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Best Burn On Opposing Fans?

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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I got off a good burn at FedEx toward an obnoxious Raiders fan sitting near us a couple years back. This guy was dressed right out of the Raider Nation catalog: black and silver face paint, fake spike wrist bands, spiked helmet. He had on football shoulder pads painted silver and black, and on each shoulder he glued skulls painted silver and black, so from behind it almost looked like three heads sitting there.

ha, I was at that game sitting in the 400s, as I was walking up the steps to our seats I see these 2 Raider knuckleheads in all their paint and spiked shoulder pads and all the typical "hardcore" raider gear on. I was thinking.. Oh ****.. It's going to get ugly sitting in front of these clowns all game. I had 3 of my bestest redneck buddies from eastern NC with me and I just KNEW a fight would break out. As it turns out those guys were very friendly and we all ended up talking to them throughout the game. Of course we gave some good natured jabs back and forth after a big play. But they stayed on good behavior lol

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Something I did right before the opener:

Miami fan: Boo Redskins, you're not going to beat us this sunday.

Me: <Walk up to him stick out my hand and excitedly shake his hand> I have to say, you're the first Dolphins fan I've ever met... To be honest. I didn't even know they had fans until now!

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somebody here, i forget who was in a bar watching the miami game and right after Mike Sellers trucks through half a dozen dolphins, tossin them around like kids, a big guy at the bar puts a couple girls on his back and walks up to a couple miami fans totten the girls :laugh:

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Last year at the Skins-Pukes game and its in the third quarter or so. There's a Pukes fan in front of us, with his wife and baby. The wife and baby were wearing Skins gear. After he taunted the fans around us, he took hold of the baby.

My friend complemented the baby to his Mommy, then asks daddy WHO WEARS THE PANTS!?! :laugh:

He had no reply and the wife laughed pretty good. :dallasuck

Were you in like section 402 or 420, i think? I can't remember what section, but I believe the cowpuke infront of me had a wife and child who was wearing skins stuff.

Anyways, my favorite part was handing the cowboy fan a tissue after we pulled out the win in that game.

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Every week at my gig in Va. Beach on Wednesday nights I yell to the bar tender over the mic, "hey Romo sits to pee!, Romo sits to pee!" until he looks over. I call him Romo sits to pee cuz he's a pretty boy Cowboys fan :doh: Anyway, "I got something for ya!", I yell. Then I start to play and sing Hail to The Redskins over the PA and most of the bar cheers (some boo...must be Iggles or Puke fans). He always smiles and shakes his head. He's good peeps but it pisses him off inside...I can always tell :laugh: We were supposed to get up to watch the Fins/Pukes game Sunday but he didn't call cuz I'm sure I pissed him off that Wednesday. Every week he get's it. Phuck Dallas!!! I didn't get many burns in on any other team's fans cuz we were 5-11 last year :paranoid: The times are a changin' though :point2sky


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2005 at Fed Ex vs the Cowboys.

Berating the **** out of any Cowboy fan who walked past us by saying **** about the player on their jersey, no matter who it was. And saying it LOUD, practically yelling at them.

"Where's Julius Jones? I don't see Julius Jones!"

"Hey, you in the Aikman jersey! Go get him outta the booth! He's better than that ***** you have in now!"

"Where's Roy Williams, where's Roy? Where's that big suck ass playmaker now? I don't see Roy!!!!"

I'm definitely printing up a pictures of Lombardi trophies for the next Eagles game. There were some at the bar we watched MNF with that definitely could have used that on. Hilarious.

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I was at the sporting goods store in Columbia mall today, and in front of me in line is a guy in a Patriots jersey/hat. I was sporting the Taylor authentic. He says smugly to the cashier, "Hey, got a Skins fan here. Thought this place only sold stuff for good teams ." So I reply,

"Hey buddy, you're in the wrong place. The video camera store is upstairs."

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Living in San Diego I get a LOT of Charger Honks lately! I just tell them that they are the JV and will always be until they can win the SB!

I also like to tell them that if the whole season the goal is to win the SB and anything else is a failure then thier entire franchise is nothing but a failure...

If either of those dont work then I hit em with..."no matter what your team does. They could win 10 SB in a row, they will ALWAYS be an expansion team to the Skins!"

Any of those three usually shuts em up!



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Were you in like section 402 or 420, i think? I can't remember what section, but I believe the cowpuke infront of me had a wife and child who was wearing skins stuff.

I bought my tix from you, man. :laugh: Yea, it was a husband, wife, and baby. The wife retained Skins fanship rites to the baby and the dad was SHUT OUT...hence she is the pants wearer.

Telling all the pissed off cowpukes fans goodbye was worth the price of admission. I think we lingered in the stadium for a good 45 minutes after that win.

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I was at the sporting goods store in Columbia mall today, and in front of me in line is a guy in a Patriots jersey/hat. I was sporting the Taylor authentic. He says smugly to the cashier, "Hey, got a Skins fan here. Thought this place only sold stuff for good teams ." So I reply,

"Hey buddy, you're in the wrong place. The video camera store is upstairs."

Zing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Unfortunately, I wasn't apart of it but, I heard about it after the fact and I smiled.

The sports bar that I frequent is in my local bowling alley. It's pretty cool on Monday Nights because their are various fans there. Just random folks watching the football game.. However, when the Iggles are on.. the bar is full of Iggle fans. This game however, it had a ton of Iggle fans but, a fair share of Redskins fans as well. This one particular Eagle fan in general was a loud mouth all game. Trying to get in everyones face screaming and what not.

So, after the game, he was claiming how we got lucky and what not so, the Skins fans kindly picked the dude up.. and while signing Hail to the Redskins.. threw dude out the front door. lol

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So, after the game, he was claiming how we got lucky and what not so, the Skins fans kindly picked the dude up.. and while signing Hail to the Redskins.. threw dude out the front door. lol

haha.... sounds like out of a movie

i dont know if it was the best i've ever had, but this was last season...

so im at the sports bar i go to for skins games. i always engage in playful trash-talking with different fans around me..... one day an eagles fan was watching a game at a table pretty close to us. we are losing our game, and they are winning theirs. he turns to me and says...

Eagles Fan: Good luck crawling out of last place in the division

so i smile and chug the last bit of beer i had, and held up my glass to him and said....

Me: What does this have in common with y'alls trophy case?...... they are both made of glass and they are both empty.

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The Redskins-Dallas game that will forever be burned in my memory.

There were 4 Redskins fans in dallass teritory, a decent little sports bar in Austin. We were being hounded by a couple dozen puke fans. At around the 8 minute mark in the 4th they sent a round of shots to our table, after TONS of smack talk. Two waitresses brought the shots and went to pass them off to us saying "the cowboys fans at the table over there said 'you might need these'" she pointed over to where the loudest most obnoxious puke fans in the bar were sitting and no one was at their table. Before they could even set the drinks down or we could reach up to grab 'em 4 puke fans grabbed the four shots downed em and told us to f off and get out of dallass territory.

Needless to say at that point in the game we Redskins fans were down, still enthusiatic but hope seemed gone...until less than 1 minute later. Santana caught a bomb from Brunell for a TD. We had life again. They kept talking smack saying they had to give us something, its more entertaining for them to see us with hope again just so it can be dashed. Then Santana caught the next one. Redskins 14, cowpies 13.

We sent a round of shots to their table , followed the waitresses over there but didn't take the shots away. Let the girls set em down and said "Enjoy, you definietely need these more than we do."

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This happened back at the opening game in 2005.

Shortly after we got to our tailgate spot at FedEx Field and had the tailgate set up, 3 SUV’s full of Bear fans decided they wanted to tailgate right across from us. We all started some good-natured ribbing of each other that was all in good fun. We didn’t mind too much they were there. We were thinking that it would be a fun day jawing with these Bear fans.

It would have stayed that way if the Bear fans, while setting up their tailgate didn’t claim that this part of the green parking lot was a Bears parking lot and we were not ALLOWED to cross this line that they drew “in the sand.”

Well, when that happened, we, along with a some other Skins fans around us went on a all out verbal assault on these Bear fans to the point that FedEx security came and told the Bear fans that they had to move for their own safety.

They were escorted far away to the other side of the green lot. :laugh:


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Ok so a bunch of us are playing some touch football on campus (University of Maine at Presque Isle!) and of course the game grows and grows as more people wander over and of course they want in because it's a beautiful day. The this short little confused white guy (I'm white too but this guy believes he's the short and chubby version of Slim Shady).

So of course Slim Shady starts trash talking right away and is hated by everyone on both teams in about 5 minutes. It was a friendly game but this guy seemed to think it was the Superbowl. I should have known at this point he was a Cowboys fan but I didn't know until he played QB. He completed his first two passes for decent yards and after the second one yells out "oh yeah!! I'm Tony Romo sits to pee baby! Cowboys!"

Needless to say I am not ammused nor am I surprised. Next pass I fade back to play safety because it's obvious this guy has no intention of any short passes. So next play he heaves up a bomb for the endzone but who's there to pick it off? Yes, yours truly! Felt so good, I didn't say a word after catching it, but he was cursing up a storm so I jogged past him and said "So if you're Tony Romo sits to pee, I guess that makes me Sean Taylor" and tossed the ball to him. He nearly had an aneurysm cursing and yelling things about the Cowboys points scored and T.O. and Romo sits to pee but most of it was inaudible anyway.

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The other day I was driving down the road (Rt 100) and saw a truck with an Eagles helmet on the back. I pulled up and said "how about those 'skins?" He showed me what his IQ was and I just kept laughing at him. He said "pull over *******." So I followed him to the shoulder, got out and he took off. I just smiled as he looked in his rear view.

Eagles fans are "tough" in groups of 50. Get them by themselves and they're cowards.

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Last year at the home Dallas game, when our playcalling got alittle weak. I went nuts. There was a Dallas fan in front of me and he turns around and says "Then why don't you just start rooting for a real team".

My response was "You guys haven't won a playoff game in a decade. Is that a real team?"

his boys just were ripping him after that....all the way until the blocked FG and our win.


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My favorite was at the Carolina game last year. This group of panthers fans in the next section were really loud and talking trash all game. When a couple fake Skins fans started leaving late in the game when we were behind, they starting yelling "aww, what's wrong? Where are you going Skins fans??"

Then when Campbell hit Cooley for the 66-yard game winner, the whole section just erupted. It only got worse when Taylor picked off the toss to seal the game. I don't remember particularly what was said, but it involved a lot of "Del-homo sucks" and other explitives.

The Panters fans just stayed quiet with their heads down.

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I live in Ravens country here near Baltimore, and many of my coworkers--and students that I teach--are Ravens fans. Whenever it comes out that I'm a Redskins fan, I hear rafts of sh*t from them--mostly the same clueless crap about how we suck and so on.

My response: Hey, at least I'm not a fan of the former Cleveland Browns. My city doesn't need to steal a team from another.

If that doesn't work, I ask, "How many super bowl trophies y'all got? Oh? That's a pity."

Works every time.

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