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No scores posted at FeEx Field?

E-Dog Night

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Mass, if we go 16-0, I would agree with you. :cheers: < - yours is a root beer

Thanks, but I think you're missing the point, Mark.

So far as I'm concerned there is only one game played each week. It's the Washington Redskins against whomever they're playing that week. I don't watch the other games, and I rarely pay much attention to them at all. So far as I'm concerned they don't even exist. That's why I don't see it as a big issue if the scores to those games aren't posted in the stadium.

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what's the matter? Can't think of two things at once? In between plays is it going to sprain your brain to try to comprehend the numbers on the scoreboard?

It takes approximately 2 seconds to glance at and decipher the scoreboard.

It takes approximately another .5 seconds to file away the knowledge that Philly is losing to Green Bay.

Then you've got about 22 seconds left to get a swig of beer before you watch the Redskins break the huddle and snap the ball.


What monumental effort that requires! The strain of attempting such a feat is too much for the average man to bear!

Friggin' pea-brain. If you don't care what the other scores are, understand that others have minds that are not so easily confused. Realize that while you're attempting to keep track of the one game on the field, others are able to keep track of more, and actually enjoy it.

I'd love to sit next to one of you guys.

All game long I bet I could keep you mesmerized with a Bic lighter.


You quoted me so I'm assuming you were responding to my post. Would have been nice for you to have actually read the post.

1. What in the world are you talking about? Who said it was a distraction?? Who said it would be too confusing?? How could you have possibly come to that conclusion from my posts simply stating I could care less about other scores?

wtf? :laugh:

Help me see how you put that together...

2. If others want to see the scores, then fine, they could look at them! I'VE seen other scores! There are cheers when they show Dallas losing. As sated many times already they do occasionally put them up. I'm laughing at the people who think not having the scores up constantly is an "issue"

Eh....I'll give your post a C+

The effort was there. Comprehending my previous post would have helped a lot.

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My obvious point was that the out of town scores are only distracting to the most feeble of minds. Most of us can process the information on these scores between plays in a matter of seconds.

Seriously,, i thought i made that quite clear.

You think so huh ? I have sat next to fans that seem to me more concerned with the other scores than the game at hand. In stadiums around the country. Stop giving people so much credit.

Well, while you're steadily paying attention to the intricacies of a TV timeout, I wouldn't mind being able to use a second or two of my busy day to check the scoreboard.

Honestly, you make it sound as if you're totally incapable of doing this.

It should be an experience. I am fully capable that doesn't change the fact of what I paid money to see. How interested in the other scores are you at a basketball game ? During the TV timeout, it's a restroom opportunity, a food or beverage opportunity, a chance to talk with the fans in your section. That bond is what made RFK great and is what is sorely lacking at FedEx. If you can't appreciate the difference, than maybe I just don't know how to express it. I go to an Ozzy concert, I certainly could care less what Nsync is doing in another state at the same time.

And absolutely none of that will change because a guy glances at a scoreboard in between a play or three.

Honestly,, this attitude of your makes me laugh.

Look, it's simple. If you will get lost by looking at the other scoreboard, then don't. I and many like me don't have such problems, and viewing the score won't change anyone's gameday experience one iota. I would also be willing to bet my last dollar that all of you fans so intently engrossed in the field won't even know my eyes glanced up there. Unless that is the problem,, is my sudden eye movement going to make you miss something?

Sorry you seem to feel that others being able to look at a score might somehow ruin your game.

Hey,, get this... I can change a radio station while i drive, too.



You are challenging my attention span and intelligence because I choose and prefer to enjoy the game experience I paid for ?

I am laughing as well.

If I was that concerned about other scores while at the game I paid to see...I wouldn't go. Just as easy to watch at home and see all the scores at will.

When I get in my car, I turn on NFL radio and hear every score I need to hear. I can watch the highlights and replays of the other games when I get home.

Sorry, I am to busy cheering on the Redskins and trying to involve the fans around me to cheer as well to bother worrying myself about the score of the Pats/Jets game.

And people wonder why it's so quiet for such a big stadium.

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When I get in my car, I turn on NFL radio and hear every score I need to hear. I can watch the highlights and replays of the other games when I get home.

Sorry, I am to busy cheering on the Redskins and trying to involve the fans around me to cheer as well to bother worrying myself about the score of the Pats/Jets game.

And people wonder why it's so quiet for such a big stadium.

If displaying the scores won't detract from your game-day experience, and at the same time, can even in the slightest way increase it for others, why are you so vehemently against it?

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You quoted me so I'm assuming you were responding to my post. Would have been nice for you to have actually read the post.

1. What in the world are you talking about? Who said it was a distraction?? Who said it would be too confusing?? How could you have possibly come to that conclusion from my posts simply stating I could care less about other scores?

wtf? :laugh:

Help me see how you put that together...

2. If others want to see the scores, then fine, they could look at them! I'VE seen other scores! There are cheers when they show Dallas losing. As sated many times already they do occasionally put them up. I'm laughing at the people who think not having the scores up constantly is an "issue"

Eh....I'll give your post a C+

The effort was there. Comprehending my previous post would have helped a lot.

I understood your post.

Inferring after my initial post that somehow the other scores were distracting to me didn't make a lick of sense.

So, take your own advice.

Me, I'm laughing at those who think that because they, sitting in row Z section 987, think that having the scores up there is somehow going to make the team play worse because I might be up there looking at a score is idiotic. That somehow that 2 second break they take while they glance at that board is somehow going to bring the entire cheering of the crowd to a screeching halt. (I can look at the board and yell at the same time, too. In fact, I'm pretty confident that I can yell, look at the scoreboard, pat my tummy and rub my head all at the same time. Of course, all that movement will no doubt distract everyone around me who are so intently concentrating on the game, so I'd never do it..)

Your post saying you were sorry that I couldn't comprehend that others wanted to concentrate on the intricacies of the game is idiotic to me. If a person can't handle the scoreboard, they don't have to look at it. Perhaps you could explain to me how my glancing at it will ruin these intrepid souls' gameday experience...

The point is, it doesn't take even the tiniest bit of brain power to look at and comprehend the out of town scores.

Now, the guy who I originally quoted seemed to think that it was somehow being less of a fan to use those two seconds to glance at the board.

I call that moronic, as I do your post calling me out for telling the other guy that his manhood was not on the line for looking at a scoreboard.

I love this

"Sorry, I am to busy cheering on the Redskins and trying to involve the fans around me to cheer as well to bother worrying myself about the score of the Pats/Jets game."

and this

It should be an experience. I am fully capable that doesn't change the fact of what I paid money to see. How interested in the other scores are you at a basketball game ? During the TV timeout, it's a restroom opportunity, a food or beverage opportunity, a chance to talk with the fans in your section. That bond is what made RFK great and is what is sorely lacking at FedEx. If you can't appreciate the difference, than maybe I just don't know how to express it. I go to an Ozzy concert, I certainly could care less what Nsync is doing in another state at the same time."

And somehow that scoreboard is going to destroy this experience for you? Somehow some other guy looking up for whatever reason is going to keep you from doing ALL of that? RFK had the scores in it. Why didn't it seem to bother folks there? You don't think everyone seeing the Eagles are losing will create a bond of happiness?

What if I don't have to pee? Do I have to get up and go with everyone on TV timeouts? Is there some kind of rule I don't know about?

I'm to believe that the out of town scoreboard is what makes the whole house crumble? People will be so distracted by this that they will forget to go to the bathroom? That they won't talk to one another? That they'll be SO glued to this thing that they'll fail to notice the game on the field?

Football all happens on one day. That is why the scoreboard in football is infinitely more interesting than basketball. In the NBA there's games going on all week, but in the NFL they just about all happen on the same day, and just about all at the same time. And there's only 16 of them. A single afternoon in the NFL can change the entire league. In every other sport that is not the case. To address your analogy..what NSync does at their concert has no bearing on Ozzy's. But the Eagles score does have an effect on the Redskins standings, doesn't it?

Guess what.

I can watch the game, take a bathroom break, talk to the people in my section, get food and drink, and STILL check the other scores. It really isn't that hard to do.

AND if i was one of those folks so concerned about how loud my section was, I could STILL lead the cheers AND keep an eye on that scoreboard WHILE i watch the game.

It just isn't that hard to do and you clowns with your smug "i'm trying to be a part of the gameday experience" notion take yourselves way too seriously.


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It just isn't that hard to do and you clowns with your smug "i'm trying to be a part of the gameday experience" notion take yourselves way too seriously.

Quoted for truth. There isn't any reason why the scores of the other games shouldn't be scrolling on an endless loop. I can check the scores and yell my lungs out on 3rd down.

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Bang you are missing the point.


I don't mind the scores being shown and certainly I look at them. But in reality it doesn't matter in the least bit. I came to see the Redskins...period.

So why fret if they aren't being shown ? Is that what you expect when you go to Redskins games ? The Pats/Jets score not being displayed diminishes your experience ?

Guess what ?

I can do the same, even to the point of looking at other teams scores and highlights.

Too seriously ? Come on man it's a game.

Maybe someone taking themselves too seriously is...

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Quoted for truth. There isn't any reason why the scores of the other games shouldn't be scrolling on an endless loop. I can check the scores and yell my lungs out on 3rd down.

The scores not being scrolled ruins your experience ?

Then don't go.

You go because you want to see the Redskins, not the other games. Otherwise you would be there or home cheering.

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I guess what the fans want at the stadium is unimportant. The ticket buying patrons have been complaining about the lack of out-of-town scores, loud commercials and lack of replays for years.

The game day experience at Fed Ex gets worse and worse. It's a damn shame what has happened to game day since Snyder bought the team.

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Are you being serious right now?

What's with this "if you don't like it, don't go" mentality? I can do two things at once. It doesn't mean that when the Skins are playing that I'm staring at an out of town scoreboard. There just isn't any reason for the scores not to be posted. There are a thousand TV timeouts where the players are just standing around on the field where I'm curious as to what is going on in other games. You don't remember hearing the crowd cheer when they would post that Dallas was losing? That ADDS to the experience IMO.

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I guess what the fans want at the stadium is unimportant. The ticket buying patrons have been complaining about the lack of out-of-town scores, loud commercials and lack of replays for years.

The game day experience at Fed Ex gets worse and worse. It's a damn shame what has happened to game day since Snyder bought the team.

So true, unfortunately. It's gotten to the point where I actually prefer to stay at home and watch the games. Never thought I'd say that. If you would have told me 4 or 5 years ago that I would feel that way? To say that I wouldn’t have believed you is an understatement of generous proportions.

At one time, going to a Redskins game was as good as it could get - better than a luxury trip to Hawaii, better than anything I could think of. Now, I'd actually prefer not to go. Bizarre how such a thing could happen.

FedEx Field just plain sucks, and 90% of that is Dan Snyder's fault.

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Are you being serious right now?

What's with this "if you don't like it, don't go" mentality? I can do two things at once. It doesn't mean that when the Skins are playing that I'm staring at an out of town scoreboard. There just isn't any reason for the scores not to be posted. There are a thousand TV timeouts where the players are just standing around on the field where I'm curious as to what is going on in other games. You don't remember hearing the crowd cheer when they would post that Dallas was losing? That ADDS to the experience IMO.

Well put. It is a common courtesy to fans to post out of town scores. For my $100 seat, I shouldn't have to spend $40 on a Kangaroo to know what's going on elsewhere in the NFL.

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Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else Bang?

Just reread all my posts and I'm still not sure what you're reffering to. In fact I reread all the posts and I don't know who or what you're actually responding to :laugh:

No one even came close to saying it's a distraction. Most are simply stating it's just not important and complaing about them not showing scores (which they do) is laughable.

I guess what the fans want at the stadium is unimportant. The ticket buying patrons have been complaining about the lack of out-of-town scores, loud commercials and lack of replays for years.

The game day experience at Fed Ex gets worse and worse. It's a damn shame what has happened to game day since Snyder bought the team.


They show the scores, they took away the loud commericals (a couple years ago now?), and they replayed nearly every play yesterday...

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First, if the Redskins take care of business, they don't have to worry about what other teams do. Teams that need to rely on whether other clubs win or lose ususally sit at home in January.

There's that IF word again. I agree with both you and Mass that if the Redskin win every game, I wouldn't be so concerned about scores -- although I would still get a little giddy when I see Eagles lose and/or the Cowboys lose, regardless. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Having said that, though, if RFK can run scores it during its baseball and soccer games, and the Verizon Center can flash scores -- from different sports, no less -- at ALL of its sporting events, there's no reason why FedEx Field can't do the same for Redskins games.
Thanks, but I think you're missing the point, Mark.

So far as I'm concerned there is only one game played each week. It's the Washington Redskins against whomever they're playing that week. I don't watch the other games, and I rarely pay much attention to them at all. So far as I'm concerned they don't even exist. That's why I don't see it as a big issue if the scores to those games aren't posted in the stadium.

Mass, that's fine. But that's just your opinion. Other people have other opinions.

And I totally agree with you when it comes to AFC games. I really don't give a damn about AFC games. Don't even show me those scores. I don't care.

But scrolling up NFC scores -- how's that going to harm anybody? If you don't care, fine. Ignore them. Meanwhile, those of us who do care get what we want. Everybody's happy. Is that so bad?

Bang you are missing the point.



There are other people who feel it is very important. Giving them what they had been routinely given in the past is not going to hurt you.

We're not asking for something special or something new. All we want is WHAT WE ALREADY HAD BEFORE SNYDER TOOK OVER.

When JKC was alive, and even after John took over, the scores were displayed at the 50 yard line. Before 1 PM, there was a display at the 50 that showed the time in digital format. It showed 12:30. Later it showed 12:45. Still later it showed 12:59. And so on.

But after the game started, that SAME DISPLAY showed NFL scores. It wasn't a clock anymore. It showed scores. They scrolled constantly, and quickly. It only took a 30 secs to see every score in the league.

Snyder took that away. Now that clock just stays a clock all afternoon. That's stupid. NFL scores are more important that knowing that it happens to be 3:47 in the afternoon.

Arguing that the Redskins should not show scores is just selfish. It's arguing for the sake of arguing.

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I don't know about anyone else, but for me and a lot of other Fantasy Football junkies, the other scores also provide a glimmer of hope into how your Fantasy team could be doing.

I had Pittsburgh's defense yesterday. If I could have seem them killing the Browns and almost shutting them out, then YES, my game-day experience would have been even sweeter!

It is so little to ask for, I'm amazed they stopped doing it.

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During the 4 hours I was at the stadium, I happened to catch a scroll of scores on the jumbo screen once, at halftime. In 4 hours.

Throughout that time, I was looking for scores during breaks. What is so hard about showing scores? Does it cost them money to show scores? Could it really be that they want people to rent those Kangaroos and have fans pay for information instead of getting it free? I don't believe that, but why else would scores not be shown regularly?

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What is so hard about showing scores? Does it cost them money to show scores? Could it really be that they want people to rent those Kangaroos and have fans pay for information instead of getting it free? I don't believe that, but why else would scores not be shown regularly?
When Snyder first took it away, he moved it from the day clock to the corners in an E*TRADE ad. It forced fans to see the E*TRADE logo when they wanted to see scores. I suppose this was a selling point for Snyder. E*TRADE probably paid Snyder a lot for that. But the problem was the scores did not scroll like before. They were intermittent and almost worthless. I now have nothing but disdain for E*TRADE. Just picturing the E*TRADE logo in my mind makes me angry.

Seems to me, he could have advertised E*TRADE and still scrolled the scores as before. But for some reason he didn't. After a few years, he took the whole display down. Finding game scores has never been as difficult as it is now.

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Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else Bang?

Just reread all my posts and I'm still not sure what you're reffering to. In fact I reread all the posts and I don't know who or what you're actually responding to :laugh:

No one even came close to saying it's a distraction. Most are simply stating it's just not important and complaing about them not showing scores (which they do) is laughable.

I was making FUN of the guy who made it a point of machismo. He's way too busy watching the Redskins game on the field to care about anything else. I don't remember who, but he's the first guy i responded to.

I made the leap of saying he was distracted. I made fun of his notion that he's too busy to be concerned about it. I also made fun of the general attitude that says that wondering what the score of the Eagles game is somehow makes me less in tune with the game on the field.

I called him a "pea-brain" as a result. "Pinhead" would also apply. As would a hundred other terms meant to denote that the guy hasn't got the brains to pay attention to two things at once.

I was mocking this dope with his "everything on the field is so important, my fanhood is in question if I glance away" attitude. I was laughing at the notion that somehow anyone who does glance up is less of a fan.

I thought it was pretty obvious, especially since I quoted him to make my comments.


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I agree, this is just another way for Dan Snyder to force our hands and squeeze another few nickels out of us fans.

No surprise there!

I'm also a bit ticked that before the game the parking lot nazi's drove around on their carts and forced us to break up our tailgate. As fans, we pay more money than any other fans in the NFL for parking. If I want to tailgate up until kickoff than G-D I effing will.

Mark my words: it's only a matter of time before Snyder bans tailgating at FedEx altogether...or he will impose fines on folks who don't have their butts in their seat at kickoff time. Or maybe he will come up with some BS 'tailgating license' that you have to pay $$$ for.

I'm normally a Snyder backer, but after one game this season, having been left to feel exploited over the scoreboard issues and the tailgate B.S. I'm beginning to turn against this guy.

I don't blame you, as I have been against this guy for YEARS.

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They show the scores, they took away the loud commericals (a couple years ago now?), and they replayed nearly every play yesterday...
Uhhh, they don't show the scores of other NFL games at Fed Ex anymore. That's what everyone other than you has stated in the first 5 pages of this thread. You are kidding yourself if you think the commercials they show on the minitron aren't loud as Hell.
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