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CNN: Mistake costs dishwasher $59,000

Redskins Diehard

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MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- For 11 years, Pedro Zapeta, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, lived his version of the American dream in Stuart, Florida: washing dishes and living frugally to bring money back to his home country.


"They are treating me like a criminal when all I am is a working man," he said.

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(bold added by poster.)


Sucks to be him. But he acknowledges that he paid no taxes and he was in the country illegally. Doesn't that make him a criminal?

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I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm not a fan of people living over here who don't have to pay taxes. Heck, if I didn't pay any taxes, I'd have a big bag full of cash too.

But I do feel for the guy. He came over here, busted his butt and just wanted to make life better for his family. They should let him keep his money.

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I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm not a fan of people living over here who don't have to pay taxes. Heck, if I didn't pay any taxes, I'd have a big bag full of cash too.

But I do feel for the guy. He came over here, busted his butt and just wanted to make life better for his family. They should let him keep his money.

Do you think he should be responsible for paying all back taxes with any penalties and some sort of fine?

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Definitely feel sorry for the guy, but c'mon...was an illegal alien, didn't pay taxes, didn't declare the money as per the law, and the American tax paying community now has to pay for the trials that he has to go through. Sorry guy, but you gambled and lost.

Thank being said, give him half the money back, let him keep the donations, let him enter the system and work for as long as he wants, he has shown he's a hard worker, and not one to sit on his butt and be lazy trying to collect benefits that he is not entitled to.

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First of all, he should pay taxes.

And second... if I could go on a rant for a second... I'm sick and tired of the way these foreign workers are being treated in this country.

They are here for a reason people. They are hear because the U.S. Economy NEEDS them. Has anyone tried recruiting hourly help in South Florida before? Retail jobs pay 11-$15 per hour... just to work a counter. If it weren't for this stream of workers, most restaurants and businesses would simply have to close their doors. That's a fact.

These workers are allowing the American economy to grow, making a better life for YOU and your children. Societies like Japan, traditionally closed to outsiders, have realized a stagnant economy for well over a decade. The reason? Labor shortages. Even the Japanese have recently started allowing entry by Phillipino's to help. But it's probably too little too late.

And Europe is bringing in muslims... we see how that's working for them. :rolleyes: Here in America we are bringing in Christian neighbors to the south who share many of the same values that we do... hard work, family, religion, etc. Sure there are some bad-apples but overall it is a very strong, very law-abiding community.

These men and women cross the border to do the jobs that Americans simply will not do, and to make a better life for themselves and their families. And not only are we not grateful for it... we **** on them every opportunity we get. It is shameful :(

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Our economy doesn't need foreign workers. They create their own economy... it's symbiotic. Some legal and illegal immigrants set up huge business that cater solely to illegal immigrants. I don't call that the "economy" but I think George Bush does... and so did Bill Clinton.

There was an LA Times story recently about a town that banned illegal immigrants and saw their local economy go down to the tubes. Business owners complaining that they didn't have any more customers, yadda, yadda, yadda. I don't think people's business plans should include illegals as the main customer, but that's what has happened in many, many parts of the country... so now when the illegals are moved/removed businesses are complaining since they lose their customers... well excuse me... since when did "jobs American's won't do" include shopping at La Mercada?

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First of all, he should pay taxes.

And second... if I could go on a rant for a second... I'm sick and tired of the way these foreign workers are being treated in this country.

They are here for a reason people. They are hear because the U.S. Economy NEEDS them. Has anyone tried recruiting hourly help in South Florida before? Retail jobs pay 11-$15 per hour... just to work a counter. If it weren't for this stream of workers, most restaurants and businesses would simply have to close their doors. That's a fact.

These workers are allowing the American economy to grow, making a better life for YOU and your children. Societies like Japan, traditionally closed to outsiders, have realized a stagnant economy for well over a decade. The reason? Labor shortages. Even the Japanese have recently started allowing entry by Phillipino's to help. But it's probably too little too late.

And Europe is bringing in muslims... we see how that's working for them. :rolleyes: Here in America we are bringing in Christian neighbors to the south who share many of the same values that we do... hard work, family, religion, etc. Sure there are some bad-apples but overall it is a very strong, very law-abiding community.

These men and women cross the border to do the jobs that Americans simply will not do, and to make a better life for themselves and their families. And not only are we not grateful for it... we **** on them every opportunity we get. It is shameful :(

Excellent points all around

There has to be a way though to document these people and make it so that they can be productive and help this economy grow and be in the system

But seeing how my business relies on foreign workers, I know exactly what you are talking about

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I understand where you are coming from zooney, but if they want to work in the US, do it legally. Follow the law and try not to circumvent the system. I have no problem with the US government seizing his money. Best solution is to fine him for not declaring the money, tax the money, and give him back the rest.

And for Pete's sake, learn English. I understand that most jobs taken by foreigns are jobs most of us don't want, but a good portion of the those jobs mean that they have to deal with the general public. Have you ever treid to order fast food from someone who has minimal comprehension of English? If you are going to pick up a phone at a business or deal in customer service, know the language!

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Anyway, I'm starting to feel like the best solution *is* to give them some type of legal status... otherwise there's no way in tracking them, specifically health care. Why should illegal immigrants be able to cause traffic accidents at a higher rate, use social services without paying taxes leading to hospitals that get shut down, etc. Obviously, what I wrote 2 posts above supports the fact that they help our economy... but I don't know if it helps our economy in a good way other than "race to the bottom".

I'm sick of illegals getting whatever breaks they get from the system... and I'm sick of illegal criminals committing crimes in this country. I'd trade off getting rid of the criminals... but even when I think about giving them legal status it's such a freakin' boondoggle... there's no way to verify who was here and when.

Although I suppose I'd much rather buy stuff made in China with Chinese workers than made in America with Mexican workers... our government has created this mess with their lack of border and immigration enforcement for YEARS... we need to demand they clean it up... in fact we did that this summer and they still don't listen to the people...

It's frustrating... so very frustrating... I wish they would crack down on illegals as hard as they crack down on the "War on Drugs"...

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I understand where you are coming from zooney, but if they want to work in the US, do it legally. Follow the law and try not to circumvent the system. I have no problem with the US government seizing his money. Best solution is to fine him for not declaring the money, tax the money, and give him back the rest.

And for Pete's sake, learn English. I understand that most jobs taken by foreigns are jobs most of us don't want, but a good portion of the those jobs mean that they have to deal with the general public. Have you ever treid to order fast food from someone who has minimal comprehension of English? If you are going to pick up a phone at a business or deal in customer service, know the language!

It is very difficult for them to come over legally.

And I think most of them that I've encountered are trying their best to learn English. It's to their advantage. They can make more $$$ and get around a lot easier. Problem is it doesn't come overnight... especially when you are learning on the fly.


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One final point... I recently spent time on the Gulf Coast of Alabama. 10 days to be exact.

Anyways, the entire region is being rebuilt (after hurricanes) by illegal immigrants. Contractors in that area have no choice but to hire them to lay brick, paint, frame, pour concrete, etc.

The residents of south Alabama that I talked to are very grateful. It was actually refreshing to see... rather than the usual "Them dam illegals need to go back where they came from" :rolleyes:

I suspect that the same is true for almost the entire Gulf Coast. I suspect that in 15 years, we will look at New Orleans as a city built almost entirely on the backs of Mexican workers. I wonder if we as a country will be grateful, or if we will steal the $$$ they earned back from them, while the peanut gallery calls for their heads? :doh:

And imho, a lot of this immigration stuff is thinly-veiled racism. We don't hear much outcry about all of the Russian and Eastern Europeans migrating to this country (hundreds of thousands if not millions)... It's always the Mexicans, etc.

Could be wrong of course, just my opinion.


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They are here for a reason people. They are hear because the U.S. Economy NEEDS them. Has anyone tried recruiting hourly help in South Florida before? Retail jobs pay 11-$15 per hour... just to work a counter. If it weren't for this stream of workers, most restaurants and businesses would simply have to close their doors. That's a fact.

No, that is utter hogwash.

If it weren't for illegal workers, the employers would pay more. They would also charge more, which would lead to . . . and so on. But the market would adjust, and a new equilibrium would be reached. The new equilibrium would be different, no doubt in many ways. (And no doubt, in ways that are difficult to predict.)

No doubt some people, after all the ripples have spread, would be better off, and others would be worse. (And no doubt, if you asked 50 economists, you'd get 50 different answers as to who would be in each category.)

But the world would not simply collapse. The sky would not fall. There would still be restaurants in Florida. Hotels would still have clean sheets on the beds. Lawns would still get mowed.

These men and women cross the border to do the jobs that Americans simply will not do,

There is no such thing.

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One final point... I recently spent time on the Gulf Coast of Alabama. 10 days to be exact.

Anyways, the entire region is being rebuilt (after hurricanes) by illegal immigrants. Contractors in that area have no choice but to hire them to lay brick, paint, frame, pour concrete, etc.

Again, utter BS. The contractors do have a choice. They can pay a wage that's been determined by an open market. And then charge a price which has also been determined by an open market.

Now, there may be reasons why it's to our economic advantage to have the market price be X instead of Y. (Your example of Japan's stagnant economy seemed to make sense to me.) But simple, blanket statements that there is no alternative to criminal behavior aren't going to get us there.

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No, that is utter hogwash.

If it weren't for illegal workers, the employers would pay more. They would also charge more, which would lead to . . . and so on. But the market would adjust, and a new equilibrium would be reached. The new equilibrium would be different, no doubt in many ways. (And no doubt, in ways that are difficult to predict.)

You couldn't be more misinformed... more wrong. Frankly I'm stunned. :doh:

At some point in the continuous reduction in the number

of available workers willing to take jobs, short of the repeal of the

law of supply and demand, wage increases must rise above even

impressive gains in productivity… In short, unless we are able to…

continuously augment immigration quotas, overall demand for goods and

services cannot chronically exceed the underlying growth rate of


-Alan Greenspan

Just do a google search Larry. :doh: I was tempted to cut and paste about 500 links in this post, but I decided it's too much work, and you could see the same info in about 5 seconds by taking the initiative to learn something.

Some keywords to consider...

"Cost-push Inflation"


"Labor availability + Economic Development"

"Immgration Policies + Economic Development"


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Just because they are willing to work for less money, not be protected by labor laws, do dangerous jobs that no one else wants to do, doesn't make it right. I'd prefer an American worker do it for a decent wage... (maybe they are making decent wages but I doubt it).

Seriously, the life of an illegal worker sucks... isn't that because they don't make enough money? But if our country is flooded with lots of workers willing to work like this, doesn't it mean American low-skilled workers have to race to the bottom in order to compete? Or are at a disadvantage?

Furthermore, everytime we've tried to enforce immigration laws Mexican groups (yes, I'm going to say Mexican groups because I never hear of Asian immigration groups or European immigration groups) sue or protest over it. Think this is racist on my part? Just check out what has been going on WITHIN THE PAST WEEK.

Reuters (from Connecticut)

Ten Hispanic immigrants filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against a Connecticut city, its mayor and police chief, and federal agents who led a crackdown on illegal immigration last year. The suit filed in U.S. District Court in New Haven, Connecticut, claims the arrests violated the civil rights of nine workers and a 10th man who was stopped at a traffic light, including their right to due legal process, free speech and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, according to court documents.

Tulsa World Newspaper (from Oklahoma)

Local Hispanic leaders have announced plans to announce a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the state’s new immigration law.

House Bill 1804, the Taxpayers and Citizens Protection Act, is due to go into effect Nov. 1. It would make it a felony to transport, conceal or shelter an undocumented immigrant from detection. It also prevents illegal immigrants from getting jobs and public assistance.

Dallas Morning News (from Texas)

Angered over a record number of recent deportations in Irving, more than 1,000 protesters waved U.S. flags and chanted "We are America" as they rallied Wednesday night at City Hall. Demonstrators called for Irving officials to put a moratorium on turning over suspected illegal immigrants to federal officials until immigration laws are reformed nationally. They also urged people to call Mayor Herbert Gears and ask him to stop deporting people from the city's jail.
Opponents of the program say Irving police are unfairly targeting Hispanics. They say that many Hispanics have become afraid of police and that families are being torn apart as parents are deported thousands of miles from their child
OK... so we're racist when we try to actually enforce our law? You mean we're not allowed to deport you even if we find out you are living here illegally after a traffic stop? You mean you can't take your child with you? Cry me a bloody river... they know exactly what they are doing and trying to do. The fact that they have the gall to outrage and lobby politicians is amusing, given in all likelihood they can't vote... but that won't stop politicians from pandering to illegals. Anyways, keep it up... the more they do this the more pissed off the average American gets over their faulty logic.
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A couple of other things to consider.

-Why do you suppose the Federal Gov't offers a tax break (incentive) for childbirth?

-Suppose the population of the US is 10. Suppose all 10 people have jobs. Jobs that are important to the economy. One of those people has an idea for a new business, so he/she quits their current job and opens a new business.

If nobody comes in to back-fill the previous job, business suffers. If there IS someone to back-fill, that allows economic growth. If there is a pool of talent to draw from, that would free up all 10 people to create new businesses and grow the economy.

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Humm, I guess I get to be the heartless bas&*#@. Good! You earned it alright, ILLEGALLY. See folks, this is what you get when you break the law.

I do feel sorry for him. Our government let him down. They allowed him to come here ILLEGALLY, without stopping him before he came in, and now he worked hard and lost his money. Shame on our government!!! You can't fault a guy who wants the american dream, unfortunetly, one has to do it legally.

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