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How will Wade Phillips and Terrell Owens get along?


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Hmmmmm.... :laugh:


I can't see this marriage lasting the season. Reason: Phillips is too nice, which is another way of saying Owens uses him for a doormat. I figure the fireworks begin somewhere before midseason ... or if and when the Cowboys start to slide. Then, it will be lights, camera, T.O. Look, Steve Mariucci is a nice guy, too, and he couldn't survive Owens. He tried to cut the guy slack but finally ran out of patience, sitting him down when Owens decided football was not a team game. Sure, Owens has people he trusts, but if you're not one of them -- and Mariucci wasn't -- you get a better reception talking to your TV. Lotsa luck, Wade. I just remember the impact last season had on Bill Parcells, who, not so coincidentally, packed it in when it was over. Parcells is a tough nut, but I always thought he looked like someone who bit into a bad tomato. Owens wears you out, and Phillips is about to discover how much.

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TO will start dominance-humping Phillips leg by the 2nd week of training camp. Phillips will downplay it while it will be obvious to the rest of us who is wearing the pants in the relationship.

After their first loss, TO will call out players and coaches... and Phillips will downplay it again.

After their first blowout loss... TO will call out Phillips directly.

I'd say by week 4, the whole thing will be one giant ****-storm. Can't wait :)

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I could see TO start ***** slapping Garrett if he doesn't have Romo sits to pee throwing to him every other play! :cry:

If this occurs, you don't think Wade would step in to back Garrett do you? It will take the supreme puppet master to make nice nice!

If the issue continues, the Jerrah interventions will only work for so long.......Can you say powder keg?

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TO will start dominance-humping Phillips leg by the 2nd week of training camp. Phillips will downplay it while it will be obvious to the rest of us who is wearing the pants in the relationship.

After their first loss, TO will call out players and coaches... and Phillips will downplay it again.

After their first blowout loss... TO will call out Phillips directly.

I'd say by week 4, the whole thing will be one giant ****-storm. Can't wait :)

I agree totally...

On a side note... by **** storm are you implying a Jim Lahey type **** storm?

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And tr1 predicted T.O. would tear Dallas apart by mid-season last year.

Really? Do you have a link? I believe I said his sophomore year would be his bad year, historically speaking.

BTW, the 'tour de France' bike stuff (failure to practice), 'the Player' stuff, and the ALLEGED overdose stuff doesn't count as being disruptive, does it... :doh:

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As much as I despise TO and the Cowboys, I think this is all just wishful thinking on our part as NFC East rivals.

You may be right but we can dream can't we.

Still, I'd say there is just as good a chance that he does make problems as that he doesn't. He does have a history.

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As much as I despise TO and the Cowboys, I think this is all just wishful thinking on our part as NFC East rivals.

While I certinaly am hoping quite wishfully - it is a possibility that this season could completely derail for the Cowboys...

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While I certinaly am hoping quite wishfully - it is a possibility that this season could completely derail for the Cowboys...

Here's hopin'..:cheers: ..because history's shown that at least one NFC East team has derailed.

2006 Skins 5-11

2005 Eagles 6-10

2004 Giants/Skins/Boys 6-10

2003 Giants 4-12, Skins 5-11

2002 Boys 5-11

2001 Boys 5-11

2000 Cards 3-13 - wish we still had them in our div.

1999 Eagles 5-11

1998 Eagles 3-13

1997 Cards 4-12

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Here's hopin'..:cheers: ..because history's shown that at least one NFC East team has derailed.

2006 Skins 5-11

2005 Eagles 6-10

2004 Giants/Skins/Boys 6-10

2003 Giants 4-12, Skins 5-11

2002 Boys 5-11

2001 Boys 5-11

2000 Cards 3-13 - wish we still had them in our div.

1999 Eagles 5-11

1998 Eagles 3-13

1997 Cards 4-12

This could apply just as well to the Giants this year also...

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