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Physical Football is REDSKINS FOOTBALL! Coach Understands This & So Should You

Diehard Otis

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To all of my beloved Redskins fans, no matter where you are, how old you are, or where you're from, this is why physical football is the cornerstone of Coach Joe Gibbs' philosiphy.

Physically: We all know that the bigger dog wins the fight most of the time. This fact is just as true on the football field, as it is on the street. Consider this; how do you physically beat a man bigger than you, stronger than you, faster than you, tougher than you, that hits your ass like a freight train consistently? Very difficult propostion to say the least. In football terms, if your opponnet has shown the inability to stop the off-tackle line plunge, or limit it to less than a five yard gain, why stop battering him? Keep beating him with that off-tackle plunge, because by the fourth quarter, those five yard gains become seven or twelve yard gains. Example, last week in the meadowlands against new york.

Psychologically: The sheer violence of Physical Football gives the aggressor a distinct psychological advantage. The aggressor begins to plant seeds of doubt, & even cowardice in opponnets. For instance, how willing would you be to cross the street if you knew for certain that the man on that other side of the street was going to knock your teeth out? To say the least, you would seriously consider the consequences of your actions BEFORE you acted upon them. The same is absolutely true in football. Once Sean Taylor knocks your fillings loose(in the 1st half!), you are going to remember him in the huddle when the qb sends you on that 3rd and 12 crossing route. Example, week five against detroit. The lions were clearly intimidated, as evidenced by their weak & tenative play as that afternoon progressed.

Tactically: This is where it all pays off! Once you have proven to your opponnet that you'll fold him up quicker than toilet paper, you can execute your plans against him with impunity. In personal terms, once that man on the other side of the street plans to cross the street & take your side too(!), how can you frustrate his plan if you don't truly believe that you can subdue him? In football terms, this is where the rubber meets the road. In order to stop that seven yard gain, a defensive coordinator must commit more personnel to the line of scrimmage, which in turn makes his defense is sitting duck for a play-action downfield passing attack. Said coordinator is at a disadvantage. Since he doesn't have an answer for that off-tackle attack, his defense is in a reactionary position. This gives the initiative as well as the overwhelming advantage to the Offense's play caller. This is the direction in which Coach Gibbs is taking the team. We are not there quite yet.

(Bonus)Reputation: The gift that truly keeps on giving!:D Think of those baltimore teams from a few years ago. When you knock your opponnets out, for 60 minutes, every week, home or away, word gets around! Think about it. Everyone in town would start crossing the street when that streetfighter strolls down the avenue, cause word got around that he didn't play, dogged his victims out completely, & looooooved a good tussle. Hell, parties would start ending early when the streetfighter walks in the door, cause nobody wants to try him. The same in football. A team with a tough, physical reputation sets the tone for the afternoon before they ever step onto the field. This gives a team a distinct advantage. Example, Tiger Woods. Good grief, what a champion he is, but his true weapon is his intimidating rep. A lesser golfer KNOWS he must play the game of his life for A CHANCE to win, cause Tiger doesn't make critical mistakes. So not only is the golfer in question playing against Tiger Woods, TW's reputation is playing on the fragile pysche of this poor, hapless golfer. The world has seen the results of such a dynamic.

This is why Physical Washington Redskins Football matters soooo much to Coach Joe. He knows the benefits. And this is exactly why it's important to understand the physical mindset, if you intend to fully appreciate a Joe Gibbs coached Football team. HAIL TO THE REDSKINS, HAIL VICTORY!!!

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Thing is, even teams that have that smashmouth football mentality and reputation, still find ways to spread out the field and throw to win ball games (ala the Pittsburgh Steelers). I'm all for smashmouth football, being physical beats teams. But so does spreading out defenses and being fast. Its all about a combination of both. But why do the Redskins have to play "smashmouth Redskins football". Why can't teams reputations evolve with what offense works best for them. Why the stigma that running the ball down people's throats is Redskins football so thats what we're gonna do no matter what. Thats what I don't get.

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Consider this; how do you physically beat a man bigger than you, stronger than you, faster than you, tougher than you, that hits your ass like a freight train consistently? Very difficult propostion to say the least.

Ask one of the Gracies. They go up against people twice their size and strength and win. They use strategy, disguise their moves, and execute extremely well. Punch for punch is an idiot's game sort of akin to some of the old military tactics where people would stand with muskets in a line right across from each other and just shoot until whoever had the most people standing seemed to win.

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if we have the personel to do it great...but at time we don't so we need to mix it up...up here there is a lot of equality with physical strength, they are all big and strong...we are not going to beat down the patriots or steelers...heck GB out physicaled us and its why they caused two second half fumbles and we lost.

we need to out hit AND outsmart.

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i see the OP point and agree with the idea of accepting this redskins team prides themselves on fighting it out for 60 minutes instead of being a finesse team that relies on quick strikes, we control the clock and the game no matter how it gets done we will walk out knowing we fought our hearts out for 60 minutes and thats redskins football

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Physicality is important but being smart is even more so. Both Fletcher and Landry hit the QB yesterday at unnecessary times and ways and we lost a total of 30 yards for boneheaded mistakes. Execution is redskins football. In the 80's, everyone knew Gibbs was going to the pound the rock, but no one could stop it. Now, we are stopping ourselves and that is the difference.

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Hey guys, I think that some of you may have missed my point. I am not suggesting that the team simple-mindedly out muscle each & every opponnet; no, that's what nebraska cornhusker football used to be about. My point is that in order to fully understand our Head Coach's logic, it is essential to understand his philosiphy. Which is, of course, physical football. This is our signature style of play(kinda like pittsburgh). Like it or loathe it, Coach Gibbs has emphasised that this shall be our trademark. Everything that I recall reading, watching, & listening to him say reinforces this notion. For the record, Coach Gibbs has been quite frank about the type of players he prefers in his system. Specificly smart, tough, talented, team guys with good character (ex. Russ Grimm, Darryl Green). Please forgive my rants on this, but it seems to me that a sizable portion of fans on these boards just don't understand this notion. That's why I felt duty bound to try to explain it. I certainly hope I didn't make matters worse. :)

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the problem is, in building the team you describe, he has left the team woefully undermanned at some positions....WR for example....

we MUST move and score through the air in order to win in the second half of the season and to be successful in the playoffs.....

right now we only have one WR whose production is in the top 50 in the league....ARE is 33rd...he is currently being outproduced by 4 Tight Ends....Santana Moss is 67th...Cooley is even further down...we are all aware of the TD woes....

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I think a lot of the problems with the passing game is that Gibbs was confident that the line could protect Cambell. A lot of people have said that Gibbs doesn't trust Cambell, but in the first two games Cambell was throwing the ball more--in my opinion because they were confident that they could protect Cambell. Now that the line is getting more comfortable, I look for them to take more shots down field as they establish the run.

The offense will be there as long as we have no more injuries to the line.

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It's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog. I agree with you though. We need to play physical ball but we HAVE to score points. The offense has been a constant problem for Gibbs since 2004. It's time to either **** or get off the pot.

Find an indentity and a run with it. Al Saunder's and Joe Gibbs are amongst the best offensive minds in all of football. Al has been at the helm of the best offense in football for four years straight before coming to the Redskins. Something's very wrong IMO and I think it's obvious. We have much more talent of the offensive side of the ball by far than we do the defense so what gives - something needs to come to a head here and soon.

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I agree with what the original poster is saying and that philosphy has won games in the past and present. But with that, going back to the Hogs and Riggins, the line outweighed D-Lines by 30-40 pounds a man. Riggins was bigger than most of the LBs he went against. You won't and do not have that type of disparity in the NFL these days. Players today are not only big, but fast. I feel like we're a slow plodding team on offense. In today's NFL you have to pass to set up the run. It's a passing league with all the cover 2 defenses being played and the zone blitz schemes of the 3-4. Gibbs and the offense need to adapt and I don't see it yet.

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