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B-Mitch @ eagles game (UPDATED W/ PIC)


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look...we just got through a tough two weeks educating the rest of the NFL and the mediots about the eternal truth behind: "nothing is ever what it appears to be on the surface".....and we want to march off and rip a guy for wearing an Iggle's jacket in their house...without even knowing why?

cmon now......

a true redskin who retired as a redskin would never do that. it's one thing to be there. it's a whole different story to wear their jacket. i said before i always defended him, but he showed his true colors today. literally!

i doubt you would ever see #81 doing that.

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a true redskin who retired as a redskin would never do that. it's one thing to be there. it's a whole different story to wear their jacket. i said before i always defended him, but he showed his true colors today. literally!

i doubt you would ever see #81 doing that.

Especially when ****ell signed the contract to retire as a redskin. Get ****ell out of DC and send him back to Philly. :eaglesuck

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You can blame Mr. Snyder for his mix emotions about his two teams. He can forgive but he should never forget. Come on man, Snyder let his ass go for "Neon Deion". He went on to murder us for like 3 straight years and he was reborn in Philly. If I were him I would show love to both organizations too. Philly loves him, and so should we.

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I'll pull for anyone wearing our uniform, but I didn't like the guy when he was here....No class: Way too much trash talk. I prefer the Riggins/Monk/Green/Mann/Cooley approach to the game.

All of that having been said, it's not like he burned a Redskin flag during the ceremony. He just wore Philadelphia gear, even though he retired here. Class move? Probably not. Consistent with the way he generally carries himself? Absolutely. Afraid of the crowd booing him, or--even worse--not caring that he was there? Probably.

Whatever....I don't even listen to Coach's show much anymore because life's too short to let this guy p**** me off. Thanks for the memories--Let's leave it at that.

Be happy, people. We beat the Bears and we're rolling into New York with an extra couple of days of rest. Go Skins.

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You can blame Mr. Snyder for his mix emotions about his two teams. He can forgive but he should never forget. Come on man, Snyder let his ass go for "Neon Deion". He went on to murder us for like 3 straight years and he was reborn in Philly. If I were him I would show love to both organizations too. Philly loves him, and so should we.

ya think?

don't forget..nevertheless..that we live in a janet jackson world.....

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I just lost all respect for B Mitch. He can't double dip like that. Either you're with us or you're with them. If he's with them then don't walk around FedEx on game day wearing the B&G.

That's like me going to a Ravens game with a buddy and wearing a Raven's jersey.

This speaks volumes about the B Mitch's Character. What a POS.

:eaglesuck and B Mitch, you suck too.

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Look, if Mitchell ever felt he would never make the NFL HOF, he would have retired an Eagle. That is where his heart is. You don't go on a Philly radio show and hope that CP has a lousy year (just to make yourself vindicated) IF your allegiance leans more towards the Skins. Not saying he's a fan of any team, just who he leans more to. He retired a Redskin only because it was with us that he holds his records and any championships. Going in (as he seems to think) as an Eagle would make him look like a fish out of water. But IF that ever happens (which I doubt in my lifetime), we can sorta look at it on the bright side... another Redskin (in uniform only) enters the HOF. Not sure if many Skins fans would show up though. And BTW, I'm sure he's a nice person to meet and I would never say anything negative to him if I ever met him.

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You know after who complimentary he was for the team during the post game after we did him a favor and held Hester in check so that he wouldn't break his precious little record and this is how he repays us? You know there are a lot of things that I liked about Brian Mitchell, but the more things I see like this it really makes me wonder. I can't believe that he would come back here after he left which is fine and embrace the organization which is fine as well, but to come back here and then basically embrace a franchise that he was only with for 3-4 years at the most? I have lost a lot of respect for him. He may say some true and good things, but as a redskins player, I really have lost all respect for him. I thought he wouldn't have bit the hand that fed him, but I guess I was wrong on that one.

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He may be a nice person and I probably wouldn't say anything negative because he does say a lot of things about this team that don't make a lot of sense when they lose, but to do something like this? I doubt very sincerely that you would see Sonny Jurgensen going up to Philly to be part of the 75th anniversary team. It is a total insult to the Redskins and fans for him to do that and for him to retire as a redskins player is a sham. He is just trying to latch on to a team that would give him a radio and tv career. He likes it in Philly and wants their admiration so badly, he should go up there and get a job. LOVE THE REDSKINS OR LEAVE TOWN!

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