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Stadium clearing out w/ a chance to still win


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The reason why i left the game early is because I thought the eagles would run out the clock. had I known that we would let them score a TD to get the ball back, i would have stayed.

The redskins beat the **** out of me today emotionally and i could just not take it. The coaches made me want to throw up, literally. I just couldn't handle it.

The 3rd-7 draw play is going to make me sick for the rest of the season. I hate Joe Gibbs. He needs to leave town. I have no memories of the 80s and therefoer have no sentimentality tied into Joe Gibbs. I appreciate him building a storied franchise but he just doesn't have it this time and we can't rewind the clock.

People wanna question my fandom are stupid and ridiculous. I love this team to the point that i can barely move after a loss on sunday. Today was the longest walk i have ever had walking back to the morgan boulevard metro stop. This was my first game at Fedex and I gave everything i had but the Redskins and Joe Gibbs came and ****ed all over me.

The only thing that makes me happy is that JC is coming along nicely and Portis still has two years of good running left.

We have the most important cog in place for teh future and that makes me happy.

If we can get a big target reciever for JC and have him build a tandem then we can do things in the future.

Today was unbearable.

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thats because, and I know I sound like a broken record, but the reason you "expected the collapse" is because since Gibbs returned we have blown 13 halftime leads...

the next most in the NFL is like 5....(Jeff Fischer, lifetime, is like 42-3 with a halftime lead)

13 times at halftime you went to get a beer with the lead...and watched the Redskins piss away that lead like your extremely expensive beer....(except for the away games..then it was your home bought, less expensive beer)...

in fact, I think Gibbs has lost 31ish (30-33? somewhere around in there...lets see 6-10, 10-6, 5-11, 5-4, so yeah, 31)...31 regular season games since his return....42% of them were when he was leading at halftime.....

It really is amazing we are conditioned to expect the worst. When we had the nine point lead with 11 min left i had the worst feeling in my stomach. This is how i feel during most tight games in the 4th qtr. Then once the game is over it's just disgust without the gut wrenching feeling. It is very tough being a Skins fan. We are the greatest fans in the world and we have really earned our stripes the last 15 years. Nobody can say we haven't been tortured, nobody.

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Right after Campbell turned the ball over late in the game, some guy was walking out...I was yelling at him, where are you going?!? He gave me some ugly look and I told him to get out of here and to go beat the traffic. His response was I am a "die hard" fan, this was as he was making his way out of the stands and giving up on his team. He told me that he held season tickets longer than I was alive, yeah right, if that was true he wouldn't have been sitting in cheap seats with me.

The most frustrating thing for me as a TRUE Redskins fan, is that when the Eagles recovered that fumble with about 3 min. to go, at least 60% of the stadium was leaving.

We let the team score and then were only down by 8 with over 2 minutes. People need to wake up and smell the coffee, you are not going to beat the traffic when the whole stadium is pouring out, and you are in the upper level.

Stop leaving the damn games early, the team needs to see that support.

It's no wonder that we couldn't put anything together when we were down by 8. There weren't any fans. The players can see that the seats are empty, if they see that stadium full and rocking, they might show a better effort in the 2 minute drill.

If the fans don't have faith in the team...the team won't have faith in themselves.

First off, you're lucky you got away with that stunt. You're lucky that dude didn't beat your *** for calling him out like that. Further, when the home team is on "offense" you don't need every fan in the stadium yelling. Surely you're smart enough to know that. You yell on DEFENSE, kid. When the OTHER team is trying to move the ball. You're still young. You'll understand how this game works one day..... :doh:

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The reason why i left the game early is because I thought the eagles would run out the clock. had I known that we would let them score a TD to get the ball back, i would have stayed.

The redskins beat the **** out of me today emotionally and i could just not take it. The coaches made me want to throw up, literally. I just couldn't handle it.

The 3rd-7 draw play is going to make me sick for the rest of the season. I hate Joe Gibbs. He needs to leave town. I have no memories of the 80s and therefoer have no sentimentality tied into Joe Gibbs. I appreciate him building a storied franchise but he just doesn't have it this time and we can't rewind the clock.

People wanna question my fandom are stupid and ridiculous. I love this team to the point that i can barely move after a loss on sunday. Today was the longest walk i have ever had walking back to the morgan boulevard metro stop. This was my first game at Fedex and I gave everything i had but the Redskins and Joe Gibbs came and ****ed all over me.

The only thing that makes me happy is that JC is coming along nicely and Portis still has two years of good running left.

We have the most important cog in place for teh future and that makes me happy.

If we can get a big target reciever for JC and have him build a tandem then we can do things in the future.

Today was unbearable.

Yeah i feel sorry for you younger guys. The superbowls were great but the feeling does just start to diminsh over time. I remember those games of yesteryear to pull me through during the bad years.

I know as a younger fan it's almost like it feels it never happened because you didn't see it.

You guys have been given a raw deal(so far) because you've seen nothing but perrenial losers. It should get better eventually.

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thats because, and I know I sound like a broken record, but the reason you "expected the collapse" is because since Gibbs returned we have blown 13 halftime leads...

the next most in the NFL is like 5....(Jeff Fischer, lifetime, is like 42-3 with a halftime lead)

13 times at halftime you went to get a beer with the lead...and watched the Redskins piss away that lead like your extremely expensive beer....(except for the away games..then it was your home bought, less expensive beer)...

in fact, I think Gibbs has lost 31ish (30-33? somewhere around in there...lets see 6-10, 10-6, 5-11, 5-4, so yeah, 31)...31 regular season games since his return....42% of them were when he was leading at halftime.....


And of course by Wed we'll have the sanctimonious fans back. "Oh dear, I'm so glad I didn't visit this board on Sunday when all those ugly realists were here insulting our dear head coach. Ra Ra Go Team. Honey, is it me or is the kool-aid absolutely wonderful today?"

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i am the other way....I am having my left shoulder reconstructed 11/29....my wife finally talked me into giving my Bills tickets to a childhood friend, but I was going to come to the damn Bears game 1 week post-op...and to Dallas 1 month post-op with my shoulder and left arm in a traction sling...

no longer....after today, I am going to watch from home with the pain meds....somewhere it became "less worth it" to me.....sometime between kickoff and the ending debacle actually gutting out physical pain to come support this team completely left my agenda....i will likely give my Bears tickets to my father in law (he is from Minnesota, so I know he hates the Bears)...and sell my Dallas tickets and try and makes some extra Christmas money to buy an extra present or two for my sons....but I almost feel guilty encouraging my 5 year old to be a fan of this team...i really do....

I can totally understand that decision with the surgery.

I have a young son also, and it pains me to think that he may not have the wonderful football memories that I had as a kid. The Redskins have been a staple of my life for as long as I can remember.

I want him to have special seasons that he can remember, too. Which is why I invest in the seats and why I want us to find the next great coach.

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We who have been through the wringer for years and years and years have been taken advantage of. The Redskins great coaches make a ton of money for making some of the worst coaching calls that this game has ever seen. Penalties game after game. Terrible execution, no leadership are all a reflection of poor coaching and terrible players that this coaching staff picks up. I am amazed how a 22 year old can come on here with some garbage like this when he surely hasn't been through the wringer. It is people like lavarluver that make me sick too. lavar luver is a good name for you. Isn't Lavar Arrington the one who gave the money back to leave the team and didn't he also give the giants our playbook.

I will not spend my money and make these rollovers richer. I have too many years of heartache and am tired of my sundays and mondays being terrible days.

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He should of spit in your face just like an eagles fan would of done. Heckle him like he's a freaking eagles fan cause he did what he felt like doing. Keep dreaming dude, the skins arent a good football team and for some people the pain and agony is unbearable. Unless you bought his tickets you should of kept your attention to SUPPORTING your team attempting to pull off a miracle and not worry about what others are doing.

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Yea it sucks by why should the fans have faith in Gibbs when he makes the same mistakes every week and every season? When he refuses to learn from his mistakes, or make the necessary coaching adjustments to make this team a winner. How many times do the fans have to suffer ineptitude before they say enough is enough. I can honestly say that I can manage the clock better than Gibbs can. That's sad. You know what, I just can't fault the fans today. They've seen this movie before. It's getting to a point where I fear Gibbs may have a slight mental retardation.

I can see Gibbs ripping off his face and saying in that shaky Norv voice, "What we do works". It inevitable.

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Sorry pal...but the team needs to find its motivation and drive on its own. I don't have any problem staying until the end...but when you've been disappointed this often for 15 years, you can do what you want.

Consequently, who was right...the fans that knew once we relinquished the lead, the game was over (because we've all seen it 100 times) or the ones that thought we'd pull a miracle?

Amen brother!!!!!

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Disappointed is all I can say. I'm not going to blame people leaving early. They were probably as disgusted as I was and left because if they stayed they would have felt the urge to boo.

That's it. Your team can't cross the goal line. Then when you have a chance to drive down the field and score the winning points (which is what good teams do late in the 4th), you can't even get one first down. Not one.

A fan can only take so much abuse.

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I left because I could not bare to watch my favorite team lose to the hated Eagles...plus the Eagles fight song was getting annoying.

Like some of the other posts say: "A fan can only take so much abuse." Well I was at my breaking point yesterday. Losing at home to a divisional rival liek that is totally unacceptable.

I paid alot of $ for my seats and I will leave whenever I want to.

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I guess you missed the Cowboys game last season...did you catch the end of the Cardinals game last home game??? Well, I hope you did, because 50% of the stadium missed us win.

The fact is, the fans would rather try and beat an extra 30 minutes of traffic than to see the end of the game, which is the only part of the game that matters. They should just stay at home and spend that money on a flatscreen and turn the game off early there. Save the seats for a TRUE fan.

How would you like it if you were performing on a big stage...and you get your chance to perform the finale, but all of your supporters have left. It gets them down, they notice the empty stadium, whether that should matter or not, subconciously it has to matter...and conciously I feel like it matters too.

Consequently, the fans that stayed were right. Because for one AFTER the game, there wasn't any traffic...and they missed the very thing they paid their money for.

I can understand if we are losing by 14 or something. Or winning by 14. But don't leave the game early because you have seen it 100 times, because if you miss those games like Dallas last season you will in the end be on the losing end.

But Cheers to all of you for any insight:cheers:...and HTTR!

I didn't miss any of those games...I haven't missed one in years big guy.

My point is this...people take their time away from their families on Sundays to watch teams play a game. If they want to leave at any point to make the rest of the evening easier on them...they can. Case closed.

Just because 1 out of every 100 games that go that way turn into an improbable win, doesn't mean it's a good bet. We've been watching this team consistently reinvent ways to lose since 1993!! I think it's understandable that the die hard fans are going to grow tired of it.

Right now we are a aimless ship with no direction. While other teams in our division come into our stadium and find ways to win, we blow opportunity after opportunity and the fans have every right to react to that.

Are they still fans? Yes. These people you're bashing pay more for tickets than any other fan base in the league and they keep coming back (which is why the Redskins have not been blacked out locally since before any of us were born). So, cut them some slack if they are sick of seeing and maybe don't want to sit through the 4th game just like that this year (Miami, New York, Arizona, Philly).

To answer your question, if I were performing on a big stage, I'd realize that the quality of my performance would be directly attributable to the interest shown. I played basketball in high school. The years we were good, the gym was packed. The years we struggled, we played in front of our parents, friends, and cheerleaders. That's what happens. If they begin to win, the fans will stay. New Orleans went from a ghost town of an NFL franchise to selling out games in one season.

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