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Stadium clearing out w/ a chance to still win


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The bigger problem is the fact that there were 25,000 Eagles fans at the game. Is there any other stadium in the NFL that has to deal with having approx 25% of the fans in the stands yelling E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles! It's disgusting

let's think here for a second...

A) the team has sucked consistently for years because there are 25% ticketholder who sell their tickets

B) there are 25% ticketholders who sell their tickets because the team has sucked consistently for years

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Are you kidding me? Fans cant cause false starts? Fans chanting on offense cant cause miscommunication between linemen? When players are on defense on the field waving their arms up and down to make noise, thats for nothing?After a big turnover when offensive linemen are waving their arms down to tell the crowd quiet....it means nothing? When the sign on the board is telling you "MAKE SOME NOISE" or "QUIET OFFENSE AT WORK!" they do that for fun??? The "12th man" thats all a myth?

Wake up man, a home crowd can make all the difference in the world. One false start is all it takes.

Um, I never said it COULDN'T make a difference. Of course, at times, it can. But its not always all its cracked up to be. I just gave you an excellent example. You're telling me they don't have fans that do the things you described above? Trust me, they do. I've been to countless games there. Further, I was mainly responding to your example of Sunday, when you called out all those fans who left late. You act like had all those fans not left early we would have won the game. Get real. Doesn't quite work that way. And you really need to grow up. You really feel good about yourself for calling out fellow fans like that? Again, you have NO idea the reasoning behind their leaving the game early. You can't judge people without having all the facts. Some left because they had seen this script before. Many times. They were fed up. Some left because they had to get going to beat the traffic. Like another poster said, some people actually have lives. As much as I love the Redskins, its not the only thing going in my life either. Some people have more things going on in their lives than you. I would be willing to bet you are single, with no kids. Just calm down, man. HTTR

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Last nite was a perfect example of what crowd noise does. Did anyone see the mistakes the 49ers made at qwest field? 2 False starts right in a row. After the game, players were saying it was the most confusing thing because they COULDN'T HEAR ONE THING on the field. Players were saying (Vernon Davis) that they were actually just sitting there and waiting for the guy next to them to start moving because they couldn't hear the snap count. If your saying crowd noise doesnt impact a football game.........then call me Moses and watch me part the Atlantic Ocean.

Show me where I said crowd noise didn't have an affect? That isn't what I said, genius. And, yes, Qwest Field definitely has an affect on opposing teams. But more of that is in the design of the stadium than anything else. They were talking about this once during a Seahawks home game, how/why the noise level was so loud there. Especially since it was an open-air stadium. However, false starts aren't limited to the visiting teams. How many times in recent years have the Skins had games, at HOME, where they had numerous false start penaltites? Again, I never said it didn't help to have your fans behind the team. I was mainly getting on the poster for calling out other fans for leaving, not knowing their situation, or reasoning for leaving. Keep up.

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Sorry man, Fedex is far too big and too expensive to be full of diehards. The DC area can fill a 55,045 seat stadium with diehards. No more.

That is, coincidentally, the size of RFK. And Fedex's homefield advantage will never be near what RFK was. Not even close.

No fan will ever 'force' me out of my seat, or 'force' me to make noise when I don't feel like it.

The team, however, has been 'forcing' me, and others, to be somewhat apathetic towards them. And that is far worse that people being quiet or leaving early.

Yeah, I agree. This other poster must be related to Snyder or something. He doesn't understand that if you put a good product on the field the people will be more than willing to get behind the team.

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LOL .. while it might be true .. the Skins dont come to Indy but every what 8 years, so I like to get my time in.

Heck, until I heard about streamtv I did not get to see games since the Colts either are on, or blackout (in the past)

There's this thing called Sunday Ticket...

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That guy is right. Why exactly would you leave the stadium when there is still a chance to win? Unless there is some emergency or something else that you had to tend to, what reason do you have to leave? "Thinking that they won't win" or "I'm sick of watching this team play" is not one of them. There was over 2 minutes left and all the Skins had to do was score a TD.....WHY would you leave?

"There was over 2 minutes left and all the Skins had to do was score a TD"

LMAO...yeah, that was nothing right? Just drive the length of the field (with no timeouts) and score a TD AND get a 2-pt conversion. Yeah, because we've seen that happen for us so many times over the years...haha:doh:

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Because as a paying customer I can leave whenever the hell I want. And no one in that stadium or on this board has a right to stop me.

Sadly, it will likely take this guy getting beat down before he realizes what an *** he really is. Not you, ttr, I mean the other poster.

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Sadly, it will likely take this guy getting beat down before he realizes what an *** he really is. Not you, ttr, I mean the other poster.

I'm an ass? For what? Thinking you should stay and support your team when there is a chance we can still win? Yea, **** you.

Because as a paying customer I can leave whenever the hell I want. And no one in that stadium or on this board has a right to stop me.

Calm down, nobody's stopping you. You probably would've sat down and pouted anyway.

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The bigger problem is the fact that there were 25,000 Eagles fans at the game. Is there any other stadium in the NFL that has to deal with having approx 25% of the fans in the stands yelling E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles! It's disgusting

Huge blocks of tickets are owned by various corperations in the Metro area. They don't care who goes to the game, and give the tickets away to various employees, customers, and prospects. Those folks in turn may be from any part of the country, and follow other teams.

Result is lots of opposing fans. Anyway that's the reasoning I heard when I got some tickets to a Redskins game via my sister-in-law from her business. I was in a group of 15 people, and I was the only one from the D.C. area and a Skins fan. The others were mostly from various parts of Penn. and were Steelers or eagles fans. The stupid thing was the game was against the Giants! They just went because it was free and they could be jerks. Real enjoyable experience. I started hating the Steelers that day.

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I'm an ass? For what? Thinking you should stay and support your team when there is a chance we can still win? Yea, **** you.

Calm down, nobody's stopping you. You probably would've sat down and pouted anyway.

No, you're an *** for being a jerk and calling out other Skins fans for leaving. Its none of your business. Don't you understand that? It's their right to leave if they choose to. And, yes, you, or the other poster that said they yelled at others for leaving will get beat down one day if they continue this practice. It's inevitable. There are some crazy mofos out there, man.

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Right after Campbell turned the ball over late in the game, some guy was walking out...I was yelling at him, where are you going?!? He gave me some ugly look and I told him to get out of here and to go beat the traffic. His response was I am a "die hard" fan, this was as he was making his way out of the stands and giving up on his team. He told me that he held season tickets longer than I was alive, yeah right, if that was true he wouldn't have been sitting in cheap seats with me.

The most frustrating thing for me as a TRUE Redskins fan, is that when the Eagles recovered that fumble with about 3 min. to go, at least 60% of the stadium was leaving.

We let the team score and then were only down by 8 with over 2 minutes. People need to wake up and smell the coffee, you are not going to beat the traffic when the whole stadium is pouring out, and you are in the upper level.

Stop leaving the damn games early, the team needs to see that support.

It's no wonder that we couldn't put anything together when we were down by 8. There weren't any fans. The players can see that the seats are empty, if they see that stadium full and rocking, they might show a better effort in the 2 minute drill.

If the fans don't have faith in the team...the team won't have faith in themselves.

That is the worst thread I have ever read on this board. Dude, you are a loser if that is how you truly feel. Sit down, shut your pie hole, and watch the game. If someone wants to leave early so be it. It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If you want to sit there and watch this garbage the Skins are putting out out till the very last second then have a blast -- but leave the rest of us alone.

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Meh, I left, because I knew it was over, and I knew we wouldn't come back.

I am not less of a fan because I knew the game was over.

I was sitting with UKskinsfan66, it was his first time ever in america, and first time ever being to a redskins game, if I had any ounce of hope we would come back, I would have told him to stay and continue watching.

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Calm down, nobody's stopping you. You probably would've sat down and pouted anyway.

Nah, the people pouting are the ones that stay to watch the ineptitude that the Redskins call a '2-minute offense'.

I, on the other hand, have accepted that this is the way of this team and will enjoy a nice FREE beer in the parking lot watching all the angry fans leave at the END of the game.

Acceptance is key. As are low expectations.

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No, you're an *** for being a jerk and calling out other Skins fans for leaving. Its none of your business. Don't you understand that? It's their right to leave if they choose to. And, yes, you, or the other poster that said they yelled at others for leaving will get beat down one day if they continue this practice. It's inevitable. There are some crazy mofos out there, man.

Give me a break, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by saying you should stay and watch the whole game. You come on here and make your opinions public, you're gonna hear from the other side. If you don't wanna hear people rag on your for it, don't post it. If you wanna leave fine, trust me it doesn't mean that much to me. You're right, it's your damn money and your right. I just think it's ****ing stupid that you'd leave the game early when there is still a chance to win...that's all there is to it.

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Just a friendly reminder. You guys do know you are trying to rationlize something with a 17 year old. :laugh: Good luck with that guys. Anyhoot, most of those types of people are the first to tell somebody to get out of their business, but feel they have the right to stick their nose into somebody elses. Yes, unfortunately people like that end up learning the hard way. (violently)

I just ask One Shot this. Do your neighbors tell you how you should use the things that you buy with your own money? My guess is no, so why do you feel you should tell others what they do with the products they bought with THEIR money. (tickets)

Have a \_

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Just a friendly reminder. You guys do know you are trying to rationlize something with a 17 year old. :laugh: Good luck with that guys. Anyhoot, most of those types of people are the first to tell somebody to get out of their business, but feel they have the right to stick their nose into somebody elses. Yes, unfortunately people like that end up learning the hard way. (violently)

I just ask One Shot this. Do your neighbors tell you how you should use the things that you buy with your own money? My guess is no, so why do you feel you should tell others what they do with the products they bought with THEIR money. (tickets)

Have a \_

Yeah, but where where you 300 posts ago? :)

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Just a friendly reminder. You guys do know you are trying to rationlize something with a 17 year old. :laugh: Good luck with that guys. Anyhoot, most of those types of people are the first to tell somebody to get out of their business, but feel they have the right to stick their nose into somebody elses. Yes, unfortunately people like that end up learning the hard way. (violently)

I just ask One Shot this. Do your neighbors tell you how you should use the things that you buy with your own money? My guess is no, so why do you feel you should tell others what they do with the products they bought with THEIR money. (tickets)

Have a \_

Let's not forget where we are. We're in a PUBLIC forum where anything is fair game. You come on here and state your opinions for everyone to see, people are going to disagree. Just like nobody can tell you what or what not to believe, but you still see disagreements in The Tailgate.....that's what debate is all about. I'm surprised you don't understand that. Nobody said you CAN'T leave the stadium before the game is over. In fact, if the Patriots game was at FedEx, I wouldn't be surprised to see it cleared by the 4th quarter, the team doesn't deserve to be watched when they're playing like that. But that wasn't the case at all. It was still a ballgame.

My neighbors don't tell me how to use things I bought with my own money because they don't KNOW how I use them, they don't come poking around like that. Just like I don't to them. If they come into my house and start telling me how to live my life, of course I'm gonna be like "who the **** are you?" I'd expect them to say the same if I did it to them.

What you don't seem to realize is that this is different. If you came to me and told me "this is how I spend my money", which is basically what you all have done, I can say whatever I want without it being an intrusion of your business. You're telling me your business. And now I've got something to say about it.

By the way

Anyhoot, most of those types of people are the first to tell somebody to get out of their business, but feel they have the right to stick their nose into somebody elses.

You don't know me.

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