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Cooley's Contract -- When Will It Get Done?


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With Landry signed, signing Cooley to a longterm deal has to be priority number one. Thing is, since the the market went nuts this offseason (see Derrick Dockery's deal), I seriously think Cooley could ask to be the highest paid TE in the league. The skins can't risk him hitting the open market -- who knows what people will be paying then?

I'm confident they'll get it done soon. But if a deal isn't done by the start of the season... well, that's when agents and players get mad and decide the open market is the way to go.


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I agree they should be workin on it soon. He'll get paid like an upper echelon TE and thats fine, I dont mind rewarding your own guys, especially keeping them around for a few more years. I think itll get done just before the season starts.

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A topic was started on this a few days ago, and i believe it wont happen until around November. I think it will be a similar situation with how Betts deal got done last season. I think it will be quiet, but behind close door the Redskins FO and Cooleys agent will hammer out a deal come the end of November. There's not much rush on either side i believe either side wants to get the deal done, but isnt really pressed to do so. Cooley camp knows Dan and Vinny are good in the negociation process it wouldnt surprise me at all if we didnt here a peep about this until the deal was already done.

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All I know is Im glad we didnt throw the big bucks at dockery this offseason like the bills did. If we had done that, we would have no money for Cooley. If this guy isn't a redskin for life, I dont know that Ill ever get over it.

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I just hope there is a give and take in the situation. Cooley is a great tight end, but he doesn't deserve to paid as the top TE in the NFL. He should ask for a hefty raise, but he should understand that he won't get max money and he's been with us for years now. I hope Danny gives him good money, probably top 6 or 7 and Cooley's agent agrees. Letting him hit the market will assure him not coming back and will rearrange our draft next year. Let's get it done.

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The market went nuts in the offseason. If I was Cooley's agent, I'd be asking for a ridiculous deal -- he's better than Graham. Always a little puzzled why our FO takes so long to lock up its own players -- it's bad business.

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I just hope there is a give and take in the situation. Cooley is a great tight end, but he doesn't deserve to paid as the top TE in the NFL. He should ask for a hefty raise, but he should understand that he won't get max money and he's been with us for years now. I hope Danny gives him good money, probably top 6 or 7 and Cooley's agent agrees. Letting him hit the market will assure him not coming back and will rearrange our draft next year. Let's get it done.

Like I said, because of how nuts the market was this offseason, Cooley's agent is probably asking for the moon -- top TE in the league money -- because he knows salaries are just going to go up next offseason.

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Daniel Graham??? :wtf:
I thought the same thing. Denver overpaid for him big time this past offseason.

It's only because he's the only solid TE who's signed a new deal in the past couple years. Since the new CBA, and especially this offseason, salaries have gone through the roof. Graham's contract only says to me that someone like Tony G or Gates would probably command 20mil guarantees and 50 total. I expect Cooley, if a deal gets done, will get a contract very similar to Landry's. But yeah, even given the price increases, that's still a bit high for Graham, I must say.

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cooley is an important part to this offense but i really don't see him being successful in many other schemes. he's a marginal blocker and he's not fast or quick. he has excellent hands, tough, and can get open. i think he's been such a plus for us b/c our offenses have been so bad at times that a player who does his job really stands out. i think he needs a new contract b/c we drafted him and he's such a consistent player. he can get us over the top, but i think we'd be screwed if he was our go-to player.

i don't think he deserves top TE money. i think there are about 4-5 other players i would rather have than cooley.

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I just hope there is a give and take in the situation. Cooley is a great tight end, but he doesn't deserve to paid as the top TE in the NFL. He should ask for a hefty raise, but he should understand that he won't get max money and he's been with us for years now. I hope Danny gives him good money, probably top 6 or 7 and Cooley's agent agrees.

you're crazy. it will take top 2 TE in the NFL money to resign cooley, mark my words. if the redskins don't make him one of the highest paid TE's ever, another team will. look what happened to Dockery. we are headed down that same exact path. Cooley is young and reliable. that equals BIG BUCKS.

i really really hope we re-sign him, but it is not looking good. it would have been done by now if the skins were serious.

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