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Girlfriend may have seen shooter


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I was reading another website and thought I would share, I hope they catch these people.

November 27, 2007. MediaTakeOut.com reported to you earlier today that Sean Taylor was killed by intruders looking to burglarize his home. We can now report to you that police have a very good idea who the shooter is.

Details are sketchy, but MediaTakeOut.com spoke with a close friend of the family who told us that Sean Taylor's girlfriend witnessed the entire event - and that she got a good look at the shooter.

Word is she's going to be under round-the-clock protective custody until everyone involved is captured. But that police are looking to move quickly.

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I was reading another website and thought I would share, I hope they catch these people.

November 27, 2007. MediaTakeOut.com reported to you earlier today that Sean Taylor was killed by intruders looking to burglarize his home. We can now report to you that police have a very good idea who the shooter is.

Details are sketchy, but MediaTakeOut.com spoke with a close friend of the family who told us that Sean Taylor's girlfriend witnessed the entire event - and that she got a good look at the shooter.

Word is she's going to be under round-the-clock protective custody until everyone involved is captured. But that police are looking to move quickly.

If true, that would be AWESOME!!!

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I sense that this was not a random attack - someone had broken into his house a week earlier and left a kitchen knife on the bed which seems to me like a death threat if it was done intentionally. If the version of the story of the intruder breaking into the bedroom is true, then it seems like this wasn't a random attack at all. One does not break into someone's house, kick down the bedroom door, and then shoot them if their only intent is to steal.

If the intruder were trying to steal, then they logically would have avoided the bedroom and tried to sneak around and take whatever they were looking for without going through the door. Emotions aside, this sounds like premeditated murder a lot more than a simple break-in gone awry.

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The hardest part of this is the fact that whoever did this is still out there, patting himself/herself on the back for a "job well done"

It is still so early that we dunno if this was just random violence or if this was some type of "revenge" for something.

UUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......this still hurts a lot.

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Man, I read this thread at first and thought it said "girlfriend may have BEEN shooter."

I think Winning Season was close, in that they might have said that to keep her safe initially...

If someone bursts into your bedroom, the first thing you do is look, not hide. It's just instinct.

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I hope that they bring the "people" that did this to FedEx Field and we can throw rocks at them for $5 a piece. The money could go to Sean Taylor's daughter. :dallasuck

Great Idea........and I for once would support Dan Snyder in charging $20 per rock toss. Hell I would give my season tickets away for a chance to cut the MFers who did this.

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