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The 'we suck' MERGED 2007 Pre Season Post Game Thread


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Said it before, will say it again. I swear the Redskins could win the Super Bowl and some of you would still say: "Yeah. They won the Super Bowl and scored all those points, but........"

Actually, I've seen the exact opposite for the last 16 years Jay.

Yeah, the Redskins are going 16-0 and going to the Super Bowl. And the team has only made the playoffs twice.

At some point, people are going to have to offer more than "yeah, but next year....." Because it's looking to be rather repetitive and straight out foolish.

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Discuss how we will be going to the playoffs even though nobody on our team appears to be able to play football.

God, I wish you idiots would stop crying already. It's the FIRST WEEK OF PRESEASON. Believe it or not, we look better than last year. I'm not worried. Yet.

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The run defense was encouraging. However, the pass defense was still giving up the plays underneath that are going to keep drives going with 1st downs. How many times did you see our CB's even come close to making a play on the ball?


Any pass plays that didn't work were plain drops or bad passes that left the receivers vulnerable.

Yes, the drops make me a bit nervous. It felt too similar to last year. There were at least 3 passes that could have been picked, and two that were easy. Plus, those cushions they were giving the receivers...not cool. However, the tackling was excellent, and these players are showing hustle, unlike last year's team that looked lazy and, quite frankly, a little out of it during the pre-season.

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Said it before, will say it again. I swear the Redskins could win the Super Bowl and some of you would still say: "Yeah. They won the Super Bowl and scored all those points, but........"

you could make the exact opposite statement, and it'd still be true.

"yeah, we were 0-16, but we had a lot of injuries. if we stay healthy next year, get fair treatment from the zebras, and jc progresses a little, we're super bowl bound."

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However, the tackling was excellent, and these players are showing hustle, unlike last year's team that looked lazy and, quite frankly, a little out of it during the pre-season.

Agreed. The tackling was very crisp... there weren't many broken tackles and the defense swarmed to the ball.

Heck, I even loved when Rocky MacIntosh swatted the quick pass to the WR into the dirt behind the LOS and Springs pounced on it so quickly it took me by surprise. Shows those drills are sinking home.

Little discouraged by that drop INT by Fletcher... and the clanking of the upright on the FG. I can't believe how often that happens to this team.

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Believe it or not, we look better than last year.


Our 1st Team Offense couldn't muster a point despite playing a whoe half.

The Titans with Kerry Collins at the helm--not Vince--put up more points than our First and Second team offense did.

We didn't score until the 59th minute.

We looked worse last year? How the hell did we win 5 games?

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It's too soon to be saying anything or making any kind of declarations. Everybody needs to breathe, have another drink or two, get some sleep, and tomorrow's another day.

Oh, did anyone mention we won?!

The offense scores 2 garbage TD's in the last 55 seconds of the game.... and that the crux of your argument?

You just watched 60 minutes of football.... and you're completely incapable of evaluating what you saw? Holy crow.... not sure how you can even admit being a football fan to your friends.

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Our 1st Team Offense couldn't muster a point despite playing a whoe half.

The Titans with Kerry Collins at the helm--not Vince--put up more points than our First and Second team offense did.

We didn't score until the 59th minute.

We looked worse last year? How the hell did we win 5 games?

i'm not at all happy about our performance.

but there's no doubt we looked better tonight then we did last pre-season.

to me, there is actually hope. the d looked better. the deep ball is in our playbook now. the o-line looked bad, hopefully getting samuels back, along with buges kicking some ass, will fix that.

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Is it me, or has the play of both tackles gone down the toilet.

Chris and Jon both don't look like the dominating tackles they once were. Chris appears to be too stiff, and Jon is so full of himself ...

Personally, I like these rookies/new players - Mason, Westbrook, and Baylock. I sincerely do hope they make the cut.


Samuel's wasn't playing and neither was Randy Thomas. 'Nuff said.

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Our 1st Team Offense couldn't muster a point despite playing a whoe half.

The Titans with Kerry Collins at the helm--not Vince--put up more points than our First and Second team offense did.

We didn't score until the 59th minute.

We looked worse last year? How the hell did we win 5 games?

I think he meant last preseason opener, not last regular season...

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Our 1st Team Offense couldn't muster a point despite playing a whoe half.

The Titans with Kerry Collins at the helm--not Vince--put up more points than our First and Second team offense did.

We didn't score until the 59th minute.

We looked worse last year? How the hell did we win 5 games?

We looked way worse last year. Just because you are one of the leaders of the chicken little squad doesn't mean ALL of your brains should have leaked out of your ears. Last year we would have given up 14 points by the half and never scored, period. If you look a second to not wallow in your misery you may see these things.

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Samuel's wasn't playing and neither was Randy Thomas. 'Nuff said.

Randy Thomas was playing.


In fact, the very first 2 offensive plays the Redskins had (both run plays).... they ran behind Thomas and his man ended up making the tackle.

So you shouldn't have even bothered starting a post.

It's hard to take people seriously when they don't have their facts straight. And yet, they still have the nerve to argue.

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We looked worse last year? How the hell did we win 5 games?

Well, we won today, and we didn't win a damn thing last preseason. 100% > 0% last time I checked. :laugh:

And if you want to get into stats with me, the D covers up any offensive woes, because we had neither last preseason.

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Let's not forget we had two starters out on the offensive line, another starter on the line (Wade) playing his first game at the spot with live bullets flying, and the starting running back on the bench.

Well thats what happens when you let players like Dock go. Then you trade all your draft picks away that could be used for depth on the o-line. I am sorry everyone has injuries and the injury excuse is not going to work anymore. The Titans don't even have close to the pass rush the Dolphins have. If we continue to play like this we will be in the top 5 again next year in the draft.:doh:

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Well, we won today, and we didn't win a damn thing last preseason. 100% > 0% last time I checked. :laugh:

And if you want to get into stats with me, the D covers up any offensive woes, because we had neither last preseason.

Winning means nothing in preseason you guys need to realize that. Colts had a 0-4 record in preseason last year and they won the super bowl. All that matters in preseason is how the starters play. Our offense sucked all around tonight starting with the o-line. I will give you the defense looked better as a whole. Lets not forget who they were playing, a team with the starting QB benched. Not to mention the Titans have no WRs and there running game inst that good. I think we are in serious trouble this year. I know its only one preseason game, but thats what everyone said last year and look what happened.

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I have started the Positive Thread, so it is fair to have the thread to vent. :(

Tell us what you didn't like or concerned you. It will be interesting to see which thread get the more hits.

Here are some things to think about:

Starting Oline really had some "issues" (Just ask JC.)

Espy needs to catch the ball

Marc goes through TOs like I go through Michelob

Vent here, keep the acid all in one place.

:helmet: The Rook

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