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Big storm this weekend but alot of uncertainy with regards to DC/VA/MD


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I will kick everyones ass in the predictions.

It's going to snow ... and accumulate ... and we're going to have 1 million inches of snow.

So whateva *******!

Self Edit - I said the B word in plural ... and it makes it through the filters. Don't want to get into trouble. :halo:

don't worry sweetheart, no one will get mad. It's long been known that ****es is one of our precious freebies, enjoy the power. ;)

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I think your final call is your final call but there should be a deduction if you need to have 2 forecasts. So if you just have one on Thursday and not make a 2nd call, you wouldnt lose pts

Alright, so what's the update? I'm hoping this is going to **** with my office christmas party.

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don't worry sweetheart, no one will get mad. It's long been known that ****es is one of our precious freebies, enjoy the power. ;)

Indeed. We have an inalienable right to use those less-than-appropriate words and phrases not automatically filtered out by the forum. :deal:

As Patrick Henry famously stated, "Give me ****es or give me death!" :yes:

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So since everyone is placing their bets in the other weather thread, can we just talk about "inklings" or "hypothesises" or "analysis" here? Of course no one would be committing themselves to anything, just providing information to people like me who don't trust the local news....

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So since everyone is placing their bets in the other weather thread, can we just talk about "inklings" or "hypothesises" or "analysis" here? Of course no one would be committing themselves to anything, just providing information to people like me who don't trust the local news....

I have a feeling this will be all or nothing. Too early to tell for me. This storm does depend on the track, which is like guessing if a bowling ball is going to angle in to the head pin to create a strike. Right now, the ball hasn't even been released. I'd rather wait until it's rolling down the lane.

And even so, the most important aspect of this storm is the temperature. It's too early to promise arctic air cementing in place or having it whip down from Canada. A lot of cookie cutter forecasts have it as mostly rain. I think they again have failed. Nontheless, it's going to be dependant on that cold air surviving the warm Gulf push that provides us with the precipitation. As of now, I think it will be cold enough.

I laugh at weather.com having Saturday night's low at 29 degrees, with RAIN. :doh: http://www.weather.com/weather/wxdetail/20851?dayNum=3

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Just admit it. You heart me.

I'm sorry to be blunt here. But he IMed me recently telling me he wanted to "bone" you. Not even sure what that means but he did say that. I asked him but then he promptly signed off. Guess he was embarrassed or scared to explain what "boning" someone meant. Oh well.

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Guest ComebackKing
Yeah they are gonna slow play it until they know we are either gonna get trounced or not...That way it lessens the amount of egg on their face...No doubt they are all walking around with wood at the prospect of it though!
It's easy to change a prediction from almost all rain to 6+ inches of snow than it is to say 6+ inches of snow then change it to rain. They usually do this...

I'm actually glad it still says rain in 29 degrees, :laugh: makes the weather.com people look smart. Even if the atmosphere is warm and it falls as rain in 29 degrees it will freeze like heck making it a minumum of a serious freezing rain.

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the latest trends are very depressing. The primary low is heading north and west of us and then redeveloping on the coast. After dedevelopment, the low is hugging the coast and that means alot of sleet and rain after a bit of snow on the onset.

Im not ready to give up yet and Ill make my first call on Thursday but the latest day is disheartening to say the least

the primary low is the key here. The more north and west it goes, the less our chance for good snow is

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That Battle Zone will be roughly from a Roanoke to a NYC line.

It doesn't look good for DC/MD.

this crap always happens to us as we get closer to the storm. Valentines day storm went from 20 inches of snow to 4 inches of sleet and ice.

Im not giving up yet...

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