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No scores posted at FeEx Field?

E-Dog Night

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I know this was an issue last season, although I do remember the scores being posted at that games I attended. However, I just heard on the radio that there wasn't a single score posted from any other game, not once. The reason, assuming this is true, is so you have to buy those XM game thingies, which, of course, Snyder gets $$$ from.

Wasn't there today. Can anyone confirm this?

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I know this was an issue last season, although I do remember the scores being posted at that games I attended. However, I just heard on the radio that there wasn't a single score posted from any other game, not once. The reason, assuming this is true, is so you have to buy those XM game thingies, which, of course, Snyder gets $$$ from.

Wasn't there today. Can anyone confirm this?

NONE posted on the sideline scoreboards (above club) they were on the Jumbotron that I saw 1 time.

It irritated me...:mad:

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the only time i saw them was on top of the scoreboard during a couple of replays and during halftime

This is correct. They now subtitle the PA announcements on the scoreboard that they used to use for the scores. Some activists in or for the deaf community made a stink of this being absent a year or two ago.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT anti-deaf people. It is simply an explanation of the situation aimed at the DS haters who will criticize anything and everything about the stadium and assume this is a way of squeezing more money out of us loyal fans.

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who cares? People have cellphones and when im at the game, im usually watching the field. In half time, Im getting some food and/or taking a piss.

Well, sometimes it's tough to get a cell signal with 90,000 using the same tower, other times you can't see squat because of the sun, and in any case, it's an insult to the fans not to post scores so the owner can force-sell a product on the folks who are paying through the nose for everything in the first place (as if he doesn't have enough of our money).

Posting the scores from other games, in any sport in any league, is a common courtesy at every stadium in the country. Make that every other stadium.

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I thought they've had the subtitles for a few years now.....at least they did last year, and they were also able to accomodate "fairly" regular score updates on that small board between the club and upper levels.

Not today. I saw scores flash by on the top of the videotron on one occasion in each of the first, second, and third quarters, and also at halftime. Nothing in the 4th quarter or OT. And from time to time they were showing what I guess were "subliminal" messages on the jumbotron, like "The Redskins are the BEST fans in the NFL" and some other crap......WTF? And toward the end of the game in OT, they would show some FedEx ad on the jumbotron with a saying like "Good run!" Again, W......T........F???!!!

No complaints about the crowd today....solid performance. And no Funky Four.....thank god! But again, your typical FedEx Field experience. Improvements would be nice,

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We noticed that also.

The Jerk who sits in the row in front of me had one of those TV things. He was watching other games more than what he bought a ticket to.


That screen above the club level was scrolling scores at times last year. Today, it was just "text" for what the announcer was saying.

Yeah, I need to read "LOVE THAT CHICKEN....FROM.....POPEYES!"

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I was hoping to get home from the game today and post a thread dedicated to this same topic.

Yep, no scores from other NFL games were shown at anytime during the game on the Fed-Ex scoreboards. Occasionally you would see a score from another game on the jumbotron but only because it was part of a televised replay.

I agree, this is just another way for Dan Snyder to force our hands and squeeze another few nickels out of us fans.

I'm also a bit ticked that before the game the parking lot nazi's drove around on their carts and forced us to break up our tailgate. As fans, we pay more money than any other fans in the NFL for parking. If I want to tailgate up until kickoff than G-D I effing will.

I'm normally a Snyder backer, but after one game this season, having been left to feel exploited over the scoreboard issues and the tailgate B.S. I'm beginning to turn against this guy.

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lol @ this being an "issue"

I know it's just me, but when my Skins are playing I could care less about other teams. The scores will be there when I get home so I see absolutely NO POINT at all in getting bent out of shape for nothing.

Again, I know it's just me though....

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I know this was an issue last season, although I do remember the scores being posted at that games I attended. However, I just heard on the radio that there wasn't a single score posted from any other game, not once. The reason, assuming this is true, is so you have to buy those XM game thingies, which, of course, Snyder gets $$$ from.

Wasn't there today. Can anyone confirm this?

This is correct. There are two things in play here, I believe. One is the Direct-TV handheld deal that has already been talked about. The other is -- surprise -- money. The scores on the Jumbotron were SPONSORED. I forget the name of the company (so I guess that's not effective advertising), but I think it was a a financial or mortgage firm.

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This is correct. There are two things in play here, I believe. One is the Direct-TV handheld deal that has already been talked about. The other is -- surprise -- money. The scores on the Jumbotron were SPONSORED. I forget the name of the company (so I guess that's not effective advertising), but I think it was a a financial or mortgage firm.
It was E*Trade. Whose business, by the way, I will never use, whether I need it or not. **** E*TRADE.

Those game scores USED to be in the corners of the stadium on the wall between the upper and lower suite levels. The display always sucked, very rarely showing scores, but instead constantly flashing the E*Trade logo.

Those displays, the entire assembly, have been removed. There's no reason on earth why those displays couldn't have stayed and shown us ball scores competently. Instead, E*Trade's display is near the 50, and it's showing us closed captions.

Claiming that they can't show ball scores because they need to show close captioning is bull ****. They could have used the displays that were already installed in the corners. But instead the Redskins removed those diplays. Why, we can only guess. But I suspect it has something to do with money.

How some can claim showing ball scores as they happen doesn't interest a Redskin fan at the game -- I can only guess. My guess is, the Redskins fan that claims this is so young, he has never experienced being in a playoff race where the berth of the Redskins is dependent on what happens in another stadium.

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The scores shown at halftime were sponsored by Ernst and Young. The scores shown on the videotron during the first, second, and third quarters just seemed to be on the screen coincidentally as the NFL Network highlight feed. And nothing during the 4th quarter.

Mark is correct about being curious about other games, particularly our division rivals as we get later in the season. Again, they've had the captioning on that board for some time, but had been able to do a better job of providing score updates in recent years. Maybe people will complain and it'll improve for the Giants game.

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EXACTLY CORRECT!!! Why the hell would anybody care about any score other than what's going on down on the field? We're REDSKINS fans, so all we should be concerned with is the REDSKINS game.

Sorry Mass, but you're way off base on this one. What matters is the Redskins making the playoffs. And sometimes that depends on what happens elsewhere. Therefore, it is perfectly valid to want to know what these scores are in other stadiums -- as they happen.

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I know this was an issue last season, although I do remember the scores being posted at that games I attended. However, I just heard on the radio that there wasn't a single score posted from any other game, not once. The reason, assuming this is true, is so you have to buy those XM game thingies, which, of course, Snyder gets $$$ from.

Wasn't there today. Can anyone confirm this?

Halftime....they showed the scores right after the halftime show.

Very brief however.

Guess they want you to get that Kangaroo thingy to catch the scores.

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Sorry Mass, but you're way off base on this one. What matters is the Redskins making the playoffs. And sometimes that depends on what happens elsewhere. Therefore, it is perfectly valid to want to know what these scores are in other stadiums -- as they happen.

Mark, if we go 16-0 there isn't a single reason to give a **** about what happens in any other game. We should be worried about making out own way into the playoffs, not being concerned about any other team allowing us to back in because of them. We need to be concerned with making our own destiny, not getting help from anyone else.

Then again, since I've never been an NFL fan, just a Redskins fan, I don't watch or concern myself with the other games anyway.

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