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Time for Gibbs to go


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Maybe instead of going, he just needs to take a step back and let Saunders run the offense the way he wants.

I agree with this. I'd hate to see Gibbs go. I just think his time has passed as a playcaller. No harm in that -- Vermeil when he came back had Al Saunders call his plays, be nice if Gibbs did the same.

I am sure Saunders is calling plays but the general game plan philosophy has Gibbs' stamp all over it not Saunders IMO.

Gibbs is a great guy who keeps the team together and clearly cares about whats happening. I just think he needs to let the playcallers work their magic and get out of the way.

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Typical over-reaction thread. The Giants aren't as bad as we all thought, plain and simple. Everyone is ready to annoint the Cowboys, yet the Giants kept up with them the entire game in week one until Eli went out. We're a good team, but we let one of our rivals get the better of us. This team has already shown it has what it takes to bounce back.

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You are "presuming" a lot there. When the fact of the matter is you really have no idea who exactly is making the play calls in that situation. I was at the game, I saw the last drive. I saw Campbell panic and spike the ball twice when he didn't need to. The two minute drill needs work with Campbell...that is obvious...BUT to fire Gibbs for something that needs a little more attention is ridiculous.

I'm not presuming much, actually. Gibbs admitted that he took over all playcalling duties at the goal line. And what horrible play calling it was...

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Joe Gibbs was a great coach. Since coming back I will have to say that he has revamped this team and it is defintely moving in the right direction....

CORRECTION!!!...the team is built, finally, a full team in place. We should be 3-0, Campbell is completely ready, and if not we need to see right now if he has the tools. I know Brandon Lloyd is in some of your dog houses, but AT LEAST let the guy get in the game and throw him the ball. How can someone succeed if you don't even pass them the ball.

EVERYONE needs to get the ball more and the offense needs to be more productive starting NOW. Or else the fans will all be calling for Gibbs head. Especially if he keeps losing games that should have been won.

Plain and simple, you can't win them all, but when you have the better team, and the game in your hand, you can't simply watch it slip away and hope that the other team doesn't score before the clock runs out.

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Campbell has all the tools and knowledge and experience he needs to win. You saw the last drive didn't you? You saw what happens when Gibbs lets Saunders open the offense up? And then you saw what happened when Gibbs took over on the goal line, I presume? I don't think it gets much clearer.

As for the 3rd Quarter. Run, Run, Pass. That's not an Al Saunders offense. We both know who does that crap and loses games because of it.

ummm, you are wrong. Campbell does NOT have all the experience he needs to win. Knowledge and tools yes I agree, but he does still need more experience. He is still trying to learn to "read" defenses. But that is ok. He is coming along well. Much faster and better QB than I had predicted. I think when he was first drafted, I predicted 3-4 years to be considered "good". I think he's on that verge right now. But he does need more experience.

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I really don't care if you all are hating on me or not... i am a DIEHARD skins fan. I go to every single game, i am up on defense every single game, and trying to get the fans up and yelling.

that said, i am as loyal to Gibbs as most of you are, but he simply cant hang with the new NFL. We have seen it for the last 4 years, and you are in denial if you don't believe it. How many times have we put up 20 points in a game? You can count that on your 2 hands. Gibbs said he called the plays at the goal line, and what HORRIBLE calls they were. you want to say the defense needed to step up also ... umm 3 turnovers ... yes they are getting paid millions of $$, but dude, how do u expect them to keep up the same intensity if they are on the field for the ENTIRE 3rd quarter and most of the 4th. Thats ludicrous. Plain and simple, if Gibbs is going to succeed, then he needs to let Saunders call the plays and thats it! None of this wavering back and fourth.

For those that say JC and company aren't good enough to put up more than 20 points, you are dead wrong. If you let them PLAY to their skills and talent, i know for a FACT they can put up more than a measly 17 points against a sorry pathetic defense.

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ummm, you are wrong. Campbell does NOT have all the experience he needs to win. Knowledge and tools yes I agree, but he does still need more experience. He is still trying to learn to "read" defenses. But that is ok. He is coming along well. Much faster and better QB than I had predicted. I think when he was first drafted, I predicted 3-4 years to be considered "good". I think he's on that verge right now. But he does need more experience.

Campbell has everything he needs to win. You can see it on the field. I'm not saying he won't get more experience, or he won't become significantly better. He will. But he has everything he needs right now. If you don't see it you aren't watching.

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Gibbs brings more to the table than you realize. Yes he played old man ball yesterday and he needs to open the game up more, but yesterday was a victory without dropped passes, overthrows and CP's fumble. These are problems the players must (and will) fix, not coaching error. The blame is shared among all involved and Gibbs will play more aggressively when JC stops throwing so high, which he will.

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So, because of this Gibbs need to go?

Perhaps we can lure back Steve Spurrier.


No, he doesn't need to go. And I don't want him to go anywhere. I grew up idolizing him just the same as you did.

But, this isn't the same Gibbs coaching staff and performance you and I grew up with. We're in our 4th year, and we still can't look like a professional football team inside the 2 minute warning?

We love the guy, and we want him here, but this isn't working right now. It's not just about yesterday. This is the 3 years plus we're looking at now and a lot of what we saw yesterday we see almost every week.

He needs to reevaluate his approach to this team, his demeanor, his leadership style, and what responsibilities he really needs to delegate this week. I don't want to see us slip to 3-6 or 4-5 before we start addressing these issues that we see week in and week out, win or loss.

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I agree with this. I'd hate to see Gibbs go. I just think his time has passed as a playcaller. No harm in that -- Vermeil when he came back had Al Saunders call his plays, be nice if Gibbs did the same.

I am sure Saunders is calling plays but the general game plan philosophy has Gibbs' stamp all over it not Saunders IMO.

Gibbs is a great guy who keeps the team together and clearly cares about whats happening. I just think he needs to let the playcallers work their magic and get out of the way.

Nicely put. I agree whole-heartedly. I would like to see Gibbs take a higher up position with the organization. Right now he is coach/ president. If Saunders became play-caller and Gibbs stayed where he is,what exactly would he do? Whats he in charge of? Personnel moves?

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The Redskins offense is OFFENSIVE!

I have said it before, and will state it again ... Gibbs was a great coach! But, it's time for him to move on, and do something else.

The Skins were up 17-3... We should have dessimated the Giants. But, what do we do. Keep calling conservative plays ... and, continue punting. Gibbs was renowned for his offensive mind, and half time adjustments ... NOT ANY MORE!

He stinks, and so does the offense.

We should have won the GAME!

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You must be thick. My opinion of Gibbs is based on the totality of his performance over the past 4 years. That drive is merely symbolic of his recurring difficulty in grasping the modern NFL.

So one drive describes 4 years?? :doh:

Maybe we should fire Portis also for the fumble that led to the Giants go ahead score. Or we should fire Sean Taylor for missing a tackle on Plaxico Buress...or is it just fire Joe Gibbs because he can't stop his players from screwing up on the field?

That drive was only to tie the game. It was not to win it. It might have given an opportunity to win in OT. It should have never come to that. When you have false starts, fumbles, missed tackles...none of that matters?? It all comes down to a sequence with an inexperienced QB at the end?? Really... :doh:

Bottom line, players still have to play.

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ok so i have been in denial since Gibbs 2.0 came back. Everyone said Gibbs has to go blah blah ... well im getting on that bandwagon now for the first time. This game was lost because of play calling, nothing else. The offense in the second half was pathetic. It had Gibbs name all over it.

Run Portis left

Run Portis left

dink pass to cooley


Thats what the entire 3rd quarter and 4th were until the end. Gibbs plays to NOT lose. When the Skins are up by anything, we start playing conservative and stop playing the way we are capable of playing. We lack the killer instinct and its not because we don't have the players to do it. Campbell can hit a toothpick 60 yards away. Moss can burn past anyone, and Portis is a beast. We saw this same play calling in all 3 games and its a wonder we won the first 2. I watched the Dallas game last night, and i cant help but think, why cant we do that. We have the weapons, we have the talent. We just have a coach thats scared to do anything. It doesn't work in todays NFL. Any team can score and come back from any deficit.

I think its time for a new coach. Plain and simple.

What has gotten into some of you? Go to a Ravens message board since you sound like all of there crying fans! Its one game get over it. Actaully have knowledge of the game of football before you post something so stupid.

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It's becoming hard to figure out how he was so successful the first time around. He can't seem to do anything.

He can't manage the clock. He can't manage the draft. He can't call plays. He can't get the team to focus when they need to. He can't make halftime adjustments.

It's a pretty sad way to tarnish your legacy.

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Actually its not just that drive. In the first half we were inside the 50, with time and timeouts left. What do we do?


call a running play


call a dink pass

let time run down to 4 seconds and kick a field goal.

THATS CONSERVATIVE. Do i even need to bring up the first game? 39 yard FG on first down? Gibbs was "scared we would have a penalty." Mind you Suisham missed a 39 yarder yesterday ....

You can only blame the player so much, Gibbs loyalists its time to seriously WATCH the games and see whats really going on. Gibbs has no faith in his players, which SUCKS!

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If those runs on 1st and 2nd down worked, you would be celebrating Gibbs Smash mouth football. I agree, he was a bit too conservative or perhaps a better word is "predictable", but he'll have two weeks to let this eat away at him, well he change? I doubt it, its been like this for all of Gibbs 2.0 but when the running game works, he looks like a genious when it doesn't he needs to open it up more, but I don't think he has the confidence in JC quite yet.

Lets get some perspective here folks, its week 3 and we are 2-1. Not a bad start.

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