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Cowher: Brady could be target of cheap shot


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As the New England Patriots pour it on opponents, fans have to be wondering about it and Tuesday former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher said it: If the Patriots keep running up the score, will someone like Tom Brady be the victim of a retaliatory hit? The subject of the Pats' late-game tactics is causing a lot of buzz around the NFL, particularly after Sunday's 52-7 victory over the Washington Redskins. On a CBS conference call with reporters Tuesday. Cowher noted the Patriots could be playing a dangerous game.

"At some point if this continues, someone's going to take a cheap shot,'' Cowher said. "Is that worth subjecting your players to if it comes to that?''


Edit: I know that there are already countless threads on this subject. But the significance of this article is that this was the top story on Yahoo.com, and that it's now national news that there is a bull's eye on Brady. You can't chalk this up to the nation drinking haterade either; I don't recall during the Cowboy's run in the nineties that anyone called for taking out Aikman's knees (outside of some rabid Skins or Eagles fans). Not that I'm suggesting that COWHER is calling for it, but I think that the Patriots are giving the Raiders a run for their money for the most despised team in sports.

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I don't understand how it's classless to want to see Brady get hammered when you have a sport like boxing where people cheer when someone gets a brutal pounding that involves getting stitches, shiners, broken noses and concussions. Sorry, Brady put his well being in his own hands when he decided that throwing deep was a good idea in the 4th up 38-0. In the 1970s Brady wouldn't have made it out of Sunday's game. Somewhere, over the last 30 years, the US became smug and pussified.

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Its not that anyone wants to pretzelize Brady's legs, but in the heat of the moment and with the frustration of being down 30 points and your opponent is still gunning a full strength, a DE or LB that slips through the line is going to see Brady and just think "one good hit to get some steam off" and put the full force of his body into Brady's blind side. Those guys aren't thinking "lets hurt him," they're just doing their job and all hopped up with aggression. When they get up, they'll feel just as bad as everyone that Brady's leg is bent backwards. The only person to blame will be Bellyfat for continually poking his enemies in the face while they are down. Sooner or later, one of them takes a kick at your groin.

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You can't chalk this up to the nation drinking haterade either; I don't recall during the Cowboy's run in the nineties that anyone called for taking out Aikman's knees (outside of some rabid Skins or Eagles fans).

Exactly. Aikman never chalked up atsronomical numbers. The Cowboys ran a balanced game and when it was sewed up Emmitt Smith finished it off.

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I agree with Cowher.....Belicheck is asking for it.

IMO Brady is as well. ****ing about PI non-calls up by 40 points!? Are you kidding me?

Competitiveness is great, but this goes beyond that into the realm of poor sportsmanship. Winning every game isn't enough for them, they're seeking to humiliate every team they play.

I'd be lying if I said that I won't cheer if and when I see Brady get his clock cleaned.

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I don't understand how it's classless to want to see Brady get hammered when you have a sport like boxing where people cheer when someone gets a brutal pounding that involves getting stitches, shiners, broken noses and concussions. Sorry, Brady put his well being in his own hands when he decided that throwing deep was a good idea in the 4th up 38-0. In the 1970s Brady wouldn't have made it out of Sunday's game. Somewhere, over the last 30 years, the US became smug and pussified.

Is it that or is it that since the majority of NFL players are now minorities this is the man's way of still controlling things? I mean not to pull the race card out or anything but look in the history books what the white man can't control they destroy...Now since the white professional athlete is becoming more and more scarce the man has to now limit celebrations, dress code etc....

I may be wrong but usually if it smell like crap, tastes like crap and looks like crap it normally is....right?

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Is it that or is it that since the majority of NFL players are now minorities this is the man's way of still controlling things? I mean not to pull the race card out or anything but look in the history books what the white man can't control they destroy...Now since the white professional athlete is becoming more and more scarce the man has to now limit celebrations, dress code etc....

I may be wrong but usually if it smell like crap, tastes like crap and looks like crap it normally is....right?

You...you may be reaching just a tad, there...maybe. :2cents:

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You...you may be reaching just a tad, there...maybe. :2cents:

I might be I just wanted to interject and see what is said, my comment was made to provoke thought and comments. The whole classless thing is crazy to me, The Patriots are destroying all that comes thier way, isn't that what is supposed to happen? Brady throwing for scores and the defenses are supposed to stop him right? I mean where is it written in any rulebook that states when you are up you have to play fair? There is a thing called momentum and I remember that game years ago when the Oilers playing the Bills were up by what 38 points and they went on and lost.

So me personally I love seeing teams get completely destroyed, just like I love watching a defense game....

It's football a violent sport that is designed to score and to win. I mean if we ever went to WW3 what general is going to say " Oh we launched 30 nukes, let's stop now"

Let the teams play, let the QB's get hit and stop trying to limit things, there are too many control freaks and who says that control is always good? :2cents:

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Is it that or is it that since the majority of NFL players are now minorities this is the man's way of still controlling things? I mean not to pull the race card out or anything but look in the history books what the white man can't control they destroy...Now since the white professional athlete is becoming more and more scarce the man has to now limit celebrations, dress code etc....

I may be wrong but usually if it smell like crap, tastes like crap and looks like crap it normally is....right?

YES!! A race card being thrown out when talking about wishing injury on a white man.

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I mean where is it written in any rulebook that states when you are up you have to play fair?

Well, "play fair"? I would say thats in every rule book ever. But I understand what you meant to say and no, its not in any rule book which is exactly why this argument exists. It wouldn't be a question of "class" if it was a rule. The classy coach pulls up on the reins even when he has every right to keep going at full speed. That defines good sportsmanship. Accept a loss with praise for you opponenent and gain a victory with humility and through fair play. There is no law against being a prick, but that creates the opportunity for a coach to show what kind of person he or she is.

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Well, "play fair"? I would say thats in every rule book ever. But I understand what you meant to say and no, its not in any rule book which is exactly why this argument exists. It wouldn't be a question of "class" if it was a rule. The classy coach pulls up on the reins even when he has every right to keep going at full speed. That defines good sportsmanship. Accept a loss with praise for you opponenent and gain a victory with humility and through fair play. There is no law against being a prick, but that creates the opportunity for a coach to show what kind of person he or she is.

Hmm point taken and agreed, however what about the conversations regarding say preseason when the players admit to not playing hard and they get injured. Having "class" and taking players out or taking a knee to me is a direct slap in the face. I mean there used to be some amount of pride and emotion that was clearly shown, similiar to Brady griping at calls when being up. I see the Ravens and the Steelers have this pride and emotion and it's just a shame that because one team has come along and basically laid to rest all this parity crap the league has tried so hard to make, now there is some such tirade about what is class and what is classless. I also wonder how many Redskins fans would complain if the Redskins were playing like the Patriots and scoring. I personally would much rather see my Redskins destroying everyone as the Patriots are than to keep watching this joke of an offense continue to erode all the hard work the defense is doing. :2cents:

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