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Taylor & Landry Chemistry !!!

sitting bull

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:doh: I didn't mean to rile anything up. I just meant that Laron and ST have more in common culture wise, so they'll probably be better friends. That's all I meant. I'm not going to defend that post anymore because this thread is going nowhere good.

I know. I couldn't stand playing next to a white guy either. ;)

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Good, gangsta was the wrong choice of words, I admit. So I apologize if I offended anyone.

Umm, gun charges. Not allowed to talk to the media until this year. There's two pieces of proof that Taylor is gangsta.

Since when does calling someone gangsta imply anything about race or culture? You got jumped on for NO reason - don't listen to these bigot fools who try to make everything about race. There is NO DIFFERENCE between white and black people, and anyone who claims otherwise is just an idiot, no matter which culture they identify with.

Secondly, it would be HUGE if Taylor and Landry have a good off-field relationship. Two friends will play even better than two teammates - each can build the other up.

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I think more of it had to do with ST's relationship with Ryan Clark, who was let go in favor of an overpaid Arch, and less about culture/chemistry. Chemistry never had a chance. Imagine if your best friend and mentor at work was looking for a small raise, and was let go in favor of some guy who couldn't even do the job who got paid 3X what you make and 15X what your buddy was asking for.

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Umm, gun charges. Not allowed to talk to the media until this year. There's two pieces of proof that Taylor is gangsta.

Since when does calling someone gangsta imply anything about race or culture? You got jumped on for NO reason - don't listen to these bigot fools who try to make everything about race. There is NO DIFFERENCE between white and black people, and anyone who claims otherwise is just an idiot, no matter which culture they identify with.

Secondly, it would be HUGE if Taylor and Landry have a good off-field relationship. Two friends will play even better than two teammates - each can build the other up.

It doesn't but the Orange made that correlation, hence the reaction he received. He said both Landry and Taylor were gangstas not Taylor alone. I simply want to know why hip-hop equals gangsta. For example, to use the aforementioned terms, T.O. has a "hip-hop lifestyle" and is he a gangsta? A a-hole maybe but not a gangsta. I didn't hear about Landry getting into trouble like ST, so he is being wrongfully stereotyped. This can happen to anyone, not just blacks and certainly not just whites.

I understand you have some feelings you want to express, perhaps this is not the thread because you are wrong.

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I think more of it had to do with ST's relationship with Ryan Clark, who was let go in favor of an overpaid Arch, and less about culture/chemistry. Chemistry never had a chance. Imagine if your best friend and mentor at work was looking for a small raise, and was let go in favor of some guy who couldn't even do the job who got paid 3X what you make and 15X what your buddy was asking for.

Agreed. :applause:

Just to add a little bit about chemistry...Not to steal the thread. :)

I used to frequent a lot of clubs in D.C. and I would always see players out with each other. I have met/talked/seen Champ Bailey, Fred Smoot, Rock, Lavar, Portis, Moss, Taylor, just to name a few. I definitely think hanging out promotes chemistry. But, every weekend? Especially when we are in the midst of a losing season. Last year I used to see Carlos Rogers out all of the time (more than anyone else). Any thoughts?

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It doesn't but the Orange made that correlation, hence the reaction he received. He said both Landry and Taylor were gangstas not Taylor alone. I simply want to know why hip-hop equals ganga?

Jesus Holy Christ.....can we ever get through 1 thread w/o it getting hijacked because of 1 stupid comment? Let it go, dude. He said something stupid-AND apologized. Is that not good enough? Do you chase ppl down on the highway when they accidently cut you off too?

How about we get back to the thread-LL & ST's chemistry. Oh Yeah---- :dallasuck

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Jesus Holy Christ.....can we ever get through 1 thread w/o it getting hijacked because of 1 stupid comment? Let it go, dude. He said something stupid-AND apologized. Is that not good enough? Do you chase ppl down on the highway when they accidently cut you off too?

How about we get back to the thread-LL & ST's chemistry. Oh Yeah---- :dallasuck

Me? Orange and I moved on. The poster after that felt the need to continue. Perhaps you should direct your comments at him/her. :doh:

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There are some people who never think things through before answering these threads or have anything intelligent to say. Chemistry is everything in TEAMWORK. AA didn't work out for various reasons. 1. He couldn't cover and we all know that. 2. He lost respect of his teammates because of his cover and playmaking skills. So Landry was drafted because of his cover and playmaking skills. It looks to me that Landry has made an impact on the team already because he is looking good in practice and gettting high praise from the coaches. Starting him out at the first snap of the scrimmage wasn't a mistake. They want to see how he plays with Sean Taylor. Preliou is inked as the starter on the depth chart but don't be surprised that Landry is the starter when Week 1 begins unless Williams is going to say that "he is going to have to work his way into a starters position" because he doesn't start rookies and doesn't want to change his stance. If he is that good then start him. Rocky McIntosh should have started last year.

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I don't know if I've ever agreed with you, Nace... but you just slayed me here... :applause: I may have to read this again in a few days when I have recovered.

well you can't be smart and have a sense of humor. pesonally i think the sense of humor is better. :D

jk man. cheers :cheers:

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Agreed. :applause:

Just to add a little bit about chemistry...Not to steal the thread. :)

I used to frequent a lot of clubs in D.C. and I would always see players out with each other. I have met/talked/seen Champ Bailey, Fred Smoot, Rock, Lavar, Portis, Moss, Taylor, just to name a few. I definitely think hanging out promotes chemistry. But, every weekend? Especially when we are in the midst of a losing season. Last year I used to see Carlos Rogers out all of the time (more than anyone else). Any thoughts?

Nothing wrong with Carlos going out an enjoying himself. He's a young multimillionaire. I hope he is out having fun. As fans we might not like him out partying when the team isn't doing well, but it's just like going out on the weekends when your job isn't going so well. Are you going to sit at home and pout because the store you work at isn't selling well?

As far as chemistry, that butt grab might show a little bit. :laugh: I think chemistry between the safeties is definitely important. They usually have broad assignments and a lot of space to cover, so the more practice they have the better. Especially when you have players like Laron and Sean who can cover such large amounts of ground, they can compensate for each other if they know what to expect.

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Chemistry as in Taylor not having to position AA in the right place and ST not having to be all world as last year which did lead to him being out of place tryingt o do too much.

Have you had the chance to experience identical twins talking at the same time about the same subject with the words matching up? eerie.

Some fans do think (hope) that Landry after being immersed in the defense will compliment ST to the point that the interaction will be like a pair of clones/identical twins playing defense up the middle.

It still will depend on what we get from the front four.

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Chemistry as in Taylor not having to position AA in the right place and ST not having to be all world as last year which did lead to him being out of place tryingt o do too much.

Have you had the chance to experience identical twins talking at the same time about the same subject with the words matching up? eerie.

Some fans do think (hope) that Landry after being immersed in the defense will compliment ST to the point that the interaction will be like a pair of clones/identical twins playing defense up the middle.

It still will depend on what we get from the front four.

I thought that Taylor was the one who missed Ryan Clark last year because Clark was responsible for positioning him in '05?

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Chemistry is important. Locker room chemistry, on-field and off-field chemistry. Chemistry between the coaches and the players. Teamwork is dependant on guys sticking together and thinking, acting and living as one unit. This is why Coach Gibbs looks for Redskins-type players. Chemistry is the one thing Gibbs understands that Danny-boy still doesn't get. It doesn't matter if you get the best guys out there, if they are not the best guys for the TEAM. Bruce Smith played for Bruce Smith, Deion, etc. I would not be surprised if the logic behind picking Landry was somewhat related to how they thought ST and he would work together. My :2cents:

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Chemistry is important. Locker room chemistry, on-field and off-field chemistry. Chemistry between the coaches and the players. Teamwork is dependant on guys sticking together and thinking, acting and living as one unit. This is why Coach Gibbs looks for Redskins-type players. Chemistry is the one thing Gibbs understands that Danny-boy still doesn't get. It doesn't matter if you get the best guys out there, if they are not the best guys for the TEAM. Bruce Smith played for Bruce Smith, Deion, etc. I would not be surprised if the logic behind picking Landry was somewhat related to how they thought ST and he would work together. My :2cents:

Maybe they should try some sort of "match.com" type NFL player dating system. It would really just take the anxiety out of training camp. Imagine how productive things would be if they all drove the same style sedans, loved the same authors, enjoyed walks on the beach and glasses of chardoney, etc. It would be so nice to arrive at training camps to 75 of your bestest friends.

Seriously, chemistry is difficult to achieve and trying to force or design it usually doesn't work.

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wait a minute here. what is all this talk about good and bad chemistry? Are talkin about if they get along when the play together on the defense? or are we talking about how well they mesh on the field after the ball is snapped?

Cause if we are talking about the later then i hate to say it guys but i don't really see where chemistry has anything to do with it. What our coaching staff is looking for is aggressive play, ability to execute your assignments, and over all doing your job at your position. If Landry, or Taylor for that matter screw something up and are not in their prescribed assigned area or fail to execute then do we chalk that up to bad chemistry?

AA didn't work out for us last year not because he didn't have any chemistry with the other defenders on the field. He can't cover. Bottom line! What we needed last year was the ability to turn the ball over and to force punts after third down. AA did nothing to help our defense on third and long so now we bring in Landry in the hopes that his play making abilities can help us out in that area and others.

Come to think of it the only chemistry that we should be concerned about is whether Landry has any chemistry with Gregs Defense.

I disagree with you, IMO there is such a thing as chemistry between Safeties. Yes, they both have to execure their assignments, but its the intangibles that make good or great safety play. Football is a team sport and it goes beyond X's and O's.


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I'm glad the thread turned sunnier between all, but I have unfinished business with Donita :)

Some of the comments on this board never ceases to amaze me. :doh: But yet the mods never seem to find anything wrong with it. :doh:

Oh, we often find ourselves :doh: -ing hard enough to leave marks on our forehead over some of the comments on this board--like yours here, Donita--but we don't always "do" something just because someone comes off like a " :doh: "--like in your case with the above comment. :)

Though your actual choice of words is awkward ("some of the comments" + "mods never seem to find anything wrong with it" = exactly what "it" is meant by "some???), don't worry, your insinuation was clear.

Some times we just don't see everything--that's why there's a report a post feature, then we at least examine the matter. On the other hand we "do", and have done, many "somethings" when we find statements and intentions cross certain lines, and have made this clear openly on occassions in the forums for all to see.

I was actually considering the dude's comment here, but wanted to read ahead to find out more, which I did. I think the guy could have worded it better, but his use of "coddled white boy" was a big clue to the point he was trying to make, to me. I think the matter has been handled effectively, and no harm, no foul.

Mainly, knowing the staff as I do, your vaguely worded but clearly implied accusation is very misplaced and not appreciated by me, personally.

BTW, back to the topic, some of you guys seem almost grouchy with the dude trying to be excited over the idea of chemistry between two of the more talented safeties in the league playing together as starters on our team. Granted, the visual evidence was weak support :silly: but, hey, keep the ice water chilly and sprayed liberally to wet the dude's spirit down. :D

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I'm glad the thread turned sunnier between all, but I have unfinished business with Donita :)

Oh, we often find ourselves :doh: -ing hard enough to leave marks on our forehead over some of the comments on this board--like yours here, Donita--but we don't always "do" something just because someone comes off like a " :doh: "--like in your case with the above comment. :)

Though your actual choice of words is awkward ("some of the comments" + "mods never seem to find anything wrong with it" = exactly what "it" is meant by "some???), don't worry, your insinuation was clear.

Some times we just don't see everything--that's why there's a report a post feature, then we at least examine the matter. On the other hand we "do", and have done, many "somethings" when we find statements and intentions cross certain lines, and have made this clear openly on occassions in the forums for all to see.

I was actually considering the dude's comment here, but wanted to read ahead to find out more, which I did. I think the guy could have worded it better, but his use of "coddled white boy" was a big clue to the point he was trying to make, to me. I think the matter has been handled effectively, and no harm, no foul.

Mainly, knowing the staff as I do, your vaguely worded but clearly implied accusation is very misplaced and not appreciated by me, personally.

BTW, back to the topic, some of you guys seem almost grouchy with the dude trying to be excited over the idea of chemistry between two of the more talented safeties in the league playing together as starters on our team. Granted, the visual evidence was weak support :silly: but, hey, keep the ice water chilly and sprayed liberally to wet the dude's spirit down. :D

There is always unfinished business with me. :)

I know about the report feature but thanks for the reminder. Second, so my wording was off, sue me. I was excited and I was not insinuating anything--I was flat out making a comment/observation. Lastly, of course you find it misplaced since you are a mod. Quite frankly, I find inappropriate comments all the time on this board that can be offensive in so many ways and it seems to me that the mods, including you, only correct the ones that you disagree with. But, I will take your suggestion next time and report them to you. :)

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