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Czaban: Gibbs telling "outrageous lies" on the Shawn Springs situation

E-Dog Night

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I have defended Czaban in the past but I heard this on the radio and I was disgusted. You can disagree with Gibbs and criticize him all you want but calling him a liar and referring him as "Joey Boy" is way over the line. I think Joe Gibbs deserves just a bit more respect than that.

Czabe used to be tolerable albeit in a slightly negative way but he went totally over the edge when he got fired from the Monday Joe Gibbs show after his first year back. Czabe like the rest of us was in awe of him in the beginning but he started to take things personally when Gibbs dismissed his brain storming suggestions like the QB wearing a wristband with the plays on it. He started mocking Gibbs once he was off the line in the same way he mocked Spurrier. The first time I heard him mock him I was in disbelief. He then started question his motives and character saying such things as the only reason Gibbs came back was because he needed the money for NASCAR. From what I heard that much of this got back to Gibbs and he would only agree to do the show in year two if Czaban wasn't involved. Bram Weinstein took over that portion of the show and Czaban has been been a raving lunatic ever since. His bitterness comes to the surface every single time he talks about the Skins.

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Seems to me that Springs is the one who has more to lose if people think he's injured. He's looking to get a big payday after this season and wants the perception to be that he can stay healthy.

On the other side of this thing, ever since Gibbs flat out said "we dont know where Taylor is and lost contact with Springs", I believe Joe lacks the ability to lie, even when it can save him a lot of trouble. He has nothing to gain by lying here and this situation is night and day when compared to Coles, Archuleta, or Arrington.

What about a Patrick Ramsey? He was promised the starting job in 05 and as soon as he was knocked out of the game in Week 1, he put in Brunell and left him there, despite Patrick being healthy enough to play for Week 2.

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I'll ask him again if he'd like to chat with us here. We had him scheduled a couple years ago but it fell through. Would be fun :).

That would be awesome.

I think the Czabe discussion is one of the more consistent galvanizing topics on this board. Some people like him, and others hate him. As I've said before, there's usually some credence to what he's railing about but in typical STR fashion he goes overboard. It's hilarious to see people lose their freakin mind when this guy speaks. It reminds me of Andy Kaufman in the wrestling ring, screaming at the hicks in the audience. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

When people say how dare someone question Gibbs' honesty, one only has to recall the whole Brunell fiasco from last year. How Gibbs told us all that Brunell was playing fins and consistently defended his play while it was clear to everyone that the guy was done. Did he lie? I don't know, I think he did but at best you can say that he was delusional. What about the entire fiasco during the preseason with the left guard spot?

I hope the only reason for this "demotion" was that Gibbs just didn't want to see Springs get hurt in a game when they other two corners SHOULD have been able to handle the coverage. I do think this has more to do with the situation, I really do.

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First and foremost let me say i hate Czaban so im in no way defending him as a person....I actuall hate everyone on 980 except Coach Thompson...because they all sound bitter...Doc walker included.....

But ....

on the Springs situation...

Its been all but cemented that our defensive coaches are A-holes...so i wouldnt be surprised if it were something funny going on...

What gves it away is the fact that springs was not informed at all and the reasons given dont match the stories or the game...

Springs was the best person in our secondary by far and made the most plays....from the fumble recovery to throwing his body around and blowing up that screen on a crucial drive in the second half....

Gibbs is not good at cover ups or smoothing things over......

I think he didnt expect the question to come out before he spoke to springs so it kinda caught him off gaurd.....

But i find it hard to believe that a coach can say one thing and the player says totally different and his performance says totally different....

If they were ' saving ' him why didnt they just tell him ahead of time..?..

I think they are probably entertaining trade offers and dont want him to get injured and destroy the deal.......

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You know he reads these posts, so here is a big

F YOU Czaban.


Die Hard Redskin fan, and even more of die hard Joe Gibbs fan.

2nd that and I hope Joe Gibbs knows that the feels of Czaban aren't the feelings of 99% of the redskin fan base , this dude is a major tool and needs to just go ..

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I honestly don't know where Czaban gets off. Does he honestly believe we're going to buy his rants over Gibbs? I don't know why, but Czaban has always liked taking pot shots at Gibbs. Thank God he's not on post game anymore. The best thing to do with this guy is just turn him off. Don't start any petitions and stuff like that, he wants controversy so he can get more attention. Gibbs doesn't care what Czaban thinks and we shouldn't either.

I agree with these comments above. The more controversy he stirs up the better he feels! It appears to be part of his job. The guy's a jerk and we just shouldn't be wasting our time with his blather!

...another humble "Skins fan...

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There's a difference between "hitting hot buttons" and showing this level of contempt for a WASHINGTON sports team, on a WASHINGTON radio station.

PCR, Actually that's pretty much what it's all about. Czabe's the D***head and his croonies are the good guys. Do you see how many posts there are for this one topic?

For every guy/gal who swears they won't listen to him, ten others will so they can affirm or disaffirm what he speaks. It called ratings. I'm sure Czaban would agree if you ever had a chance to sit down and talk to him one on one. He's supposed to raise your blood pressure so you respond and call in.....usually upset and blathering....further entrenching his position.

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Czaban is an idiot. He doesn't know anything about evaluating talent, playing football, or know how to be a quality person. How does calling a Hall-of-Fame coach like Joe Gibbs a liar accomplish anything. Does that make hime a classy person? No it makes him look like a two-bit thug just trying to get a reaction out of the fans and the Redskins Organization. He has never said anything good about the Redskins the entire time he has been on TV or radio. So why is he employeed by anyone in the DC area? Because people still listen to his show and get upset which gives them good ratings. If you don't listen to him or BMitch then they will be fired because of bad ratings. So boycott them and listen to someone more to your liking.

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LaVar sucked near the end of his time here, and he then proceeded to suck in New York. Comparing LaVar to Springs is just stupid.

You're memory of LaVar in 2005 and my game tapes of said games seem to not match up.

While not the LaVar of 00-03, LaVar was a solid player with the occassional flash of the LaVar of old in 2005. Warrick Holdman on his best day wasn't half the player LaVar was even a 60 percent.

LaVar wanted out of here because of one person, Dale Lindsey. If Gibbs had been more receptive to LaVar's concerns and got rid of that garbage Lindsey last year, instead of finally dumping him this year, LaVar could very well still be here. Or maybe not. That's water under the bridge now besides now that Rocky has been given a chance (once again thanks to Lindsey being axed) I'm very happy with the player we have replacing LA.

Bottom line LaVar had a conflict with a coach and was made the scapegoat. Some people see the same thing happening with Shawn Springs. I for one won't got that far yet. I'll wait a few more weeks to see if Springs continues not to start and what he has to say about it before calling this "LaVar part 2".

As to the subject of this thread, why is anyone getting upset with Czaban. It's been made very clear for quite some time now that Czaban is pissed off at Joe Gibbs because Gibbs made fools of he and Andy Pollin about a year and a half ago and then stopped coming on their show. I also remember the way Joe Gibbs talked about wanting to talk directly to the fans long before Redskins.comTV and XXX. I think it's safe to say Joe Gibbs spearheaded the Redskins media blitz and now WTEM is threatened. Just another reason for them to take shots at him.

I don't listen to "The Sports Reporters" anymore ever since the Gibbs fallout a few years ago. If people really are getting upset by this, I suggest either stop listening to them, or if you do find them otherwise entertaining, just remember to take whatever Czaban has to say about the Redskins, Dan Snyder or Joe Gibbs with a grain of salt and move on.

Steve Czaban called Joe Gibbs a liar. Boo Hoo. I'm sure Joe Gibbs isn't going to lose any sleep over it, so why should anyone else?

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you guys are out of line. Steve Czaben is one of the most knowledgeable football people out there. My opinion of his breadth of knowledge was in 2003 when after a week 2 victory over Atlanta (where we came from behind to win 33-31), he proclaimed "I don't see how this team finishes worse than 12-4"...

The man clearly knows more about football than Joe Gibbs ever will.


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I'll ask him again if he'd like to chat with us here. We had him scheduled a couple years ago but it fell through. Would be fun :).

He didn't have the balls to do it then, & I'm willing to bet he hasn't grown a set to do it now.

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Bottom line LaVar had a conflict with a coach and was made the scapegoat. Some people see the same thing happening with Shawn Springs. I for one won't got that far yet. I'll wait a few more weeks to see if Springs continues not to start and what he has to say about it before calling this "LaVar part 2".

Well, LaVar and the Morons Poston did have something to do with initially creating a frosty relationship between himself and the Skins. Their claims about LaVar's contract were so ridiculous as to be insulting, and LaVar's indignity over the whole thing didn't help matters. If LaVar had had better, smarter, more honest people in his corner, the initial discord would likely never have been there and it would have been Lindsay that would have been gone instead of LaVar.

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