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The 'we suck' MERGED 2007 Pre Season Post Game Thread


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One thing that stuck out was our lack of pass rush once again. We blitzed several times and we didn't get a single sack. We did hurry collins a couple of times and Landry got a hit on him once but we still could not come up with any sacks. Also our front four was not able to generate any pressure by themselves and needed to bring the house to create pressure on the QB. Does this sound very much like last year?

Also disappointed to see Smoot playing 10 yards of the receiver every time. Just my :2cents:

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As I was reading this topic, I wasn't going to enter, but after reading 2 pages I've come up with the assesment of the 1st team

1. We are missing our starting LT and this is the first NFL action for the rookie. Give him a break. Yes he missed an assignment, but actually did better as the game went on.

2. I think someone said there is no excuse for Jansen to suck this badly in the first game of pre-season. Usually, majority of the line should be in mid season form. We can all tell that our line is not in mid season form, it will be worked out.

3. Our offense still hasn't found the stride. Usually teams find their stride in the second and third pre-season game to go into the last game of the pre-season(usually starters play the whole 1st half), and we have some kinks to iron out. But I did like the play call of Al to go down field a lot more. Hell JC finished 6-14 for 104 yards, just that one turnover, and he did fumble again. (Remember, he only fumbled once last season)

4. Of course the running game is going to suck a little right now. CP wasn't in there, and Betts was sorta dinged up coming into the game. But once CP comes in and they use Betts as the change of pace back, we will be fine. Even though we finished 5-11 last year, we still finished 4th in the NFL for rushing, which I still see us as a top 5 team in that department.

5. Defense looked really improved. Yes the DB's messed up on some pass plays, but lets be real, they only allowed 2 FG's in the contest. That is telling me something right there.

So I say, give them a break. This was the very first game for the team of the year. We still have 3 weeks to get it right until September 9th against the 'Fins. Just my little :2cents:

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At this point... I think the Skins need to cut ties with Brunell.

Only Brunell would have 7 snaps total and need to call 2 timeouts. Did you see the defense when he called the 1st timeout. 4-3... and the linebackers were 5-yards off the ball. It doesn't get any more vanilla than that.... it's not like they were showing the Redskins anything they haven't seen since Pop Warner.

Brunell needs to retire. Yesterday. It's gotten that bad.

That is so obvious that I get an uneasy feeling about JGs judgement. How can he not see that? MBs shortcomings have been on the steady increase for quite a while now, and he wasn't that good when we got him. I would have liked to have seen a little of Palmer out there.

Overall, I think the team showed consideral improvement on D. Jansen and the Oline depth has me a bit concerned, but geez, it's only the 1st preseason game. Not going to throw them under a bus just yet.

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Honest perspective was the offense was not so pretty. The defense was fair, they made tackles BUT the titans are not a offensive juggernaut WITH Vince Young much less without him. So with all the defense was great wait until they play a offensive team then evaluate them until then take one week at a time. By the way I am a Cowboys fan.:laugh:

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If Samuels' recovery is slow or incomplete, I'm intrigued by the option of trading for Pete Kendall. Also, none of the running backs seemed capable of picking up the blitz. That's where we miss Portis the most. We had to keep Cooley in to block. Cooley in pass routes gives us an upbeat tempo; thus, our rhythm was hampered.

On defense, we can only go against the people they start. We held an NFL team to 6 points. That's great.

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Do all NFL teams' fans ridiculously overreact as much as Skins fans?

I think we own the title on the most overreacting fanbase. Relax folks, the D played well, and have a little faith the Offense will pick up to where it left off last year. Yes it was dissapointing our starters put up no points last night. Did you see the play of the O-line? Campbell had no time to throw and the RBs often had nowhere to run. This will be addressed and corrected. The sky is not falling (yet).:)

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