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Stadium clearing out w/ a chance to still win


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You make some excellent points and I know that I stayed until the clock read 0:00. But, I think the fact so many people are leaving demonstrates how badly this organization has failed the fans. Week in and week out, this organization shows that it's spinning our tires, going nowhere, making silly mistakes in crucial moments and proving that this team just isn't getting any better. The fans that left knew what time it was and decided to bail. Frankly, at this point, I can't say that I blame them anymore. We have a coaching staff that plays not to lose and believes that we're still in 1990, and we have an organizational structure that doesn't give this team the best chance to win on field. Things are going to have to change. Until then, expect the fans to continue to bail early and expect to see mediocre-at-best football from the burgundy and gold.

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Guest Knightwchmn

No... obviously the guy was a smart, observent fan. He's been watching the Redskins long enough to know when the team will "pack it in." I know I can tell... every week.

With 4:18 left to go, when Gibss settled for a field goal instead of punching it in @ the 5 on fourth and one and putting it away, I knew we had lost.

That is a conservative, defeatest attitude. Playing "not to lose", which caused them to lose anyway.

Who didn't know McNabb would drive the field and score with the Skins only hanging onto a 5 point lead?!?! Who didn't know Greg Williams would emplore his "bend don't break" defense and allow the Eagles to drive with relative ease?!?! It's happened time, and time, and time before. How long have you guys been watching this football team?

Obviously, that guy you so boldly criticized knew!! How come you didn't?!?!

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We were "playing to lose" against Arizona too and we won that game.

The stadium cleared out because 1- people are sheep, they see 10 people get up and they follow. And 2, the majority of fans at fedex field dont understand football, didnt realize we still had a chance to go to OT, and are just idiots thinking the game was lost.

People can sit back and say "I knew it was over" and yeah the odds were against us but bottom line, the majority of people left because they were following everyone else, they dont understand football and they had no idea we did not yet definitively lose.

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WHy stay when you know the inevitable collapse is coming.

Sad. IN the 80's you could feel when we were going to the Super Bowl. Now the most you can feel is a forth quarter collapse coming on

Couldn't agree more, I was sitting next to eagle fans and when we didn't score a td on first and goal after the carter strip on mcnabb, I told them that we were going to lose 27-25.

Wasn't that hard of a call, that's the worst part


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People can sit back and say "I knew it was over" and yeah the odds were against us but bottom line, the majority of people left because they were following everyone else, they dont understand football and they had no idea we did not yet definitively lose.

When this team is down they way they're down, they have lost. It's only a matter of running out the clock.

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We were "playing to lose" against Arizona too and we won that game.

The stadium cleared out because 1- people are sheep, they see 10 people get up and they follow. And 2, the majority of fans at fedex field dont understand football, didnt realize we still had a chance to go to OT, and are just idiots thinking the game was lost.

People can sit back and say "I knew it was over" and yeah the odds were against us but bottom line, the majority of people left because they were following everyone else, they dont understand football and they had no idea we did not yet definitively lose.

Are you kidding? I think the vast majority of people "understand football" enough to know the game was basically over. Anything can happen...but come on, this wasn't happening.

I left early. I only go to one game per year and I left early. Was I 100% sure the game was over? Of course not, but I had a pretty good feeling. I know for me, it was more of a mental thing. I didn't want to stay and get my hopes up only to have the dashed yet again!

This team teases us. Each of these games (Giants, Packers, Eagles) is like a microcosm of the season. We hang around and stay close enough to think there's a chance, but in the end it doesn't pan out.

How about this Mr. Knowledgeable Fan, how about you tell me that this season isn't over? I will go on record now and state that we will not make the playoffs. Let's see who "understands football" better, ok?

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Like being down 14 points to the Jets on the road?

Horrible example (not surprising).

First of all, we had over a half to make up a two-TD deficit against a bad team with a first-time starting QB. Secondly, if you were at all impressed with that win, then your credibility goes right out the window.

Face it, we're not a good team and our mentality and philosophy in these games is part of the reason why. If fans want to save themselves a few extra minutes of their precious weekend time, why don't they have the right to do that?

Again, I find it funny that some of you are actually arguing that the game wasn't over. Everyone who thought it was over has been proven correct since the Eagles went on to win and the Redskins did nothing with their last two drives...right? Maybe you saw a different ending?

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Are you kidding? I think the vast majority of people "understand football" enough to know the game was basically over. Anything can happen...but come on, this wasn't happening.

I left early. I only go to one game per year and I left early. Was I 100% sure the game was over? Of course not, but I had a pretty good feeling. I know for me, it was more of a mental thing. I didn't want to stay and get my hopes up only to have the dashed yet again!

This team teases us. Each of these games (Giants, Packers, Eagles) is like a microcosm of the season. We hang around and stay close enough to think there's a chance, but in the end it doesn't pan out.

How about this Mr. Knowledgeable Fan, how about you tell me that this season isn't over? I will go on record now and state that we will not make the playoffs. Let's see who "understands football" better, ok?

You are the type of fan that I hate....you suck....bottom line.

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They paid $100 for the seats, they can do whatever they want with them. .

I agree with this. Their money, their choice although I personally wouldn't have given up that easy.

as for the post about the Eagle chick. She must be stupid as hell. We DID let themscore. I called it before they scored. I told the wife that the only way we have a chance in this game is to let them run it in because that was our only chance at getting the ball back.

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Im not arguing the game didnt end the way it did.

Im arguing the same idiots who are cheering on offense, sitting down on defense, getting up in the middle of plays to go piss...those are the same idiots who left with 2:18 on the clock thinking the game was over when it in fact was not over yet.

96% of those idiots post on this board.

Ron Jeremy pretty much summed it up, nothing else needs to be said.

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Like being down 14 points to the Jets on the road?

Don't even try to compare playing the Eagles to playing one of the 2-3 worst teams in the NFL. We should have never been down to begin with. We still had to take them into OT to win after letting them back into the game.

The Jets.

The Redskins have no killer instinct at all and that starts with the Head Coach.

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How many games you need to watch to realize that Redskins get better, and better at finding ways to lose games?

A lot more games than you have....from my seat...not leaving until the final gun sounds. If you are fan of this team you should stay until the game end....period.

Everyone wants to ***** and moan that FedEx sucks and their is no home field advantage...then these same douchebag come on here and say it is OK to leave the game early....they paid $100 for the tickets so they will do what they want???....I wish all of the "beat the traffic"/"I am here as a social event" would sell their tickets and stay the **** home. You people needed to be weeded out of the FedEx immediately. You don't get it...and you never will.

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Im not arguing the game didnt end the way it did.

Im arguing the same idiots who are cheering on offense, sitting down on defense, getting up in the middle of plays to go piss...those are the same idiots who left with 2:18 on the clock thinking the game was over when it in fact was not over yet.

96% of those idiots post on this board.

Perhaps these 'idiots' need someone smart to tell them how to do it. How can one keep blindly supporting a team that has been letting them down and finding new ways to lose for the better part of 15 years?

Please, do tell.

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Don't even try to compare playing the Eagles to playing one of the 2-3 worst teams in the NFL. We should have never been down to begin with. We still had to take them into OT to win after letting them back into the game.

The Jets.

The Redskins have no killer instinct at all and that starts with the Head Coach.

you said when this teams is down, the game is over. i was responding to your quote.

its completely relevant. we were down 14 points on the road. period. by your definition, at that point, the game should be over. furthermore, relative to what your inferring (an inept, passive offense that doesnt go for the kill), being down 14 should absolutely fall in line with that philosophy, where the game is a loss. It wasnt.

Differences between teams, time left, etc is all irrelevant to MY point, as I am just responding to your quote saying when the team is down "the way theyre down" (which to me, I dont know, 14 pts is a lot worse than 5), its over.

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Im not arguing the game didnt end the way it did.

Im arguing the same idiots who are cheering on offense, sitting down on defense, getting up in the middle of plays to go piss...those are the same idiots who left with 2:18 on the clock thinking the game was over when it in fact was not over yet.

96% of those idiots post on this board.

Ron Jeremy pretty much summed it up, nothing else needs to be said.

Thank you.

Like I said above....these people need to be weeded out and stay the **** home.

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you said when this teams is down, the game is over. i was responding to your quote.

its completely relevant. we were down 14 points on the road. period. by your definition, at that point, the game should be over. furthermore, relative to what your inferring (an inept, passive offense that doesnt go for the kill), being down 14 should absolutely fall in line with that philosophy, where the game is a loss. It wasnt.

Differences between teams, time left, etc is all irrelevant to MY point, as I am just responding to your quote saying when the team is down "the way theyre down" (which to me, I dont know, 14 pts is a lot worse than 5), its over.

The team had an entire half to go back and win that game and still almost lost it. To the Jets.

They had every opportunity to go in and stomp on Philly's collective throat and didn't do it, then let them back in the game. Philly just finished the job that the Jets were incapable of doing.

Do you see the difference now? This team doesn't respond and had to go into OT to be two of the three worst teams in the league.

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Perhaps these 'idiots' need someone smart to tell them how to do it. How can one keep blindly supporting a team that has been letting them down and finding new ways to lose for the better part of 15 years?

Please, do tell.

You can keep "blindly" supporting a team by doing your part as the 12th man.

is it so hard to at least CLAP on defense? dont strain your little tonsils, its ok, but at least clap, make noise.

is it so hard to shut the F up on offense? do you understand how football works? quiet, the offense needs to communicate. that doesnt mean stand up screaming "throw the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll" while JC is under center.

if you dont like the team, dont come, and dont be a fan, its simple. no one is forcing you to be a redskins fan. you have problems with the last 15 years? just go be a patriots fan, dont let the door hit your ass on the way out. see ya.

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