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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses (Merged)

Big Ted

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Sad isnt it?

I’m not saying this past week’s tragic events are on the same level as canines eating homework. I’m saying that using Sean’s murder as an excuse to them losing is as lame as using the ones I listed.

People, reading is fundamental

Redskins have been losing this way for YEARS and to blame today's loss on this week's events is moronic. Today is a carbon copy of most of their losses: no pass rush/sacks, turnovers, scoring FGs instead of TDs, leading at the half and losing at the end, bad penalties, bad play calling and bad clock management.

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Excuses are crap, but come on people...this year isnt just a normal "we had injuries" kinda year. Jansen, Thomas, Moss, El, Portis, Sellers, Sean loses his life, Rogers....

These are major blows to a team that had so much promise. I too hate excuses, but there are excuses and then there are obstacles that no one can overcome.

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my point is that today is same crap different sunday and anybody using Seans murder as an excuse for poor play should open their eyes

Have u not lost someone close to u b4? Cuz only a person who hasnt would say something like that. ST death showed the team theres more to life than football. THere body's were there today but there hearts and minds were with sean. They dont have desk jobs like the rest of us, they play with emotion...they win and lose with it too. This team has no closure. Just think for those watchn u picture sean back there coming up to line or yellin a formation to landry and u know he wont b there again. Thats hard to swollow for fans just think if ur actually on that field, in that lockeroom, in those meetings with him. I respect them for takin the field and trying to b professional before being human. Football is mind over body. Their minds are on sean

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There is nothing wrong with this team that an accurate QB wouldn't cure.

For all his fans on this site, the ones who continue to blame the offensive line, blame the receivers for not jumping high enough, or for the running back for not making the right cut, Jason Campbell is simply not capable of winning games. No he is not a Tom Brady or a Tony Romo sits to pee or Manning. No he is not, and he is not going to be, and that is why the Redskins need to seriously consider using their VERY high draft pick on a QB next spring.

Those who say "WHAT, we have so much invested in Jason. He is so young, Give him a chance. He just needs experience. He hasn't started enough games. Nobody is helping him" Just consider that he has had his chances week in and week out and he show ZERO improvement, in fact, a good case can be made that he is moving BACKWARD.

He had 3 turnovers last week. He had 3 turnovers this week. He fumbles virtually every time he is hit. He can be counted on for an interception inside our own 40 virtually every week. He alone gave up points this week and he gave up points last week.

Look...good teams don't lose 4 games in a row. Agreed? And good QB's just don't consistently give up the ball and fail to pull off a game winning drive.

Jason Campbell is never going to be a starting QB in this league once the Redskins wake up and give up on him. It is unfortunate that the Skins coaches and owner are more inclined to agree with you fans that love him and just feel like its going to take some time. This is EXACTLY what happened with Michael Westbrook, and Norv Turner. Both a coach and a player were filled with potential and they were going to eventually be in the hall of fame. It just never happened year after year after year. And now Westbroke is out of football, and Turner has finally proven to everyone that he is NOT an offensive genius.

Wake up. We have wide open receivers every game and Campbell either cannot find them, or when he occasionally does have one, he overthrows them. There are some excellent and accurate QB's out there in this years draft. Lets get one.

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You just don't get it I guess.

And at this point, at this time, if you just don't get it, you probably won't.

You know, I would like to think that if I died tragically early under such equally horrible circumstances, my friends would be able to move on easily and continue their daily lives, but I know better. That's a lot to ask of people who you actually consider close to you, and I consider myself lucky to share a very close bond with a lot of people, even outside of my family. That's just one of the things I've reflected on over the past week.

If you don't have anyone like that in your life, I understand your thoughts. I'm sorry too.

I also understand that what you saw seemed the same as what you've seen before. It's not the first time I have heard that today. There are probably more reasons for that than you understand, but that's another story.

Anyway, my thoughts on this issue are summarized in the post below. Not sure you care to read it, but anyway -


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anybody who wants to use or even bring up the DEATH as an excuse, let me point out that the Redskins had a losing record BEFORE Sean Taylor died.

This is just a very, very bad football team. It starts with poor coaching and ends with a poor QB who rarely seems to find the open receiver and cannot hit the ones he does find.

WAKE UP PEOPLE! Good teams just don't lose 4 games in a row.

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About your sig: Is Sammy Baugh dead? I thought he was still alive. I might be wrong.

I've been a big critic of Gibbs this year, but I'm not nearly as upset by this loss as I've been about the others. Just random thoughts after a tough day and a LONG ass drive home in that traffic.

I wasn't expecting much today. I thought we'd see half the team come out as zombies today and in professional football, you only need 3-4 guys to be off to lose a game. Sometimes you only need 1 or 2.

Santana and Cooley and Smoot and Rock channeled their energies well today. I was happy to see that.

A few others definitely didn't, but I guess I expected that.

I'm not usually one to call out my fellow fans. But they were the only ones who really disappointed me today. What was their excuse? Just in my section you had:

a.) Some jackass screaming "Bills suck" during the moment of silence.

b.) A group of jackasses taunting our own players with "Sean Taylor would have made that first down." "Sean Taylor would have made that block", "Sean Taylor can kick off better than that, and he's dead." Just disgusting.

c.) Some first timers calling out us "rich folk" in the club section all game for not getting loud on OFFENSE. Same two idiots were actually quiet on defense. I kid you not.

d.) All of the above joined in the "Gibbs must go" chant.

There is a time and a place. These guys have a funeral to go to tomorrow of a dear friend and hero. It's been a long week with no focus.

Maybe these aren't legitimate excuses to some, but at least it's a reason to put the criticism aside for a week and give these kids a break.

I'm still mourning. I'm sure they are. The man isn't even buried yet.

Honestly, I think Synder needs to implement an intelligence test before allowing fans to have tickets!!! Obviously this is a ridiculous idea, but I'm just so upset with some of these jack*** fans...especially when there are a bunch of unidiotic fans out there who would love to be in that stadium actingly like a true redskins fan....one who doesn't scream during the moment of silence, taunt our players, and chant for Gibbs to go...

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his father came to the park and addressed this bunch of underachievers and they perfromed like they have all season long (HORRIBLE)except for the dallas game, that was a fantastic performance. They should be ashamed embarassed.

I'm sure out of 53 players, everyone of them handle grief the same way. :rolleyes:

I'll just put you in the crowd that believes football players are not human. They're mindless robots that perform flawlessly no matter what the circumstances.

By the posts in this thread, you're definitely not alone.


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I guess missing your entire right side of your offensive line, your #1 and #2 recievers sporadically, your pro-bowl safety, and a starting cornerback means that you're supposed to blow teams out. And then you have one of your players tragically murdered 6 days before your next game, at which point fans scream for your coach's job and denigrate their first-year starter QB.

There's a word that fits perfectly here. And it's something far too many of you lack:


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Excuses are for Larry Michael, and people who want to act like 1999 and 2005 were anything but flukes.

Wait, 2005 was a fluke? When was this decided? I thought we had a great (and healthy) defense and a solid (and healthy) offensive line that permitted us to run the ball at will.

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I am having trouble understanding these people who make excuse after excuse for a losing franchise with a losing team. The Redskins won FIVE games last year and the excuse was injuries....and now this team along with 31 others have had injuries again and its the same old excuse. Its all because of injuries.

Hey, how about getting better players and a better conditioning coach and maybe they will stay healthy. It cannot just be dumb luck that the Redskins offensive line is perpetually injured. This is the Michael Westbrook theory. A coach is trying to literally use his willpower to make bad players into good players.....and turn injury prone players like Sean Springs and Jon Jansen into healthy non injury prone players.

The Redskins learned NOTHING from the Michael Westbrook and Norv Turner era. At some point you cut your losses and go with new players and coaches and that time period is NOT 7 long years. FOUR is plenty.

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Let me premise this by saying how tragic it is that Sean Taylor is dead. Yesterday was a pathetic football game and embarassment to the Redskin Nation.

Unfortunatley Gibbs needs to go...now. I respect this man as a coach in the 80's. Is it possible the game has passed him by? Yes obviously it has.

How can a coach make a call with the game on the line like that yesterday.

We need to stop crying about ST and get tough, thats what he would want. He would want us to right this ship and win. Play hard and get stuff done. Clearly we aren't doing that.

Lets move on....ST wouldn't want it to be like this. We look like a bunch of babies, whining about everything!

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Guest sith lord
I'd say it's the lack of preparation and practice for the Bills game resulting from Sean Taylor's passing affected their game in a negative way.

So what were the excuses for the other games that we lost?

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my point is that today is same crap different sunday and anybody using Seans murder as an excuse for poor play should open their eyes

I don't think there is any excuse for prior weeks but I will give them a pass for the Bills game and probably for the Bears game too. Hell, I had never even seen Taylor play live or been in the same stadium with him and I am having a tough time working. I can't imagine how much more difficult it is for his friends and teammates, the guys who have to see his locker, his parking space and all the tributes being left for him.

No, this is not an excuse, not this week. If you want to throw stones at any of the other losses this year, that is fine but leave the Bills game off the list.

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Blame injuries all you want. Most teams over come or weather injuries by drafting well. What have the redskins done with the draft? Virtually nothing, they pissed it away.

Look at their record since 93!! its dreadful!! This past Sunday is nothing new as far as game performance. I’m not looking for the skins to win every game or smoke everybody but this past Sunday and every other Sunday feels like the movie groundhog day.

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