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Bands and musicians that you just don't get


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Ok, so I'm listening to the radio (rock station) a few minutes ago and who comes on: the freaking Beastie Boys. I loathe their music. I just don't get how anyone can listen to that garbage. Is it supposed to be hip hop? Who knows, but every one of their songs sounds exactly the same. Just last week, they came on the radio and I immediately changed the station. My daughter screams at me to turn it back because she loves their music. She wasn't even born when they released their first album. I asked her why she liked them and she says that she loves their lyrics. WTF? It sounds like a second grader wrote their "songs". Then I read recently that they were just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. WTF?

Does anyone else have a band or a musician where you just don't get their popularity? Two other ones that I hate (from the 70's) are Chicago and Steely Dan. Just don't get it.

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The singer of Rush - great sounding band, good songs, good musicians, amazing drummer, and... the weirdest rock voice I've ever heard.
:applause: :notworthy I agree 100%

Even after seeing what he looks like, I didn't know it was a man until my mom told me about a year or so ago.

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Alexis on Fire- I know saying "those guys are just screaming into a microphone" might make me sound old, but that is exactly what some of their songs are, screaming as lound and as long as you can into the microphone.

U2- their music quite frankly, ever since Actung Baby-well maybe include half of Achtung Baby- sucks. They are the most pretensious possers I have ever seen. Musically, the instrumentation is arranged and played well, not to my liking but I can respect a good instrument play, BUT THE LYRICS ARE DOG CRAP. Bono needs to STFU and in a hurry.

All of Cash Money, specifically, Lil Wayne-everybody THINKS he is the greatest rapper alive becasue HE SAID HE WAS. How stupid is that. Every once in a while they have some ok beats, but its usually a remash of beats they have put out before. Lil Wayne's lyrics are really really bad, I dont think this guy could rap about anything other than money or guns, or what those 2 things get him. and that lisp with the "golfd teef" makes me want to smack that s*&$ out his mouth. And seriouslly, how can you like someone who has reprortedly shot himself by accident OVER 10 TIMES!!!!!!

Probably the worst thing for hip hop since Vanilla Ice.

And for the Canadian content- The Tragically Hip- msot Canadians love this band, think they are the next thing since sliced bread, but I jsut dont get it. The singers voice is annoying and thats putting it kindly and they have some of the worst songs I have ever heard, like "50 mission cap" its a song about how a Toronto Maple Leaf palyer died while hunting or something during the offseason after tehy won a Stanley Cup. The Leafs did not win the cup again until they found his remains. Mind you this is back before 1967 when there wehre only 6 teams in the NHL. The cup thing is a coinicidence, consdiering you had a 1 in 6 shot of winning it every year, not exaclty bad odds. And Leafs fans til this day try to say their is a similar such curse with the current Maple Leafs and their cup drought since 1967. Here's a clue Leafs fans: your team sucked but it only sucked in a league of 6 and every once in a while teh sun shines on even the ugliest of dog arse's, but after 1967 when more teams entered the leauge, they still sucked jsut as bad, but ever since then, their odds have gotten worse from 1 in 6 so hence no Cup.

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Alexis on Fire- I know saying "those guys are just screaming into a microphone" might make me sound old, but that is exactly what some of their songs are, screaming as lound and as long as you can into the microphone.

OMG I just tried to listen to that and I can honestly say that was the worst crap I've ever heard.

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You're a moron
shut it.

This over music? Some peoples kids these days.

I never quite got Nirvana. I liked their music and I understand the times and all, but just couldn't make the connection that they were that big of a deal.

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There is a lot of stuff I don't understand...

Dream Theater...amazing musicians but their music is musical masturbation. Kids think Petrucci is Gods gift to guitar...well...he isn't. He can play fast...so what?

Why do people think that a good musician is someone who can play fast? Makes no sense. Playing fast on any instrument is cool but it is probably the most boring thing to watch/listen to after about 1 minute. Shredding for more than 60 seconds gets old, sorry.

I really don't get hip hop, rap or r & b. Well, R & B is alright, but rap and hip hop make no sense to me.

Bands that call themselves metal who have probably never heard the first four Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden albums.

"Metal" bands who have singers that wear more makeup than my girlfriend (see Avenged Sevenfold)

Britney Spears...what the hell. She moans when she sings. Sexy? Nope.

I pretty much don't understand 90% of stuff that is played on the radio. It all sounds the exact same to me. The bands usually have zero distinguishing characteristics. Oh well.


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I never really got The SEX Pistols. Just the whole life and death and prison of them all.
the Rolling Stones were just way over rated. Bad music that just won't go away.
Point on with this statement, they make me sick.
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Thank you. See rule #5.

I just have ears. Kids like you like the beatles because they think it makes them cool in some sorta retro way.

The beatles suck, get over it.


While I am not a huge fan of the Beatles...you've at least gotta respect them for what they did. They were a pretty influential group. I still think that they are overrated, but they did accomplish a lot in their time. For as much decent music that they put out, they put out just as much bad stuff. Though, many people think everything they put out was gold. Each to their own.

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