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Time for Gibbs to go


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We're 2-1 people. I'm not crazy about the loss either but firing a head coach at this point in the season is ridiculous, nevermind the fact that it's Joe Freakin Gibbs.

You have to admit that at some level this hysteria if ****ing hilarious. Reading Extremeskins....after any loss.......is akin to watching a train wreck.

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Can someone quote me please? I feel left out... J/k

Gibbs doesn't need to go,he just needs to change. I'll take the Gibbs with 2 lumps of agressiveness please.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Gibbs with his smarts and a lot more agressiveness would be dangerous in the Nfl. He needs to get out of his "safe zone!"

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Can someone quote me please? I feel left out... J/k

Gibbs doesn't need to go,he just needs to change. I'll take the Gibbs with 2 lumps of agressiveness please.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Gibbs with his smarts and a lot more agressiveness would be dangerous in the Nfl. He needs to get out of his "safe zone!"

Done. Without question you are now "the man."


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No, us "diehards" don't see the same light as you. We see 2-1. We see a young QB that has only started 9 games learning and growing.

Take your Gibbs hate somewhere else.


Funny how last week after the Philly win, we were talking Super Bowl, Gibbs possibly being the best coach of all time, and us being contenders. That's all changed to our team not making the playoffs, Gibbs is senile and must go, and us being average.

Sad! :doh:

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Because we lose one game, Gibbs has to go?

bull ****.

Not at all. But I am curious. Now I am not for getting rid of Gibbs-yet. If he can change and become more agressive or give up play-calling then its all good. I base that on his whole 2nd stint with this team.

Now you. At what point do you say time to move on with another coach or move Gibbs to another position within the organization? How many years of having losing records do you say enough is enough?

I say at the end of this contract. I would like to see Gibbs move away from the coaching and up into the corporate level of the 'skins organization.

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i hope all of you people who want to get rid of gibbs, that want to bash on betts will just get off the bandwagon and move along.

you are the type of skins fans that us real fans despise. no matter what we do, now matter how many games we win you always have something negative to say. we should have done this, yeah well we will blow it anyways. it gets old. just either love your team and stick by them or move along. its every week with you people. were not the 91 skins!!

get rid of gibbs? why dont YOU get rid of your ****ty attitude and learn to support your team thru thick and thin.

get rid of gibbs? why dont you get rid of all of your skins gear and move on to the next team to bash.

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ok so i have been in denial since Gibbs 2.0 came back. Everyone said Gibbs has to go blah blah ... well im getting on that bandwagon now for the first time. This game was lost because of play calling, nothing else. The offense in the second half was pathetic. It had Gibbs name all over it.

Run Portis left

Run Portis left

dink pass to cooley


Thats what the entire 3rd quarter and 4th were until the end. Gibbs plays to NOT lose. When the Skins are up by anything, we start playing conservative and stop playing the way we are capable of playing. We lack the killer instinct and its not because we don't have the players to do it. Campbell can hit a toothpick 60 yards away. Moss can burn past anyone, and Portis is a beast. We saw this same play calling in all 3 games and its a wonder we won the first 2. I watched the Dallas game last night, and i cant help but think, why cant we do that. We have the weapons, we have the talent. We just have a coach thats scared to do anything. It doesn't work in todays NFL. Any team can score and come back from any deficit.

I think its time for a new coach. Plain and simple.

Damn you are jumping the gun...JG needs to learn something after this game just like we all did...We all hoped that with his "HOF" experience he should have been aware of something like this happening, since he has probably been in this situation before. The truth is he wanted to slow down/rest our offense on the field from playing too physical and getting hurt and to keep them prepared for a late season run. That is the only dissapointing thing! He should have known! And another things that gets to me is that we ar a lot better team than the Giants and Joe Gibbs should praise us for that more than praising the Giants as a good team. If our coach's confidence is suspect then why should our Players confidence not be the same?

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Funny how all these Gibbs Must Go, Saunders Must Go, Cerruto Must Go, threads always pop up when we lose.

But you're right our 2nd half game plan sucked yesterday.

WHEN we lose??? Dude, where have you been? Gibbs II is 23-28 since he came back. We have been losing but Gibbs, Cerrato and Saunders are still there. I know, lets just see the film and we'll get things fixed. Come on, been hearing that one for four years now...guess what....It's old!!!!!

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No, us "diehards" don't see the same light as you. We see 2-1. We see a young QB that has only started 9 games learning and growing.

Take your Gibbs hate somewhere else.

If you see all that then you must have seen Dallas go 3-0, McNabb just woke up and the sorry NYG just came in to our own building and hand us our ass...again just like last year. Tell me what your bedroom looks like in your mommy's house after you wallpaper it with the NFC East standings at years end where it says "Washington, 7-9 dead last". Enjoy the view buddy and quit being so friggen rude to people who post things. Keep hating yourself...not those who come to express their views.

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i hope all of you people who want to get rid of gibbs, that want to bash on betts will just get off the bandwagon and move along.

you are the type of skins fans that us real fans despise. no matter what we do, now matter how many games we win you always have something negative to say. we should have done this, yeah well we will blow it anyways. it gets old. just either love your team and stick by them or move along. its every week with you people. were not the 91 skins!!

get rid of gibbs? why dont YOU get rid of your ****ty attitude and learn to support your team thru thick and thin.

get rid of gibbs? why dont you get rid of all of your skins gear and move on to the next team to bash.

OK, well now we're getting into that old debate about being a "fan" versus being a blind homer.

We all love this franchise and desperately want to see this team return to its winning ways. Some of us come home from that stadium every other Sunday or so with no voice left and barely enough energy to make it to work the next day. And I would never, ever boo the team during a game. That's just ridiculous.

But between games, I think it's perfectly reasonable to look at the last 3+ seasons and say OK, something's not right here. What should the franchise be doing to fix this?

What we saw yesterday was not new. We saw some of the same issues in week 1 and 2. And we CERTAINLY have seen these issues in 2006 and 2005 and 2004.

Which is why we have almost 30 losses over those 3+ years.

It's not one loss, it's the 29 or so losses that we've had to suffer through, because we care about this team.

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i hope all of you people who want to get rid of gibbs, that want to bash on betts will just get off the bandwagon and move along.

you are the type of skins fans that us real fans despise. no matter what we do, now matter how many games we win you always have something negative to say. we should have done this, yeah well we will blow it anyways. it gets old. just either love your team and stick by them or move along. its every week with you people. were not the 91 skins!!

get rid of gibbs? why dont YOU get rid of your ****ty attitude and learn to support your team thru thick and thin.

get rid of gibbs? why dont you get rid of all of your skins gear and move on to the next team to bash.

BigMike, you are one of the STUPID skins fans out there. One that thinks everything is fine and will get "worked out" How long have we been hearing that? I love the team and stick by them. Im not asking for Gibbs head, i want him to be the president, NOT the coach, or just let Al Saunders make the calls. My attitude is fine, but if you like losing, well keep saying what you want. Be stupid and naive, but that aint going to make us a good team. You probably think FedEX Field is the greatest stadium in the NFL also don't you?

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So one drive describes 4 years?? :doh:

Maybe we should fire Portis also for the fumble that led to the Giants go ahead score. Or we should fire Sean Taylor for missing a tackle on Plaxico Buress...or is it just fire Joe Gibbs because he can't stop his players from screwing up on the field?

That drive was only to tie the game. It was not to win it. It might have given an opportunity to win in OT. It should have never come to that. When you have false starts, fumbles, missed tackles...none of that matters?? It all comes down to a sequence with an inexperienced QB at the end?? Really... :doh:

Bottom line, players still have to play.

Players just have to play and execute, but I think everyone in their right mind would be able to watch the game in the 2nd half yesterday and see the conservative run- run- pass- punt offense that doomed this team to lose. The Giants have been LIT UP through the air in the first 2 games and it was obvious that they were dead set on stopping the run. And the Redskins did nothing to adjust.

And why, on earth, with the game on the line do you not have your best running back on the field? The one that actually has a nose for the endzone? Makes no sense what so ever to have Betts in for that scenario. Hell, running Sellars may have even been a better option.

It's not one play that sums up 4 years, but what happened yesterday is definitely a recurring theme since the return of Gibbs. He still has no idea how to manage the clock, the team often looks lost and confused with the playclock running down because of the coaching by committee. He coaches scared. He asks his team to fight it's guts out but he doesn't show any himself. He doesn't trust his players and it shows. And that's no way to coach.

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I don't see what Gibbs brings to this team. It's certainly not innovation. Fire him and make Al Saunders head coach.

I wouldn't go that far.

For one thing, he recruited Saunders and Williams. And he was actively involved in recruiting so many other of the key players.

And again, I give him credit for improving what was essentially a bad college team in 2003.

So it's not one extreme or the other. But he just needs to make some changes (some to himself) to get us to the next level here.

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In another post I wrote Gibbs sucks, bring in Urban Myer. But it was a joke. The team needs to get much more aggressive, but I'll take Gibbs as long as he will coach. We don't have a good enough QB or receivers to put up big numbers and alot of points. We just don't. Until we do, its 17 points a game and too many losses.

This must be the exact reason why your name is FAT STUPID LOSER! For crying out loud, we have the QB AND Receivers to put up big numbers...just not with Gibbs and Saunders calling the most predictable plays on the face of the planet. The 1st half and the end of the 4th Q proved that we could have put up 30+ on the Giants. But no...our 2nd half was sputter sputter sputter...Everyone is complaining because we need to change that. The pukes changed it by Bill Fartsmells leaving. If we end up with another losing season becuase of it, we need to get rid of Gibbs...plain and simple. I love the guy but this is not the same NFL as 3 years ago.

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BigMike, you are one of the STUPID skins fans out there. One that thinks everything is fine and will get "worked out" How long have we been hearing that? I love the team and stick by them. Im not asking for Gibbs head, i want him to be the president, NOT the coach, or just let Al Saunders make the calls. My attitude is fine, but if you like losing, well keep saying what you want. Be stupid and naive, but that aint going to make us a good team. You probably think FedEX Field is the greatest stadium in the NFL also don't you?

first off, you dont know me to call me stupid. so slow down there tuff guy.

i am not one of those fans that thinks things will just "work out" but it is ONE game. but i am not also one of those chicken little fans who thinks the whole season is collapsing and we should just cut joe gibbs out and move along.

yeah smart guy, i love fed-ex field. matter of fact i love it so much that i want to burn down RFK and piss on the ashes. jack kent cooke was a worthless owner. john riggins sucked and the hogs were overrated.

now i am sure you will take this seriously and spout off about how lame i am, but you will just be proving my point all along.

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First of all... the collapse yesterday is NOT 100% the offense's fault. Last time I looked there were 21 points scored by the Gians offense in the 2nd half. Our offense wasn't on the field when that happened.

That being said, the offense had a chance to tie it up at the end to force OT. Here's something that no one's touched on yet. When Randle El caught the 4th down pass on the one yard line, someone should have been giving the next play to Campbell before the bodies stopped flying so they could get to the line of scrimmage and run another play immediately. Instead, they down the ball causing two problems. One...you loose a down that could have been an attempt to get it into the endzone. Two.....by stopping the clock (and here's probably the most important part of this) you allow the opposition to set a goal line defense instead of making them play with the pass defense they had in at the time.

That second thing there guys is huge. Beef up the d-line and running is damn near impossible. The Giants had A gap to D gap covered with big nasty lineman. We weren't going to run that ball in with what we had called.

I don't know who was responsible for not getting all of it straight but I don't think it was Gibbs completely.

And no, after one loss this year doesn't mean Gibbs goes.... Jesus people.

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