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Who on the Redskins will disappoint?

Touchdown Redskins

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Okay guys, I know this isn't quite the most optimistic thread, but it isn't pessimistic either. We have a lot of youth taking over in key spots this year. To name a few: Todd Wade at LG, Rocky McIntosh at weakside LB, Laron Landry at SS, perhaps Stephen Heyer at LT (if Samuels's injury lingers), and Kedric Golston at DT. If you guys can think of any others feel free to comment.

I know we can't bat 1.000, and even though there have been glowing reports of all of these players, we all know that in the NFL you can't have everything go your way. In light of that, who do you think is the most likely to not live up to expectations?

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im thinkin wade might be the guy...

Its hard to Imagine Laron struggling...

I think even if Rocky struggles he will still be an upgrade over Holdman.

Why is it hard to imagine Laron struggling? He's still a rookie. Even Taylor bit on play action and made mistakes as a rookie. With the way this board has acted like he's going to walk in and be on par with Taylor, I pick Landry to disappoint. I don't think he'll be terrible, but with the expectations so high, it's unlikely he'll live up to them in his first year.

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Why is it hard to imagine Laron struggling? He's still a rookie. Even Taylor bit on play action and made mistakes as a rookie. With the way this board has acted like he's going to walk in and be on par with Taylor, I pick Landry to disappoint. I don't think he'll be terrible, but with the expectations so high, it's unlikely he'll live up to them in his first year.

Good point. There are still some on here who claim Taylor hasn't lived up to his hype. I think Laron struggles with zone coverage and play action just a bit until he fully learns the system. I think he'll put up enough sacks and enough big hits to live up to most people's expectations though. He has the potential to be defensive rookie of the year.

I think no matter how good our D does, the D-line will still get slighted. Therefore, I believe most will view Golston as not living up to expectations. Personally, I don't think Randle El will live up to expectations if he's the second wide receiver at the start of the regular season. Also, I don't think Betts will live up to expectations as a back up runner. His pass catching will be nice, but I think he'll revert back to his old ways of running right into the backs of his linemen. I think Portis does most of the work and puts up 1500 again.

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I think there will be several players from time to time over the season.

I expect them to dominate every game. Sometimes that simply isnt the case.

Campbell, Taylor, Moss, Portis, Cooley, etc. All of them will make mistakes.

Hopefully the mistakes wont cost too many games.

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Do the several thousand ESers who will be on here pissing and moaning if we lose to Tennessee tonight count? :silly:

j/k...My serious answer is the same as herrmag's. LaRon Landry. I think he'll do just fine, but as h pointed out, Taylor bit on a TON of play fakes as a rookie; and he still does more often than I'd like to see.

For the most part though, I think Landry will have a steady year, which is all we can ask of the kid really. He'll make some mistakes, and he'll make a few big plays. But if he's consistent, I would call 2007 a success.

Needless to say, the doom-&-gloomers around here won't see it the same way.

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My main concern is Wade, if he doesn't make it I'm not sure his backup is capable of doing the job. I'll be watching this first game to see how he does. Remember he is on the blind side with a rookie with him. A couple of breakthru's and Jason is likely to start getting happy feet.

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Truthfully I'm worried about the O-line. I know our defense sucked, but we need to protect Campbell. If what everyone is saying about how much he's improved is correct we have to ensure that nobody can get to him so we keep him healthy, because our depth at QB isn't looking to great. Don't get me wrong I think Brunell is a classy individual and used to be a great QB but if I had to watch him step in again I think I would throw away the season, as with any of our other backups. I'm really hoping to see the offensive line do well.

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B Lloyd will continue to be a disappointment. The Washington Post had an article on a Saturday a few weeks ago with him where he said he realizes he needs to step up and that there's a lot of pressure on him. There was pressure last season and I think that there will continue to be more pressure on him this season. I don't have much faith in him. He's currently complaining about shin splints...............

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i think that Portis will dissapoint me because he wont break that 2000 yard record. and cooley will let me down because he wont catch 300 balls this year. and the combo of taylor/landy will be a failure because they wont kill TO this year, only severely injure him.

i can NEVER tell you that a redskin is a letdown. they put on that uniform and defend my rights as a football lover.

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Our fans will dissappoint. The last couple of years, I have heard some boos during the broadcasts. I am against booing. I hate it, and it is childish. It doesn't help anyone on the team at all! I am dissappointed everytime I hear these boos come from our crowd. I expect this from Philly fans, but not Skins fans. Hopefully the Skins will not give anyone anything to boo about.

I am also dissappointed when I am sitting at home and the crowd is not getting loud and supporting our defense. We really needed that support last year and it was not there. I hate seeing the fans sitting in their seats and picking their noses while the team needs help.

I think the fans can do a better job and be more supportive, however I do not feel they will and thus they will dissappoint again this year!

As for players, I think Rocky will dissappoint. I hate to say it, but I just have this feeling that he is too hyped. I really really hope I am wrong!

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Our fans will dissappoint. The last couple of years, I have heard some boos during the broadcasts. I am against booing. I hate it, and it is childish. It doesn't help anyone on the team at all! I am dissappointed everytime I hear these boos come from our crowd. I expect this from Philly fans, but not Skins fans. Hopefully the Skins will not give anyone anything to boo about.

I am also dissappointed when I am sitting at home and the crowd is not getting loud and supporting our defense. We really needed that support last year and it was not there. I hate seeing the fans sitting in their seats and picking their noses while the team needs help.

I think the fans can do a better job and be more supportive, however I do not feel they will and thus they will dissappoint again this year!

As for players, I think Rocky will dissappoint. I hate to say it, but I just have this feeling that he is too hyped. I really really hope I am wrong!

I agree with that statement. I get annoyed when the one or two games I go to a year seem to have a lack of enthusiam from the fans. It is called homefield advantage for a reason. Let's use it this year. Oh and I am worried about Portis. I do like him, I am just worried about his health issues.

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