccccchhhhhhhh..... :(

quite literally...I am laughing at the whole thread. it seems just a tad inconsistent to me to be asking for respect as a principled way of iteracting and then flipping the coin and ripping someone for wearing a dang jacket! cmon now....how silly can this be!!!!

there are times I agree with BMitch and other times I disagree. either way wearing a jacket somehow doesn't light me off. he's a commentator making a living for crying out loud! people are wiggin out over this! I'm sorry...but it's funny!!!

So, why couldn't you post this before-hand? Why call us children?

I respect your opinion. This post should have been replaced by your holier than thou post a couple posts up.

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PG...Brother...friend...fellow ES poster.......you have no idea what my state of mind or intentions are. no grudges or preconceived ill will toward you or any others. I am not probing at any one of you...I find the notion behind the post a bit of a...sssstttttrrrreeeeetttttcccccchhhhhhhh..... :(

quite literally...I am laughing at the whole thread. it seems just a tad inconsistent to me to be asking for respect as a principled way of iteracting and then flipping the coin and ripping someone for wearing a dang jacket! cmon now....how silly can this be!!!!

there are times I agree with BMitch and other times I disagree. either way wearing a jacket somehow doesn't light me off. he's a commentator making a living for crying out loud! people are wiggin out over this! I'm sorry...but it's funny!!!

I think the issue some peolple, or atleast myself, are pissed is that it seems like Bmitch is being two-faced here.

He does TV and radio around the DC area, making a living. But then goes and also does radio in Philly, making a living from that area too.

I guess you could see nothing wrong with that. And he has every right to do that. But it just seems wrong to be taking his word on the Skins every day on the radio, knowing that he'll later probably be bashing the Skins on Philly radio. It just seems sketchy.

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Y'know, I came in here in response to a complaint. And my suggestion would be for everyone to just chill and relax now. It ain't that serious a deal now that PCS settled down the tone of the rude post. Let's move back on to the topic of B Mitch and not your fellow poster.

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So, why couldn't you post this before-hand? Why call us children?

I respect your opinion. This post should have been replaced by your holier than thou post a couple posts up.

PG...if you're going to police the tone of posts..then be even handed about it. perhaps folks like me were mildly irritated with the evident nastiness behind some of the other posts and decided to poke at it....sauce for the goose and all that.....

while I disagree with Blondie...she at least was sensible enough to make her point - dress neutral - and move on. that was not the real intent behind some other posts.

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I think the issue some peolple, or atleast myself, are pissed is that it seems like Bmitch is being two-faced here.

He does TV and radio around the DC area, making a living. But then goes and also does radio in Philly, making a living from that area too.

I guess you could see nothing wrong with that. And he has every right to do that. But it just seems wrong to be taking his word on the Skins every day on the radio, knowing that he'll later probably be bashing the Skins on Philly radio. It just seems sketchy.

precisely! he's making a living! and I don't begrudge him that.

as for being two faced.......please........two faced is showing up, stating you love the Skins and then bashing them someplace else. he doesn't do that. he's pretty critical across the board from I have seen. fact of the matter is Philly has been more successful as an organization...there is simply more there to praise. I can see that. when the Skins complete their turn-around and return to top tier status they too will regularly earn kudos. it's that simple. RESPECT IS EARNED.

our time will come. until then...I...for one...will hold my piece as A Skins fan and wait until all the pieces are in place....then...just like the Pats fans who visited us a while back...I'll be expecting respect...not asking for it.

anywho.....the BMitch bashing gets old too. let's give it a rest and see how he reacts once this team is on a roll and winning meaningful games. I can't blame him for being critical of the Skins at present - there's a lot (going back many years) to be critical about.

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PG...if you're going to police the tone of posts..then be even handed about it. perhaps folks like me were mildly irritated with the evident nastiness behind some of the other posts and decided to poke at it....sauce for the goose and all that.....

while I disagree with Blondie...she at least was sensible enough to make her point - dress neutral - and move on. that was not the real intent behind some other posts.

I will end it with this...

My point was that you should post your opinion and have that be that. Why poke fun with insults? Was it your intention? Who knows. But, it is what is appeared to be.

You got called on your sneaky insult and apparently don't like it. That is fine. You will be post a little more with caution now, I am sure.

/close curtain on the rude comments.

As for ****ell.. he is just not happy to be here in DC and it is apparent. What burns me is that he continues to get paid despite being one negative and ignorant dude. I just never liked the dude.

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

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look...we just got through a tough two weeks educating the rest of the NFL and the mediots about the eternal truth behind: "nothing is ever what it appears to be on the surface".....and we want to march off and rip a guy for wearing an Iggle's jacket in their house...without even knowing why?

cmon now......

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****ell continues to act out of spite. He is still pissed how the Skins dumped him. He likes the Iggles because they were the team who picked him up when he was down.

If it isn't evident by his actions week in and week out and his attitude regarding the Skins organization then I don't know what is.

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I can't believe there are Redskins fans defending this, its one thing to be there, a whole nother thing to wear the jacket.

I used to love B Mitch as a Skin and never hated the guy after he left, even when he came back and trashed the Skins, it didn't bother me. Hell, a lot of what he was saying was right. But the fact that he comes back to retire a Skin and then goes and reps Philly is treason.

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