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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses (Merged)

Big Ted

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To everybody using Sean’s murder as an excuse for the crappy play today, stop it! It’s as lame as the following excuses:

  • The dog ate my homework
  • I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing
  • Its my friends weed, I’m just holding it

I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play

1993 4-12

1994 3-13

1995 6-10

1996 9-7

1997 8-7-1

1998 6-10

2000 8-8

2001 8-8

2002 7-9

2003 5-11

2004 6-10

2006 5-11

2007 non murder excuse please

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To everybody using Sean’s murder as an excuse for the crappy play today, stop it! It’s as lame as the following excuses:

  • The dog ate my homework
  • I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing
  • Its my friends weed, I’m just holding it

I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play

1993 4-12

1994 3-13

1995 6-10

1996 9-7

1997 8-7-1

1998 6-10

2000 8-8

2001 8-8

2002 7-9

2003 5-11

2004 6-10

2006 5-11

2007 non murder excuse please

Well, from '95 to 2000 was we couldn't help but suck because we had Norv Turner as head coach.

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To everybody using Sean’s murder as an excuse for the crappy play today, stop it! It’s as lame as the following excuses:

  • The dog ate my homework
  • I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing
  • Its my friends weed, I’m just holding it

I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play

1993 4-12

1994 3-13

1995 6-10

1996 9-7

1997 8-7-1

1998 6-10

2000 8-8

2001 8-8

2002 7-9

2003 5-11

2004 6-10

2006 5-11

2007 non murder excuse please

My dog ate the playbook? :whoknows:

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I agree. Excuses are for people who don't get results.

About your sig: Is Sammy Baugh dead? I thought he was still alive. I might be wrong.

I've been a big critic of Gibbs this year, but I'm not nearly as upset by this loss as I've been about the others. Just random thoughts after a tough day and a LONG ass drive home in that traffic.

I wasn't expecting much today. I thought we'd see half the team come out as zombies today and in professional football, you only need 3-4 guys to be off to lose a game. Sometimes you only need 1 or 2.

Santana and Cooley and Smoot and Rock channeled their energies well today. I was happy to see that.

A few others definitely didn't, but I guess I expected that.

I'm not usually one to call out my fellow fans. But they were the only ones who really disappointed me today. What was their excuse? Just in my section you had:

a.) Some jackass screaming "Bills suck" during the moment of silence.

b.) A group of jackasses taunting our own players with "Sean Taylor would have made that first down." "Sean Taylor would have made that block", "Sean Taylor can kick off better than that, and he's dead." Just disgusting.

c.) Some first timers calling out us "rich folk" in the club section all game for not getting loud on OFFENSE. Same two idiots were actually quiet on defense. I kid you not.

d.) All of the above joined in the "Gibbs must go" chant.

There is a time and a place. These guys have a funeral to go to tomorrow of a dear friend and hero. It's been a long week with no focus.

Maybe these aren't legitimate excuses to some, but at least it's a reason to put the criticism aside for a week and give these kids a break.

I'm still mourning. I'm sure they are. The man isn't even buried yet.

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To everybody using Sean’s murder as an excuse for the crappy play today, stop it! It’s as lame as the following excuses:

  • The dog ate my homework
  • I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing
  • Its my friends weed, I’m just holding it

I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play

1993 4-12

1994 3-13

1995 6-10

1996 9-7

1997 8-7-1

1998 6-10

2000 8-8

2001 8-8

2002 7-9

2003 5-11

2004 6-10

2006 5-11

2007 non murder excuse please

What if I get drunk and I eat my friends dog's weed. Is that ok?:laugh:

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To everybody using Sean’s murder as an excuse for the crappy play today, stop it! It’s as lame as the following excuses:

  • The dog ate my homework
  • I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing
  • Its my friends weed, I’m just holding it

I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play

1993 4-12

1994 3-13

1995 6-10

1996 9-7

1997 8-7-1

1998 6-10

2000 8-8

2001 8-8

2002 7-9

2003 5-11

2004 6-10

2006 5-11

2007 non murder excuse please

Guess what? That's what being a fan is all about. It's not going to be superbowl runs and win after win every year. We probably have suffered more than most fans out there in the nfl recently but that's the life of a fan. The Redskins prior to the 80's had some extended runs where the team was just pitiful year in and year out.

This team has been through alot. Look at all the injuries this year? Call it an excuse but we have been destroyed by injuries. Gibbs is limited in his personnel with a makeshift line. I know you'll chalk these up as excuses but you win some and lose some.

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so "our friend, leader, and best player was murdered" and "the dog ate my hw" are significantly equal to you?

my point is that today is same crap different sunday and anybody using Seans murder as an excuse for poor play should open their eyes

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Its not about 'using' anything but rather looking at the reality of the situation. This team has gone through extreme adversity, they fought hard. I think the coaches let the emotion get to them though, even more than the players due to the numerous badcalls late in the game. I wish we had a good football team, but I just dont know. That said, I certainly understand and am too still in mourning. its a very sad period for Redskins Nation. Maybe the funeral will provide closure in someway, I hope they can come out fired up in Prime Time on thursday.

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how bout 2 OL starters out, 2 WRs out, one amazing FS out, one starter CB out...they do take their toll but i do expect more against lesser teams....i mean look at STL with a backup QB and 3 starting OL out for season.

Umm, you do realize they're 3-9, right? And they were playing the 3-9 Falcons?

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I’d also like to know that your excuse is for the following seasons of mediocre play
This is easy:

1993 4-12: Gibbs retired

1994 3-13: Norv hired

1995 6-10: Norv sucked (assist to Heath Shuler)

1996 9-7: Norv sucked

1997 8-7-1: Norv sucked (assist to Gus Frerotte)

1998 6-10: Norv sucked

2000 8-8: Norv fired

2001 8-8: Marty hired then fired

2002 7-9: Spurrier hired

2003 5-11: Spurrier quit

2004 6-10: Gibbs hired

2006 5-11: Gibbs sucked (assist to Adam Archuleta)

2007 5-7: Gibbs sucks (assist to Jon Jansen and Randy Thomas)

Next Question!

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I can't believe I'm reading threads like this today.

After all the "the team gets a pass from me for the rest of the season" due to Sean's death, it only took one game for the people who compare the murder of a teamate to "the dog eating your homework".

What we saw today was unispired football, which I think we can safely caused by the players caring much more about real life then the game.

I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is people who act like football players and coaches should be robots.

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my point is that today is same crap different sunday and anybody using Seans murder as an excuse for poor play should open their eyes

I hear that and had you said this two, three or eight weeks ago maybe you'd have had a point. However, that you bring it up now just makes you look like an insensitive jerk. Then again, given your post count you appear to have not even been around two weeks ago so add "troll" to the insensitive jerk assessment.

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my point is that today is same crap different sunday and anybody using Seans murder as an excuse for poor play should open their eyes

and my point is saying we have played under simple circumstances is plain dumb. I honestly have no idea if you realize this or not but we have a team full of HUMAN BEINGS and like hoskins said there are people taunting them saying Sean would have done this or that, people screaming during a moment of silence, people chanting for a coach who just lost his player to be fired.

But hey thats the way football works right? Team loses a leader and you do everything all week to bring the team to play a game that is emotionally drained and if you don't win a close game I'm gonna chant for you to be fired! Hell people on this board were talking about how they had no focus on their work and were somewhat going through the motions, while Gibbs lost someone he respected greatly and worked with him daily and had a job to do that involves 90,000 people screaming at you. You think after he made the 2nd timeout mistake that he was going great can't wait to do it again. If this man has to listen about people wanting him fired after what hes been through and still wants to put his heart and soul into giving those same people a great football team then I want him as my head coach.

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I can't believe I'm reading threads like this today.

After all the "the team gets a pass from me for the rest of the season" due to Sean's death, it only took one game for the people who compare the murder of a teamate to "the dog eating your homework".

What we saw today was unispired football, which I think we can safely caused by the players caring much more about real life then the game.

I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is people who act like football players and coaches should be robots.

What in the world have you been watching in 5 out of our 6 losses. When Sean was in the games it was the same garbage play calling and garbage playing from some of the team.

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and my point is saying we have played under simple circumstances is plain dumb. I honestly have no idea if you realize this or not but we have a team full of HUMAN BEINGS and like hoskins said there are people taunting them saying Sean would have done this or that, people screaming during a moment of silence, people chanting for a coach who just lost his player to be fired.

But hey thats the way football works right? Team loses a leader and you do everything all week to bring the team to play a game that is emotionally drained and if you don't win a close game I'm gonna chant for you to be fired! Hell people on this board were talking about how they had no focus on their work and were somewhat going through the motions, while Gibbs lost someone he respected greatly and worked with him daily and had a job to do that involves 90,000 people screaming at you. You think after he made the 2nd timeout mistake that he was going great can't wait to do it again. If this man has to listen about people wanting him fired after what hes been through and still wants to put his heart and soul into giving those same people a great football team then I want him as my head coach.

Please his play calling has sucked long before Sean' death and alot of us fans are sick of it. He makes 5 million dollars a year while most of us are scraping to pay for tickets.

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I think the most disappointing thing to me today was the offensive and defensive lines. Our offensive line did absolutely nothing to open up holes all day long, when I fully expected them to pound the Bills into submission. Not to mention the fact that Jason was taking shots all day long. The Bills were by far the more physical team today.

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