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Stadium clearing out w/ a chance to still win


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When the skins show any ability to run a 2-minute drive, I may feel inclined to stay.

But I was sick to the point of puking all over my fellow fans after we turned the ball over on downs with 2 minutes left.

I started walking out and watched our final possession on my phone. And guess what, I got home in an hour opposed to 2 1/2.

And if we did come back, I wouldn't really of cared that I "missed it" because it warranted leaving at the point in which I did because I felt sick to my stomach and didn't want to start throwing punches.

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Y'know what Luver......

The frigging team gave up at the end.

You made me say it.

Didn't want to but you forced me to.

This wasn't the Cardinals game. This wasn't the Cowboys game.

This was TONIGHT's game and they gave the **** up.........

Look at the plays after the the TD, fans didn't do that. Fans didn't block for Jason. Fans didn't fumble balls or drop passes or let Westbrook run right into the endzone. Nor did the fans waste a bunch of timeouts that we could have used down 8 with 2:24 left.

So hey glad you stayed :applause: .... I'd seen enough.

I'm a bad fan to LavarLuver big deal.....I've been called alot worse by the Eagle fans today.

Glad you're the super-smart real, true, die-hard Redskins fan who stayed and fought his guts out.

lmfao OWNED lol sorry but it was true...

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I feel you man, but we have got to support the teams.

Deadman, the team did give up...my point is that they gave up because they looked around and saw that they had nothing to play for because the fans already left.

and my point is that the team gave up already and the fans saw that they had nothing to stay for b/c the team had already given up. That was my reaction. Not to get home early. If I get home at 7PM or 7:30PM really doesn't matter that much to me.......especially since I don't have to work the next day. You saw that they were ready for a rally maybe.....I didn't see that in the body language coming off the team.

Maybe you're right....maybe I'm right......either way I do think you have to agree that based on what happened the previous series didn't give either the fans or the team much hope in coming back. And it goes back to poor clock management and that goes back to coaching.

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Please enlighten me,

Do you expect the fans to just give up? Start cheering for another team?

Get a clue as to what?


that this team has blown a record setting 13 halftime leads (including 3 this year) in the Gibbs II era, and people are tired of pouring their hearts, souls, and money into a team that continuously disappoints them....

even most of the wins hurt....did you feel good after the Cardinals win? or did you say "Hey, at least we won!" or "A win is a win!"...same question for the Dolphins.....you felt good after we pounded Detroit...and saw it go for naught.....

the Redskins have lost more games by a TD or less and blown more second half leads than any team in the NFL by a landslide since Gibbs returns...it DOES ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY HURT to watch this team...

I am glad your endurance continues...

but how about you cut some of these other folks a little slack....the fact that they (we, me, you, all of us) are still here 4 years into this failed experiment is already a huge credit to their devotion...they do NOT owe you another 2:25....nor do they owe it to Gibbs or Snyder

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I was half way to my car when the final gun went off and was glad to be there. I may not go back this year. Anyone want to buy my tickets?

Believe me, I go to every game. I don't sell or give away any of my 4 tickets, (I'm selfish that way :)) but as I was walking through the lot today for a second I said to myself I'm not doing this to myself and my family any more. My wife was crying, she was so frustrated with this team and all the obnoxious and classless Philly fans. Enough is enough. I can pay for a beautiful vacation or redo the kitchen for the amount of money we spend on this hobby/obsession every year.

BUT, we'll be there for game 8. This crap is in our blood and there is no cure. :laugh:

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Yea it sucks by why should the fans have faith in Gibbs when he makes the same mistakes every week and every season? When he refuses to learn from his mistakes, or make the necessary coaching adjustments to make this team a winner. How many times do the fans have to suffer ineptitude before they say enough is enough. I can honestly say that I can manage the clock better than Gibbs can. That's sad. You know what, I just can't fault the fans today. They've seen this movie before. It's getting to a point where I fear Gibbs may have a slight mental retardation.

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Right after Campbell turned the ball over late in the game, some guy was walking out...I was yelling at him, where are you going?!? He gave me some ugly look and I told him to get out of here and to go beat the traffic. His response was I am a "die hard" fan, this was as he was making his way out of the stands and giving up on his team. He told me that he held season tickets longer than I was alive, yeah right, if that was true he wouldn't have been sitting in cheap seats with me.

The most frustrating thing for me as a TRUE Redskins fan, is that when the Eagles recovered that fumble with about 3 min. to go, at least 60% of the stadium was leaving.

We let the team score and then were only down by 8 with over 2 minutes. People need to wake up and smell the coffee, you are not going to beat the traffic when the whole stadium is pouring out, and you are in the upper level.

Stop leaving the damn games early, the team needs to see that support.

It's no wonder that we couldn't put anything together when we were down by 8. There weren't any fans. The players can see that the seats are empty, if they see that stadium full and rocking, they might show a better effort in the 2 minute drill.

If the fans don't have faith in the team...the team won't have faith in themselves.

Why should they stick around? We had chance to bury eagles and couldn't do it. Don't blame them for leaving and im so glad i went with my gut and watched at a bar instead of going to Fed Ex of horrors. This team makes me sick to my stomach.

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Believe me, I go to every game. I don't sell or give away any of my 4 tickets, (I'm selfish that way :)) but as I was walking through the lot today for a second I said to myself I'm not doing this to myself and my family any more. My wife was crying, she was so frustrated with this team and all the obnoxious and classless Philly fans. Enough is enough. I can pay for a beautiful vacation or redo the kitchen for the amount of money we spend on this hobby/obsession every year.

BUT, we'll be there for game 8. This crap is in our blood and there is no cure. :laugh:

i am the other way....I am having my left shoulder reconstructed 11/29....my wife finally talked me into giving my Bills tickets to a childhood friend, but I was going to come to the damn Bears game 1 week post-op...and to Dallas 1 month post-op with my shoulder and left arm in a traction sling...

no longer....after today, I am going to watch from home with the pain meds....somewhere it became "less worth it" to me.....sometime between kickoff and the ending debacle actually gutting out physical pain to come support this team completely left my agenda....i will likely give my Bears tickets to my father in law (he is from Minnesota, so I know he hates the Bears)...and sell my Dallas tickets and try and makes some extra Christmas money to buy an extra present or two for my sons....but I almost feel guilty encouraging my 5 year old to be a fan of this team...i really do....

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i am the other way....I am having my left shoulder reconstructed 11/29....my wife finally talked me into giving my Bills tickets to a childhood friend, but I was going to come to the damn Bears game 1 week post-op...and to Dallas 1 month post-op with my shoulder and left arm in a traction sling...

no longer....after today, I am going to watch from home with the pain meds....somewhere it became "less worth it" to me.....sometime between kickoff and the ending debacle actually gutting out physical pain to come support this team completely left my agenda....i will likely give my Bears tickets to my father in law (he is from Minnesota, so I know he hates the Bears)...and sell my Dallas tickets and try and makes some extra Christmas money to buy an extra present or two for my sons....but I almost feel guilty encouraging my 5 year old to be a fan of this team...i really do....

I love the Skins and have been to at least 4 home games per year since 83. But yeah i have to agree. I'm finding it hard to justify watching their games in person.

1) You get ripped off by the Dan

2) The Redskins take your heart and rip it out more often than not

Love this team but never have a good feeling when watching them. Even when we went up by 9 with 11 minutes left i said now the collapse will begin. Sure enough it did.

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I love the Skins and have been to at least 4 home games per year since 83. But yeah i have to agree. I'm finding it hard to justify watching their games in person.

1) You get ripped off by the Dan

2) The Redskins take your heart and rip it out more often than not

Love this team but never have a good feeling when watching them. Even when we went up by 9 with 11 minutes left i said now the collapse will begin. Sure enough it did.

thats because, and I know I sound like a broken record, but the reason you "expected the collapse" is because since Gibbs returned we have blown 13 halftime leads...

the next most in the NFL is like 5....(Jeff Fischer, lifetime, is like 42-3 with a halftime lead)

13 times at halftime you went to get a beer with the lead...and watched the Redskins piss away that lead like your extremely expensive beer....(except for the away games..then it was your home bought, less expensive beer)...

in fact, I think Gibbs has lost 31ish (30-33? somewhere around in there...lets see 6-10, 10-6, 5-11, 5-4, so yeah, 31)...31 regular season games since his return....42% of them were when he was leading at halftime.....

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