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Bands and musicians that you just don't get


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You don't have much cred saying the Beatles and Elvis suck, man. And, as far as today's rock bands go, you won't find a better one than Nickleback. And Coldplay isn't all that bad either. You think those suck? You care to list who you think are good?

I know this is all opinion, but Nickelback is awful...definitely not the best rock band out there.

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Yes. What's with all these crappy hard rock bands like Nickelback? That's the only one I can name from listening to the radio but they all sound the same. Their singers all have these raspy-*** voices. They don't sing, because they can't - they whine. Just because Kurt Cobain (who had genuine talent) could get away with it does not mean these morons can.

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Yes. What's with all these crappy hard rock bands like Nickelback? That's the only one I can name from listening to the radio but they all sound the same. Their singers all have these raspy-*** voices. They don't sing, because they can't - they whine. Just because Kurt Cobain (who had genuine talent) could get away with it does not mean these morons can.

LOL@ this guy calling Nickelback a "hard rock" band.

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I don't get a lot of stuff. I agree with the OP< the Beastie Boys are total garbage, talentless, can't write, nothing but annoying for the sake of being annoying. (To the guy who doesn't get the Sex Pistols, that's it in a nutshell. But they did it better, and were not meant to be anything else BUT that.)

I don't get people over 30 who still claim AC/DC is a fresh original great rock and roll band. Tripe. Lowest common denominator stuff, written with the values and libido of the 15 year old in mind. They've essentially recorded the same songs now 500 times over. slightly different titles, same chords, same structure, same everything. Yawn.

Likewise Van Halen. OK, So Eddie knows a bunch of nifty tricks, but my god, can he play the cutesy stuff a little more? Not quite sappy enough for me. His brother is honestly the worst drummer of any band that ever made it big. The guy knows how to crash and smash and that is about it. Michael Anthony had the greatest job in the world. Play two notes and collect your pay.. More songs about teenage lust and getting high. Yay. Wake me up when it's over and the kids go home.

I don't get John Coltrane. They tell me he was a genius, but honestly, most of his stuff has absolutely no form at all. Now, the purists say "EXACTLY!", and i say "whatever".

And i do NOT get the Grateful Dead.

Now I know all the deadheads fall over backwards and says "Dude,, like you've just got to go see them dude! It's like the most natural thing!"

Ok so I went. the music ****ing SUCKS. Jerry Garcia NEVER met a sour note he didn't like, because he hits them all the damn time. The drugs are fun, and watching hippy chicks dance around while they're tripping is fun, but the overwhelming stench of 40,000 people who haven't showered in a month is a real downer, and then there's the constant "music" from that band up on the stage ruining the whole thing.



Oh how you went wrong with calling out Alex Van Halen. "Anybody that made it big" is better than HIM? - YEAH...RIGHT. :laugh: Try again, Bang. He crashes, he smashes, and through it all he has great touch with that intensity. If his style pisses you off, then I say go watch some brushwork on the piccolo snare skin. He doesn't hold back, he's straight-forward gung-ho. No staccato to it, just go after the end of the song. The band is charged up with energy, and honestly - without him they would be nothing. I dare anybody to try to play those songs with the entertainment and forceful value Alex emits.

Same goes for Michael Anthony. Sure it's two chords, but can people do that jumping off stacks landing right in front of their microphone to sing a great backup harmony while dripping sweat? No. It's all about the intensity with this group, not trying to impress you with jazzy polyrhythms.

As far as Eddie, seems you are over-analyzing his playing. See how the word analyze starts with "anal"? Close your eyes, and let it drive you, because there's a thunderstorm going through Eddie's head when he and the band play. As a musician, I can attest that many guitarists have told me the same thing. No, none of the jealous ones that have to blow his name off and ridicule his [style], the one's that are actually in to getting better and better because they are in love with the electric guitar. They always say, he has great talent, but he lets it happen without analyzing what he "has to do next". Hendrix-like, Page-like. Eddie had a concept of his solos, but he let them roll off the fingers. And his rhythmic playing was just bad-ass.

I do agree with you about AC/DC. Yet, I still can get in to some of their jams. They are a great arena-performance. Like U2 - who basically repeated their reverb guitar parts for every song off Joshua Tree. If something works, people will latch on to it. Hello? Any pop band/artist of the last 15 years. Record companies have more part in making the music than the artists these days.

As far as The Dead, I don't care for them, either. My sister was a dead-head and she and her friends tell me that you have to hallucinate one time to understand them. It all comes together for you. Well, never have hallucinated so I'm out of that loop. Not anxious to get in either, will have to stick to my drinkin'-rock for now. :)

I like the Beastie Boys. I actually like the structure of their songs (for pop music). They can rap pretty damn well, too. Throw out the thug life material requirement and they actually do have some talent for rapping.

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I know this is all opinion, but Nickelback is awful...definitely not the best rock band out there.

I hate these guys...alls they do is whine and in every song you can hear the guy inhaling as if its adding some sort of drama or maybe its to add to the whineyness(word?) of the **** the call music.

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Oh how you went wrong with calling out Alex Van Halen. "Anybody that made it big" is better than HIM? - YEAH...RIGHT. :laugh: Try again, Bang. He crashes, he smashes, and through it all he has great touch with that intensity. If his style pisses you off, then I say go watch some brushwork on the piccolo snare skin. He doesn't hold back, he's straight-forward gung-ho. No staccato to it, just go after the end of the song. The band is charged up with energy, and honestly - without him they would be nothing. I dare anybody to try to play those songs with the entertainment and forceful value Alex emits.

Same goes for Michael Anthony. Sure it's two chords, but can people do that jumping off stacks landing right in front of their microphone to sing a great backup harmony while dripping sweat? No. It's all about the intensity with this group, not trying to impress you with jazzy polyrhythms.

As far as Eddie, seems you are over-analyzing his playing. See how the word analyze starts with "anal"? Close your eyes, and let it drive you, because there's a thunderstorm going through Eddie's head when he and the band play. As a musician, I can attest that many guitarists have told me the same thing. No, none of the jealous ones that have to blow his name off and ridicule his [style], the one's that are actually in to getting better and better because they are in love with the electric guitar. They always say, he has great talent, but he lets it happen without analyzing what he "has to do next". Hendrix-like, Page-like. Eddie had a concept of his solos, but he let them roll off the fingers. And his rhythmic playing was just bad-ass.

I do agree with you about AC/DC. Yet, I still can get in to some of their jams. They are a great arena-performance. Like U2 - who basically repeated their reverb guitar parts for every song off Joshua Tree. If something works, people will latch on to it. Hello? Any pop band/artist of the last 15 years. Record companies have more part in making the music than the artists these days.

As far as The Dead, I don't care for them, either. My sister was a dead-head and she and her friends tell me that you have to hallucinate one time to understand them. It all comes together for you. Well, never have hallucinated so I'm out of that loop. Not anxious to get in either, will have to stick to my drinkin'-rock for now. :)

I like the Beastie Boys. I actually like the structure of their songs (for pop music). They can rap pretty damn well, too. Throw out the thug life material requirement and they actually do have some talent for rapping.

In your opinion. Being a vet of three VH shows going back to 1981, I've had more than my fill of watching Alex Van Halen heavy-hand it. VH is an amped up pop band, and pretty much have been since "Women and Children First". Fodder for the "People" Magazine set.

Besides, your last paragraph negates anything you said above. BUT I'll grant you this on the Beastie Boys.. "Girls" is a fun tune.


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1) Nickelback really does suck. That's a definite.

2) How has rap gone so far downhill...what's more confusing than the songs is how people think it takes real talent. A 3rd grader could've made Crank Dat Soulja Boy. Man, I'm glad I listen to old-school.

3) As far as the Beastie Boys, listen to Paul's Boutique.

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they were genius with the harmonies.....the only band that matches them is queen

Bzzz. Wrong. NOBODY beats CSN (and sometimes Y) for harmonies. Nobody.

I don't get people over 30 who still claim AC/DC is a fresh original great rock and roll band. Tripe. Lowest common denominator stuff, written with the values and libido of the 15 year old in mind. They've essentially recorded the same songs now 500 times over. slightly different titles, same chords, same structure, same everything. Yawn.

Good call. Never got AC/DC either.

And i do NOT get the Grateful Dead.

Now I know all the deadheads fall over backwards and says "Dude,, like you've just got to go see them dude! It's like the most natural thing!"

Ok so I went. the music ****ing SUCKS. Jerry Garcia NEVER met a sour note he didn't like, because he hits them all the damn time. The drugs are fun, and watching hippy chicks dance around while they're tripping is fun, but the overwhelming stench of 40,000 people who haven't showered in a month is a real downer, and then there's the constant "music" from that band up on the stage ruining the whole thing.



I like Jerry's faults. I think he has the purest, most heartfelt voice rock has ever heard. And the stuff he did without the Dead is 10x better in my opinion, especially the stuff he did with Dave Grisman.

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Anything Country, aka the special olympics of music. It's horrible. How anyone can listen exclusively to the genre is beyond me.

EDIT: Except Johnny Cash. He's alright with me.

Why does Johnny always get the free pass but not Waylon, Willie, or Merle Haggard? They were/are all ****ing awesome.

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You don't have much cred saying the Beatles and Elvis suck, man. And, as far as today's rock bands go, you won't find a better one than Nickleback. And Coldplay isn't all that bad either. You think those suck? You care to list who you think are good?
I never said Elvis sucked. I like a ton of his songs, but hate even more. I just never got his unbelievably overwhelming popularity, or why shaking your jips was sexy for a dude to do :whoknows:

As for the Beatles and Nickleback, they do suck. Look at this photograph of a yellow submarine and you'll see what I mean. :doh:

This thread has nothing to do with bands you like, not a bit. But, just for the sake of humoring you, I will list my top 20 favorites, in no particular order. Keep in mind, I'm not claiming them to be the best, I am simply stating they are my personal favorites. Also, with the exception of Jimi and Stevie, I have seen them all live.

1. Johnny Cash

2. Goldfinger

3. Sublime

4. 311

5. Counting Crows

6. HIM

7. Rancid

8. Rage Against The Machine

9. Neil Young

10. Willie Nelson

11. Aerosmith

12. Flogging Molly

13. Iron Maiden

14. Matisyahu

15. Queensryche

16. Stevie Ray Vaughn

17. Wyclef Jean

18. Unwritten Law

19. Gravity Kills

20. Jimi Hendrix

Care to say who's on your list?

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Why does Johnny always get the free pass but not Waylon, Willie, or Merle Haggard? They were/are all ****ing awesome.
Bingo. My Aunt was personal friends with Waylon Jennings for about 40 years. When I was younger, I had Thanksgiving dinner with him, he's in family photos, and I own several of his hats. Awesome awesome guy. He always said the best and worst memory of his life was giving up his seat to the Big Bopper on that plane. He said he was lucky to be alive, but equally as torn up over it, because they had grown very close in the weeks leading up to the crash.
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Bingo. My Aunt was personal friends with Waylon Jennings for about 40 years. When I was younger, I had Thanksgiving dinner with him, he's in family photos, and I own several of his hats. Awesome awesome guy. He always said the best and worst memory of his life was giving up his seat to the Big Bopper on that plane. He said he was lucky to be alive, but equally as torn up over it, because they had grown very close in the weeks leading up to the crash.

Is the story about him losing a coin toss to Richie Valens true?

Very, very cool that you knew him. He was the outlaw of outlaws.

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I never said Elvis sucked. I like a ton of his songs, but hate even more. I just never got his unbelievably overwhelming popularity, or why shaking your jips was sexy for a dude to do :whoknows:

As for the Beatles and Nickleback, they do suck. Look at this photograph of a yellow submarine and you'll see what I mean. :doh:

This thread has nothing to do with bands you like, not a bit. But, just for the sake of humoring you, I will list my top 20 favorites, in no particular order. Keep in mind, I'm not claiming them to be the best, I am simply stating they are my personal favorites. Also, with the exception of Jimi and Stevie, I have seen them all live.

1. Johnny Cash

2. Goldfinger

3. Sublime

4. 311

5. Counting Crows

6. HIM

7. Rancid

8. Rage Against The Machine

9. Neil Young

10. Willie Nelson

11. Aerosmith

12. Flogging Molly

13. Iron Maiden

14. Matisyahu

15. Queensryche

16. Stevie Ray Vaughn

17. Wyclef Jean

18. Unwritten Law

19. Gravity Kills

20. Jimi Hendrix

Care to say who's on your list?

Rad list - minus HIM. Goldfinger rules.

There is so much better music out there than Nickelback, people just don't look past whatever is fed to them on the radio. That's why bands like Default, Trapt, Fuel, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, etc are so popular.

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Radiohead is awful. Not genius, not amazing, but awful. It's just whining over computer beats. Thom York can't sing at all! Elliot Smith is supposed to be this "genius" who killed himself too soon. I feel bad that he killed himself, but my goodness, he's terrible! Totally agree on Nickleback, there was a site back in the day that had two of there songs playing at the same time, and it was evident that they just do the same song over and over and over again. I don't get Miles Davis, as far as jazz goes, I'm sorry, he sounded like NOISE. Miles Davis might be the most overrated crap ever recorded.

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pick someone from the 60's. Joplin was probably by far one of the worst voices ever!! The Greatful dead or Dilon were drug enduced babble.

Now move forward. Shakira. How anyone pays her to sing is beyond me. I don't know if this qualifies, but look at hip hop videos, that make women their slaves, life is all about the $$$$, disrespect for authority and ego, ego,ego! From what I have seen, nothing redeeming I would want my kids to listen to or have as a guide for living life. Utter garbage!

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Is the story about him losing a coin toss to Richie Valens true?

Very, very cool that you knew him. He was the outlaw of outlaws.

The coin toss story is folklore, all for good storytelling according to him. He said the seat that Richie got was only given to him because he had the flu, and they feared he might get pneumonia if he had to ride in the cold, so they practically made him fly. Some friends, huh? :doh:

Waylon lost his seat to the Big Bopper from names being drawn from a hat.

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I never said Elvis sucked. I like a ton of his songs, but hate even more. I just never got his unbelievably overwhelming popularity, or why shaking your jips was sexy for a dude to do :whoknows:

Well, you really have to put Elvis in the context of his time. No one had ever done what he did. It was revolutionary. Sure, he borrorwed from blues artists and gospel artists, but every musician in the history of time has been influenced by other musicians. A lot of his material sounds dated today, but you have to at least respect his impact on rock and roll and music in general.

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I don't get most music after 1990...especially today's music , and I'm 22. I remember when a roommate of mine freshman year used to play Thrice all the time on speakers. It was horrible fast paced music , too fast , couldn't understand a word anyone was saying since they were basically screaming their lyrics. YAAHH YAHHHH YAAAAAAAAAAA...

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I don't get Miles Davis, as far as jazz goes, I'm sorry, he sounded like NOISE. Miles Davis might be the most overrated crap ever recorded.

Quoted for crazy.

Miles changed with the times. He was innovative at every stage of his career. In fact he was kind of ahead of the curve with every single thing he did.

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pick someone from the 60's. Joplin was probably by far one of the worst voices ever!! The Greatful dead or Dilon were drug enduced babble.

Matt Dilon? If you think Bob Dylan was 'drug enduced babble' I challenge you to name your favorite acts and you better make damn well sure they can write lyrics as good as Masters of War and hope that they never took so much as a tylenol.

And, you're absolutely sick if you don't think Janis could sing the hell out of the blues.

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Matt Dilon? If you think Bob Dylan was 'drug enduced babble' I challenge you to name your favorite acts and you better make damn well sure they can write lyrics as good as Masters of War and hope that they never took so much as a tylenol.

And, you're absolutely sick if you don't think Janis could sing the hell out of the blues.

Can I say that Bob Dylan and all his sixties cronies are the biggest hypocrites that ever walked?

All these songs about change, all these ideas about a better peaceful world..

well, which generation is now in charge?

Let's see.. an unpopular war.. check... rampant racism... check... the gulf between the haves and have nots wider and wider... check... corporate greed is to the point where people EXPECT to be ripped off by their bosses...

To quote a guy who really DID have it figured out (Pete Townsend) "Meet the new boss.... same as the old boss"

Oh, and nevermind that now you have to pay upwards of 100 bucks just to hear old Bob sing his songs of protest and change to the grandkids of the people who were taken by it the first time.

Sorry,, the sixties generation and all their talk and all their conviction is just more crap 'blowin' in the wind'.


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