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RB - only position without a white starter

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despite what i think is equal athletic ability between whites and blacks. lets not spin this into some half assed stupid racial thread, thanks in advance.

It is racial. Getting the best players possible to perform in football is a world where the bias and racism of the outside world, for the most part doesn't exist. Do you really believe that blacks and whites have equal athletic ability? You're not this naive are you?

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It is racial. Getting the best players possible to perform in football is a world where the bias and racism of the outside world, for the most part doesn't exist. Do you really believe that blacks and whites have equal athletic ability? You're not this naive are you?

if you can prove to me that blacks are more athletic than whites, ill accept. so ill wait.

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I demand more diversity in the NFL. No white runningbacks? That's an outrage! Call my lawyers, I'm filing a law suit against the NFL for bias.

There should be a rule that says every team must bring in a white runningback to compete for a roster spot. It's only fair.

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As has been elluded to in this thread, part of it is the make up of muscle mass. Red cells basically creates explosion and quickness. It has to do with the way they metabolise oxygen and proteins in the cells. Basically, how each muscle cell (red/white) cycle to create Glycolitic Fibres or how they deal with sugar in the muscles. Because Red breaks it down faster, it allows for more explosion, quicker. This is why you see more quicks and speed from this muscle type. Jumps higher, etc. But, it also tires faster. Because they are more efficiant and using the products vital to creating explosion, they also build sugar faster (which anybody who has lifted weights or worked out is known as The Burn). Because of this, Red Muscle types can not sustain as long. White is more suited to indurance and sustained strength. Black people typically have more Red Cell muscle mass in there physical make up then do other ethnic types. This is why speed, explosion and the ability to jump are more prevelent. It has to do with environement. In Africa or Asia, these assets were more vital to the survival of man then the attributes associated with White Corp Muscle make up. In Europe, for example, White Muscle Cells were more advantage because of the environment commen at the time of mans developement. As a result, European or "White" men have more of this muscle compasition present.

In addition to this, it is also true that for economic reasons, Black Americans are physically superior to many other black racial groups because of slavery. First, strong slaves brought more money. You don't pay more for weak specimans. Also, weak specimans were more apt to parrish on the voyage required to bring Black people over to America. Only the strongest would survive, if you will. This sort of natural selection provided a superior gene poll from which to draw and created a superior physical product.

The last piece, IMO, is the current environment in which modern athletes are drawn from. To become a pro athlete, in any walk of life, you have to have a certain determination to go along with the physical attributes needed to be succesful. Because of this, many white or more economically prosperous social groups choose different directions. They do not stick with what it takes to be succesful in something as demanding as pro sports. Lets face it, it's easier to make hard decisions when your options are to sink or swim, as it were. This is not a social statement on white or black but simply the reality of social economics in our country today. It is changing but it is not changed. Because of this, there is a certain mind set in people, white or black that lends itself towards associating black people with certain physical attributes. The same it true for white people. IE, Black people are better RBs. White people are better swimmers. Whatever the characterization, while there are exceptions, by and large, this is the accepted theoligy in society. Black RBs are going to be considered more viable then are white RBs even if there happens to be a white RB that has the skills. It is a conditioned theory that does exist in both white and black idioligy IMO. Just is.

All of these things contribute to the question, why no white guys at RB in the NFL. As time goes on, both races will eventually combine to create one. Physical attributes will be shared and a blend of both, good and bad, will exist. It takes time but it will eventually happen.

I hope that nothing I've written offends because I am not trying to be offensive. Just trying to answer in a logical manner, as opposed to skirting the question.

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Can anyone honestly believe a coach would turn down the best player at any position due to skin color? If so, I doubt that coach will remain employed.

Sports are (now) merit based, I don't understand why anyone would bring up a race based angle.

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it is a numbers game, I think white kids have more exposure to a wider variety of sports as kids, for one reason or another, i.e. baseball, swimming, soccer, golf, etc. I think black kids tend to focus more on basketball and football, and that is it.

Because of this you have younger white kids spread across a bunch of sports and black kids more concetrated on just two...b-ball and football. I think genetics and athleticism has something to do with it, but not alot.

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if you can prove to me that blacks are more athletic than whites, ill accept. so ill wait.

C'mon man. I'm not trying to get deep here. Lets look at the position of RB. It's arguable that it's the most demanding and physically "telling" position in all of sports. The speed, agility, quickness, power associated with this position separate. You cannot fake your way into being a tailback. There's a certain amount of natural ability required. So much so that white kids are discouraged in pursuing this and other positions. You want me to prove this? Open your eyes and use your brain. What do you want a link?

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this guys is definately gonna make some noise! please watch

Sam Mcguffie-he is currently still in high school and is approaching his senior year in High School. He is being recruited by just about every big school in the country.


Wow, just wow. Vision, speed, excelleration, moves, hops everything. I almost was going to say the only thing missing in the highlights were a long run and then about 3 minutes in he busts one for 70 yards. Loved the 90 yarder. This kid has it all.

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"There is a wide disparity in the graduation rates of white and minority students. In the class of 2002, about 78% of white students graduated from high school with a regular diploma, compared to 56% of African-American students and 52% of Hispanic students."

I don't really think graduating HS equates to being smarter.
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I was a damn good short yardage white RB but I retired at age 12 because I never liked my team much and then the coaching staff changed the year I would have started. (My good coach who liked me moved out of state and I got stuck with the "my son gets to be QB!" sort of coach who made me 3rd string TE/DE:( )Then I broke my leg, took about eight months to recover, and never played a sport seriously again until college intramural flag football came around last year. I compared myself to an overpriced 40 year old free agent and sure enough, bruised my ribs twice and missed half the season playing DE. :laugh:

The highlight of my career was playing in a kind of "Loser Bowl" in Maryland (as the away team) for the most improved teams not to make the playoffs under my one good head coach. He was made aware of a bet my brother made that if I scored he would give me $100, putting me in for a 2-point conversion. After the game he told the team I was the first of us to play professionally.:cool:

As much as I dislike Tampa, I am a fan of Alstott as the last vestige of the Riggins type RB in the NFL. Were Riggins around today, he would probably be just a FB with a lot of goal line TDs or he would be like Cooley. When I wasn't an RB, they usually put me in at TE.

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Can anyone honestly believe a coach would turn down the best player at any position due to skin color? If so, I doubt that coach will remain employed.

Sports are (now) merit based, I don't understand why anyone would bring up a race based angle.

Yes, because no one has ever complained about a certain number of QBs or coaches of a certain race in the league.

I agree with you, but, it's there. It's dumb, but it's there.

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Rocky Marciano, Rocky Marciano! Eeeeevery time I start talkin' bout boxin' a white mans got to pull Rocky Marciano out they ass.:laugh:


Coming to America. Great movie for oneliners.

Saul: [touching the King's clothing, made from a stuffed tiger] This is beautiful. What is that? Velvet?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Do you really want the answer. It's because we are built different. Whites and Blacks simply are not the same. We all deserve the same rights, but we are built differently.

Blacks are faster, taller, and naturally more agile.

PBS did a special on this, and science proved this to be false.

I think the clips are still on their websites.

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Forrest Gump was white and fast as hell.

Run Forrest, run!!


Interesting question though. Perhaps sports sociology should become a field of study. One can much more easily answer the how (e.g fast twitch vs slow twitch muscles) than the why (why does this racial physiology difference exist and why is it so prevalent?)

Well, maybe the Cowboys should put Romo sits to pee in as RB tonight and see what kind of wheels he has, solely for the purpose of providing an amusing data point.



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