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I need the great advice that ES is known for...


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So, I just moved back to college (Go Terps!). I'm in a suite this year (in a single). Theres another single thats empty right now and two doubles.

In the first double, we have a Ravens fan. That's fine, I like the Ravens, support the home team, etc.

We also have a Giants fan*.

In the second double, we have a Cowboys fan**.

And an Eagles fan***.

So, what is a Redskins fan to do?




P.S. Sorry if its the wrong forum, forgive me, I'm new ;)

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Every Sunday Morning at the absolute crack of dawn I would play as loud as the speakers i had could "HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!" and march around the place beating steel pots and pans together. You could make a dance to go along with the song and dance around their room while it blairs, and when they sit up in bed yelling at your, jump up on their bed waiving your junk in their face and scream back at them "Church on Sunday (Female dog refrence), Church on Sunday"

Crack of Dawn.

or butter the kitchen floor. :laugh:

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The best thing to do is hit up your local bait and tackle shop. Get some live guppies, or other small living creatures that are cheap.

Plant said creatures in the back of a drawer somewhere, or under their bed. Give it a couple days and they will move out.

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So, I just moved back to college (Go Terps!). I'm in a suite this year (in a single). Theres another single thats empty right now and two doubles.

In the first double, we have a Ravens fan. That's fine, I like the Ravens, support the home team, etc.

We also have a Giants fan*.

In the second double, we have a Cowboys fan**.

And an Eagles fan***.

So, what is a Redskins fan to do?

So are you asking whether to stay in the single by yourself, or move to one of the doubles, risking having to room with an Eagles, Giants or Cowboys fan?

Given the choice, I'd either stay in the single or get a double with the Ravens fan. It would be great fun to see either the Giants or Cowboys guy get stuck in a room with the Eagles fan.:laugh:

All the other advice, playing "Hail to the Redskins" at the crack of dawn, the butter on the floor, that sounds reasonable too.

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In the first double, we have a Ravens fan. That's fine, I like the Ravens, support the home team, etc.

:nono: The first thing you do is learn that the Ravens are our 1st out of division rivals, followed by the Bucs.

The 2nd thing you do is punish the Ravens fan just as harsh as the other NFC East fans.

Come back to me when you're done for more advice. :cool:

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I lived in a 4-bedroom Courtyards Apt. with a Cowboys fan, an Eagles fan and a Giants fan. But the Cowboys fan was a casual fan and the Eagles fan never really talked to any of us. I went back and forth with the Giants fan a lot which was good natured and fun. Just get ready for the smack-talk and hope that it's a good year for the B&G (and the red and white).

One prank is to get some Redskins wrapping paper and cover their door with it. I've never done it but it sounds good. Also jersey bets are fun. Another year I lived with a different Eagles fan and he had to wear my Champ Bailey jersey to the first day of Spring Semester becauase the Eagles lost their 3rd straight NFC title game.

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I lived ... with a Cowboys fan, an Eagles fan and a Giants fan.

Hell on Earth!

But the Cowboys fan was a casual fan

typical Cowboys fan = frontrunner.

No Cowboys wins = no noise from casual fan.

the Eagles fan never really talked to any of us

typical Eagles fan = whackjob.

Keep clear of this mental case at all costs.

I went back and forth with the Giants fan a lot which was good natured and fun.

typical Giants fan = hardcore fans like us. They're immune to Redskin fans and are more concerned about knucklehead Jet and Philly fans.

Plus, most Giants fans are smarter than they look.:)

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