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Redskins agree to terms with first round pick landry


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i disagree. this is why people are timid when it comes to starting threads that could bring in discussion.

this is also why the message board gods created the "merge" function. not just the "search" function.

maybe so, but it's also a reason that i believe threads should not be allowed to be started by anybody without either a post count over 1000 or a membership status of over 6 months. no offense to those without such, but just that it takes time to step up to the big leagues.

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Just don't post it. Man, if it's a big headline it WILL be up within 15 seconds of hitting the wires.

Just already assume it's up, because it probably is. It's not brain surgery.

hey, shut your mouth. no one is asking for your opinon or thoughts on this thread. I said close it. so, shut your ass.

god i get tired of homerish ass people. 2 seconds after i posted re-posted, Not evenone can be perfect like you eh fellar? I'd wish to see you at a game i'd smack the taste out your mouth....

there's a reason why everyone is able to make a thread. it's PUBLIC buddy. everyone is entitled to post what they want, and like I said before, if i could have erased that thread I made I would have but I dont have the power to that's why I asked for it to be closed. IT'S NOT BRAIN SURGERY.

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maybe so, but it's also a reason that i believe threads should not be allowed to be started by anybody without either a post count over 1000 or a membership status of over 6 months. no offense to those without such, but just that it takes time to step up to the big leagues.

why not just fill out a test on redskins knowledge before being granted a membership?

extremeskins is not the big leagues :laugh:

it should be for all redskins discussion...granted, I have been around for a long time and lurked just as long...but it is sad that people get their post counts up on useless threads just to garner "respect"

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i dont understand why people havent realized that if you dont find the article within minutes or even seconds of its release...


Landry signed around 1am and the article im sure was released early this morning. you think EXTREMESKINS doesnt already know

Actually Landry hadn't actually signed at the time this thread was posted although everyone has been acting like it since the news had broken that a deal was in place by 1 AM.

You are right though, everyone here at ES is extremely fast with breaking news - this is the first place that I come now instead of places like WP or even Redskins.com!

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maybe so, but it's also a reason that i believe threads should not be allowed to be started by anybody without either a post count over 1000 or a membership status of over 6 months. no offense to those without such, but just that it takes time to step up to the big leagues.

Well, unfortunately for you it's a public forum. There are worse things that could happen besides someone starting a multiple thread. They have the power to delete threads as such. It's called freedom of speech and it's open discussion, if you don't like it go elsewhere. besides, I said " sorry, please close the post" and I still hear little women crying cus they don't have anything else in their lives to do. get a life, i feel sorry for you little girls.

I just wish someone /anyone would come up to me at a game and talk to me with such disrespect. All you little boys do is try to act like board cops and actually are out of line because it isnt your job. Please let me find one of yall speakin to me like that anymore.

I didn't come here to start anything but im not gonna take any disrespect from anyone because I have given the same. Im here to talk about my team and nothing else. I suggest you take notes. and again get a freakin life

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why not just fill out a test on redskins knowledge before being granted a membership?

extremeskins is not the big leagues :laugh:

it should be for all redskins discussion...granted, I have been around for a long time and lurked just as long...but it is sad that people get their post counts up on useless threads just to garner "respect"

i know, that's why i specified the the time as well. problem is that it used to be the big time until the merger and then the entire world signed up and the average poster has become ... what's a nice way to put this ... redundant and base.

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hey, shut your mouth. no one is asking for your opinon or thoughts on this thread. I said close it. so, shut your ass.

god i get tired of homerish ass people. 2 seconds after i posted re-posted, Not evenone can be perfect like you eh fellar? I'd wish to see you at a game i'd smack the taste out your mouth....

there's a reason why everyone is able to make a thread. it's PUBLIC buddy. everyone is entitled to post what they want, and like I said before, if i could have erased that thread I made I would have but I dont have the power to that's why I asked for it to be closed. IT'S NOT BRAIN SURGERY.

I'm with ya buddy, maybe not in such harsh words tho. It never ceases to amaze me how nasty and rude Redskins fans can be to other Redskins fans.Doesn't make sence to me. Although i guess it's kinda the same way an older brother treats the younger brother like crap sometimes but the love is still there. And besides that, this thread probably needed to be formed due to the fact that the other one claims Landry has signed already, which he hasn't.

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Well, unfortunately for you it's a public forum. There are worse things that could happen besides someone starting a multiple thread. They have the power to delete threads as such. It's called freedom of speech and it's open discussion, if you don't like it go elsewhere. besides, I said " sorry, please close the post" and I still hear little women crying cus they don't have anything else in their lives to do. get a life, i feel sorry for you little girls.

I just wish someone /anyone would come up to me at a game and talk to me with such disrespect. All you little boys do is try to act like board cops and actually are out of line because it isnt your job. Please let me find one of yall speakin to me like that anymore.

I didn't come here to start anything but im not gonna take any disrespect from anyone because I have given the same. Im here to talk about my team and nothing else. I suggest you take notes. and again get a freakin life

i agree it is, i didn't say people should be restricted from posting, just said it about starting new threads, b/c it's the same meaningless threads over and over again.

as far as this thread goes, you have to be kidding man. not only was there a thread titled "Mega-Merge..." but it also said "Be Warned." did you really think you were the first to scope this story after noon today?

and don't take anything as disrespect, it's a freaking message board, but when you make a bonehead post just accept that people are gonna bust your balls for it.

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dont worry, I missed the news this morning and this was the first post I saw, so thank YOU very much.

well, thanks, you're welcome. I'm just here trying to have fun like everyone else is, and post news, man i can't stand all these stupid remarks, like everyone is perfect. but you're welcomes man.

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maybe so, but it's also a reason that i believe threads should not be allowed to be started by anybody without either a post count over 1000 or a membership status of over 6 months. no offense to those without such, but just that it takes time to step up to the big leagues.

Wow! Maybe only people who can afford cable should be allowed to watch the NFL, and maybe only people who have proved their love of the team by getting a tatoo of the Skins logo on their chest, should be allowed in Fed Ex. C'mon man. It is a forum for fans! Not just the fans who live on the boards, but every fan.:doh:

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Wow! Maybe only people who can afford cable should be allowed to watch the NFL, and maybe only people who have proved their love of the team by getting a tatoo of the Skins logo on their chest, should be allowed in Fed Ex. C'mon man. It is a forum for fans! Not just the fans who live on the boards, but every fan.:doh:

stick around for a while and watch the redundancy of every thread that gets started, especially during the season. then look at who is starting the later threads. again, i said nothing about allowing people to post, i just said about starting new threads. it is a forum for fans, and regardless of how i think it would make it a better forum for fans, it's not my call and never will be. that's just my opinion on the matter.

but, if everyone is going to be allowed to post, and somebody makes a redundant post like this one, especially after the mega-merged thread said "be warned," then guess what, you are going to get razzed for it so don't act like a thick headed eagles fan like this thread starter did and start threatening people to say things to your face at the stadium, cause you brought it on yourself.

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Sometimes I get a kick out of reading the nonsense back and forward about rules and how they suggest they follow them. Most of the time someone is really too harsh.

Yes, I understand it's old news, especially when the post is over two hours later then the link. We all know it's been posted already.

But give this guy a break, don't sick the dogs on him. He did afterall post right after requesting it to be deleted.

Now where's that beer. Might as well bring on the clowns too.

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In before the mega-super merge. This was actually the first thread I saw and I appreciate the heads up, but the mods have asked us to police ourselves, but some of you have gone overboard with comments about other posters that could get you a small vacation. Just saying, if you don't agree with someone, no sense in telling them you are going to bash their head through a wall. You have to be respectful to get respect. It's not a 1 way street. Glad Landry came to terms, now we can begin the season.

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hey, shut your mouth. no one is asking for your opinon or thoughts on this thread. I said close it. so, shut your ass.

god i get tired of homerish ass people. 2 seconds after i posted re-posted, Not evenone can be perfect like you eh fellar? I'd wish to see you at a game i'd smack the taste out your mouth....

there's a reason why everyone is able to make a thread. it's PUBLIC buddy. everyone is entitled to post what they want, and like I said before, if i could have erased that thread I made I would have but I dont have the power to that's why I asked for it to be closed. IT'S NOT BRAIN SURGERY.

Well, unfortunately for you it's a public forum. There are worse things that could happen besides someone starting a multiple thread. They have the power to delete threads as such. It's called freedom of speech and it's open discussion, if you don't like it go elsewhere. besides, I said " sorry, please close the post" and I still hear little women crying cus they don't have anything else in their lives to do. get a life, i feel sorry for you little girls.

I just wish someone /anyone would come up to me at a game and talk to me with such disrespect. All you little boys do is try to act like board cops and actually are out of line because it isnt your job. Please let me find one of yall speakin to me like that anymore.

I didn't come here to start anything but im not gonna take any disrespect from anyone because I have given the same. Im here to talk about my team and nothing else. I suggest you take notes. and again get a freakin life

Lighten up Francis.

Even worse than creating a thread about something that so many others had already discussed for hours is the fact that you can't even handle what people say in your thread.

The posts you responded to were nowhere near as disrepectful and childish as your responses. There are already too many internet tough guys out there. If you're "here to talk about your team and nothing else", prove it.

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Well, unfortunately for you it's a public forum. There are worse things that could happen besides someone starting a multiple thread. They have the power to delete threads as such. It's called freedom of speech and it's open discussion, if you don't like it go elsewhere. besides, I said " sorry, please close the post" and I still hear little women crying cus they don't have anything else in their lives to do. get a life, i feel sorry for you little girls.

I just wish someone /anyone would come up to me at a game and talk to me with such disrespect. All you little boys do is try to act like board cops and actually are out of line because it isnt your job. Please let me find one of yall speakin to me like that anymore.

I didn't come here to start anything but im not gonna take any disrespect from anyone because I have given the same. Im here to talk about my team and nothing else. I suggest you take notes. and again get a freakin life

You know, I understand your points and I know that you realized the mistake and immediately reposted. However, you aren't really making it any easier for yourself when you pull out the schoolyard bully act and start physically threatening people and calling them names. People are going to razz you for saying/doing something wrong. It has happened to me before as well. You just gotta take it in stride and not turn it into some huge personal attack against you, because generally it really isn't. It is just a message board. I'm guessing all the people who have been giving you a hard time would gladly hang out and drink a beer with you at a game.


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