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What do you fear most about 07 season?


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I know we all love the skins, and feel/hope they are going to be unstoppable in the 07 season. However, the question is are all the right pieces in place? Have we started a team that we can build on? Is our D going to bust again next season? Will CP be back to '05 form, or will he become an injury plagued back?... These are many question running around this forum, IMO we have started a team that we can build on to have a promising future, I think Portis will return to '05 and that Betts will only help his numbers. It sounds like Campbell has really progressed this offseason working on his timing with the receivers, pretty much I am totally confident in our offense and waiting for it to explode. I do have a great fear about next season though, and that is will we be able to pressure the qb? That was our biggest problem last season and no matter what db's we had they would have gotten schooled, and for some reason this offseason we didn't really make any moves to add players that could help generate pressure on the qb. The only real change was that now Washington might be playing DE on passing downs in order to get more pressure on the qb, it will be interersting to see how that pans out. If Washington can step it up like he always has, he might be able to add the speed we need on the corner to get pressure to the qb, but it will also depend heavily on Carter and if he can continue to progress as he did at the end of last season. If this happens I am hoping that my ONLY fear of next season (other than injury obviously), will be prevented and we will sacking qb's over and over again. The season is entirely to far away, Lets go SKINS.

Edit: *** Fellas I do appreciate all the comedic posts, but if we could stick to what we fear outside of the obvious failure and injury it be pretty sweet. Thanks**

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I am concerned with Todd Wade. Hopefully he can step in and pick up Dock's slack, hes so damn tall i hope he can perform. Also, the offense will only explode if everyone is contributing. Im looking for B lloyd to step it up. Defense, how soon will Landry step in? Is the D-line as bad as the rest of the country thinks? We have a lot of ?'s for 07.

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I have a couple fears. Campbell comes out and is just not that good and does not show signs of improvement. Thus the passing games suffers and Lloyd is terrible and everyone begins to pile on him again. Portis gets hurt again. Wade cant cut it and the line suffers and our running game sucks. Our defense continues to get zero pass rush and we get sliced and diced by every running back. I guess the defense as a whole scares the **** out of me whether or not they can return to top 10 or not... Just a couple fears thats all....

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Shyster I think I have to agree with you and I can't believe it wasn't in the OP, my biggest fear for next season is that Lloyd makes another CD. Is this guy really serious, he is an athlete not a rapper and he never will be.

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That BLloyd and Antwaan won't improve their production from last year, allowing opposing teams to key on the run and put more pressure JC, and basically hamstring our offense.

That the Dline will just be terrible again - no pressure on the qb, inability to contain the running game, is a close second.

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I don't think that Randle El and Lloyd should be something to worry about, IMO neither one needs a very large party in the offense. It would be nice to have, but I think if Moss can stay healthy him and cooley will do it big just like '05 and shred NFL secondaries. Can't wait to see Moss do another one of his spin moves, you know the ones where it looks like he is about to go out of bounds like every other receiver would but he spins it back inside and takes it for the TD.... MOSS is the Man and so is Cooley can't wait to watch this offense in motion.

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I don't think that Randle El and Lloyd should be something to worry about, IMO neither one needs a very large party in the offense. It would be nice to have, but I think if Moss can stay healthy him and cooley will do it big just like '05 and shred NFL secondaries. Can't wait to see Moss do another one of his spin moves, you know the ones where it looks like he is about to go out of bounds like every other receiver would but he spins it back inside and takes it for the TD.... MOSS is the Man and so is Cooley can't wait to watch this offense in motion.

Actually i think ARE and Lloyd are a major concern and something that shouldnt be overlooked. Remember the 05' playoffs when we had some of the worst offensive number to ever win a playoff game? Thats not going to cut it in January we are not the Ravens. We REALLY need that legit #2, and i hope B Lloyd can do it.

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In order:

1. That JC doesn't improve from last year, which puts us right back where we began: looking for a viable starting qb. JC wasn't very good last year, but he showed some promise. He needs to make a major step forward to be considered a solid starting quarterback by improving his accuracy and mechanics. If he doesn't, we are hosed. Everything rides on him. So my biggest fear is that the doesn't get better and we have to go back to the draft again.

2. LG. I don't think we have anyone on roster who is a starting-caliber LG. If Wade doesn't make it, we only have spares who couldn't make the field on crappy teams (e.g., Whitticker) to replace him. And if you have one weak link on the line, the entire line suffers.

3. DL. I don't see any reason to assume our DL would be better than last year. It's the same guys, with the exception that the already old guys are even older. The only way our DL gets to an acceptable level is if Carter finally figures out how to play the run and our hail mary with Golston works out that he becomes a solid starter.

Those are my fears. I think we are still in a transition mode, but I think our FO thinks we are in a win-now mode. I don't see how we can win now with the team we have. But I think we can show keys areas of improvement, the primary being JC, of course. JC's development is more important to me than making the playoffs this season.

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What we should be fearing, is a repeat of last seasons performance.

Injuries, fewest turnovers and just one of the worse defenses in the league overall.

BTW, this whole "I'm worried about Wade being too tall" thing is kind of getting out of hand now. Don't you think? We have one of the greatest offensive line coaches of all times in Buges. He will make it work.

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