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No scores posted at FeEx Field?

E-Dog Night

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The best thing about having the scores flash is that during TV timeouts and halftime its nice to be able to see what is going on around the league and its something to do in the times when there isn't a game going on down on the field.

I have friends that are fans of other teams and when scores were being displayed I would be able to call and make fun of them if their team was losing. But apparently not anymore.

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Sorry Mass, but you're way off base on this one. What matters is the Redskins making the playoffs. And sometimes that depends on what happens elsewhere. Therefore, it is perfectly valid to want to know what these scores are in other stadiums -- as they happen.


It's the first game of the season. No one is talking about the playoffs. When that time comes I'm positive they'll put up the relevant scores (which they did in '05 and I'm sure they did the same in '99).

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It's the first game of the season. No one is talking about the playoffs. When that time comes I'm positive they'll put up the relevant scores (which they did in '05 and I'm sure they did the same in '99).

please.. u know if the giants vs cowboys game was going on, you would want to know who was winning.

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please.. u know if the giants vs cowboys game was going on, you would want to know who was winning.

I wouldn't be thinking about the Giants or Cowboys. I'm thinking about the Redskins.

I'll find out who won or lost when I get home.

I didn't find out Philly lost until I got home. And *shocking* the lost still counts! Even though I didn't find out until later!

Why should I care what the score of that game is when the skins are still playing?

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Mark, if we go 16-0 there isn't a single reason to give a **** about what happens in any other game. We should be worried about making out own way into the playoffs, not being concerned about any other team allowing us to back in because of them. We need to be concerned with making our own destiny, not getting help from anyone else.

Then again, since I've never been an NFL fan, just a Redskins fan, I don't watch or concern myself with the other games anyway.

Mass, if we go 16-0, I would agree with you. :cheers: < - yours is a root beer

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It doesnt matter if its week 1 or 17, they should still post the scores to the other games. Its not difficult to do and there is no reason not to do it, outside of creating a bigger market for those portable directvs. I don't want to spend my time at a Skins game watching the other games, but it would be nice if during the million tv timeouts and ads for Papa Johns/Popeyes/etc. they could show us whats going on elsewhere in the NFL.

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1. Why?

2. They do. Just not on the jumbotrons fortunately.

Heres a better question...WHY NOT?

You ever been to a baseball game? I've only been to a few MLB ballparks but everyone of them lists the scores to all the other games going on that day.

...and no THEY DON'T, hence the reason for this thread. The scores were shown for a few seconds on the corner of the jumbotron and thats it.

I get the feeling you like to argue for the sake of arguing, because I see absolutely no reason why anyone wouldn't want to see whats going on elsewhere in the NFL, in between plays/timeouts/etc.

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So you're arguing that they don't show them enough or at all?


which is it?

They used to run them frequently on one of the scoreboards located in the stadium. To my knowledge this no longer exists. If it does, someone please chime in, because I couldn't find it.

They showed the scores for about 20 seconds on the jumbotron earlier in the game.

Technically, yes, they did show the scores, if even for a brief moment.

Its must be coincidence that the scoreboard showing other scores is missing now that they are pushing that portable directv. Which from what I've observed is not very successful, as sitting in the lowers and in the uppers on different occassions, 06 and 07, have yet to see anyone with one of them.

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Tell me one stadium besides FedEx that doesn't show out of town scores.......

Well, I go to a Division III school and they don't show us out of town scores at our football games. That irritates me too, as I was watching the mighty Seagulls beat up on Albright University I really wanted to know how the other games around the country were going (I heard Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins was a barn burner).

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Its must be coincidence that the scoreboard showing other scores is missing now that they are pushing that portable directv. Which from what I've observed is not very successful, as sitting in the lowers and in the uppers on different occassions, 06 and 07, have yet to see anyone with one of them.
I've got the TV. I certainly don't have it because it's the only way I can get scores. Which it is. This score problem has been going on for years and years and years. I bet if the search function worked, you could find threads on this same topic back in 2000 or 2001.

When I was at the kiosk, I saw the list of advance-pay people picking up TVs, not including walk-ups. It was on one page, small print. I would guess maybe 70 names were on it.

People have complained for years. Letters have been written. Obviously there is some particular reason why the Washington Redskins won't show us the scores. If there wasn't, they would have solved this problem many years ago.

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I wouldn't be thinking about the Giants or Cowboys. I'm thinking about the Redskins.

I'll find out who won or lost when I get home.

I didn't find out Philly lost until I got home. And *shocking* the lost still counts! Even though I didn't find out until later!

Why should I care what the score of that game is when the skins are still playing?

what's the matter? Can't think of two things at once? In between plays is it going to sprain your brain to try to comprehend the numbers on the scoreboard?

It takes approximately 2 seconds to glance at and decipher the scoreboard.

It takes approximately another .5 seconds to file away the knowledge that Philly is losing to Green Bay.

Then you've got about 22 seconds left to get a swig of beer before you watch the Redskins break the huddle and snap the ball.


What monumental effort that requires! The strain of attempting such a feat is too much for the average man to bear!

Friggin' pea-brain. If you don't care what the other scores are, understand that others have minds that are not so easily confused. Realize that while you're attempting to keep track of the one game on the field, others are able to keep track of more, and actually enjoy it.

I'd love to sit next to one of you guys.

All game long I bet I could keep you mesmerized with a Bic lighter.


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I haven't read this whole thread so i don't know if anyone else has said this but on occasion ,the scores were at the top of the jumbo trons screens during the Redskins plays. Nothing in between the plays , My son noticed this . But who is looking at those screens while the play is going on?

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It is for some of us who have money on other games.

I bet on games every week. But if I am at the game I am enjoying the game. If I was that concerned about money, I wouldn't be risking it on a bet.

Sorry Mass, but you're way off base on this one. What matters is the Redskins making the playoffs. And sometimes that depends on what happens elsewhere. Therefore, it is perfectly valid to want to know what these scores are in other stadiums -- as they happen.

Week one it doesn't matter as much as later games in the season. I wanted the Saints to win based on a bet, but when all was said and done, I was glad to see them lose to benefit the Redskins.

what's the matter? Can't think of two things at once? In between plays is it going to sprain your brain to try to comprehend the numbers on the scoreboard?

It takes approximately 2 seconds to glance at and decipher the scoreboard.

It takes approximately another .5 seconds to file away the knowledge that Philly is losing to Green Bay.

Then you've got about 22 seconds left to get a swig of beer before you watch the Redskins break the huddle and snap the ball.


What monumental effort that requires! The strain of attempting such a feat is too much for the average man to bear!

Friggin' pea-brain. If you don't care what the other scores are, understand that others have minds that are not so easily confused. Realize that while you're attempting to keep track of the one game on the field, others are able to keep track of more, and actually enjoy it.

I'd love to sit next to one of you guys.

All game long I bet I could keep you mesmerized with a Bic lighter.


Sorry you are so distracted by not having random teams other scores.

Sorry that you can't understand that other fans are actually more interested in the game at hand, the experience, and the intricacies of the moment.

I can appreciate you wanting to see all of the scores. Certainly I like knowing what's going on around the league. But at the same time within the moment...The Redskins have to take care of business first and foremost.

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We noticed that also.

The Jerk who sits in the row in front of me had one of those TV things. He was watching other games more than what he bought a ticket to.


That screen above the club level was scrolling scores at times last year. Today, it was just "text" for what the announcer was saying.

Yeah, I need to read "LOVE THAT CHICKEN....FROM.....POPEYES!"

Indeed, why would you spend top dollar to attend one game to watch ANOTHER one on TV? That doesn't even make sense.

Sorry Mass, but you're way off base on this one. What matters is the Redskins making the playoffs. And sometimes that depends on what happens elsewhere. Therefore, it is perfectly valid to want to know what these scores are in other stadiums -- as they happen.

First, if the Redskins take care of business, they don't have to worry about what other teams do. Teams that need to rely on whether other clubs win or lose ususally sit at home in January. Having said that, though, if RFK can run scores it during its baseball and soccer games, and the Verizon Center can flash scores -- from different sports, no less -- at ALL of its sporting events, there's no reason why FedEx Field can't do the same for Redskins games.

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At halftime, the club level TVs had so many people packed around them, all trying to see how other games around the league were going and catch some highlights. Talk was all about how no one knew any scores since FedEx won't display them, and no one understood why.

While I don't advocate showing highlights of other games during while the Skins are on the field, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to not display them periodically on at least one of the scoreboards. At least from a fans perspective. No doubt they are trying to sell more Kangaroo TVs (or whatever they are called).

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Sorry you are so distracted by not having random teams other scores.

My obvious point was that the out of town scores are only distracting to the most feeble of minds. Most of us can process the information on these scores between plays in a matter of seconds.

Seriously,, i thought i made that quite clear.

Sorry that you can't understand that other fans are actually more interested in the game at hand, the experience, and the intricacies of the moment.

Well, while you're steadily paying attention to the intricacies of a TV timeout, I wouldn't mind being able to use a second or two of my busy day to check the scoreboard.

Honestly, you make it sound as if you're totally incapable of doing this.

I can appreciate you wanting to see all of the scores. Certainly I like knowing what's going on around the league. But at the same time within the moment...The Redskins have to take care of business first and foremost.

And absolutely none of that will change because a guy glances at a scoreboard in between a play or three.

Honestly,, this attitude of your makes me laugh.

Look, it's simple. If you will get lost by looking at the other scoreboard, then don't. I and many like me don't have such problems, and viewing the score won't change anyone's gameday experience one iota. I would also be willing to bet my last dollar that all of you fans so intently engrossed in the field won't even know my eyes glanced up there. Unless that is the problem,, is my sudden eye movement going to make you miss something?

Sorry you seem to feel that others being able to look at a score might somehow ruin your game.

Hey,, get this... I can change a radio station while i drive, too.



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