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Sportsline backup QB rankings (Brunell gets nod)


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Like I said, for spot duty I think he's fine. Especially considering he knows the offense and the personell. For the long haul I agree that he just doesn't have the juice anymore.


Imo, knowing the system and personnel is every bit as important as talent level for the first backup QB.

I'm quite happy with Brunell as that backup. In the here-and-now, he is the right man for the job.


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How do you figure he's a great propect? We didn't EVEN WIN while he was a starter.


So who was it that took us to the playoffs 2 seasons ago? I'm glad we are looking to the future with Jason, but I still heart Mark Brunell.

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Brunell is a great backup. His problem is that he gets worn down, but if he only needs to play spot duty or a game here and there, that problem goes away.

He IS capable of winning games for us, just not over the course of a 16 game season. Now that we don't need him to do that for us anymore, I think he can be a true assett to the team.

Completely agree. It's also nice to see us having some young guys in camp. The back up QB role is a strength of our team now.
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The day JC took over is the day we got a great backup.

You do not ask for splash from your backup

You ask for game management, lack of turnovers and a knowledge of the offense.

I grow sick and tired of the Brunell hating on this board. The only thing he ever did wrong, to me, is keep the extent of his injury to himself. And I understand why he did that on a personal level, no one wants to accept Backup status....especially one who has competed as hard as hime for as long as he did.

The guy restructured for the teams benefit. The guy is a perfect teacher for JC, Brunell has VAST experience in the NFL. He is a huge positive in the locker room on how to live your life and play with the hype of the NFL. He is NOT our starter, he is our backup. Lets get a grip people.

I am glad he is finishing his career here, I am glad we got a good guy who can transition to coaching for us if we want. We did win a playoff game with him at the helm. He did throw the two balls to Santana that changed my life for a night. When we did win with him it wasnt flashy. It was JG football. If our starting QB goes down this year (Dear Lord, please keep JC healthy) we are not going to be flashy, we are going to grind it out. Our team knows how to win that way.

That all being said, I cant wait for JC to unleash this year. Its going to make the trade we made for him seem so insignificant....did you all see what Cleveland paid to get a QB this year?



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Brunell is a great backup. His problem is that he gets worn down, but if he only needs to play spot duty or a game here and there, that problem goes away.

He IS capable of winning games for us, just not over the course of a 16 game season. Now that we don't need him to do that for us anymore, I think he can be a true assett to the team.

I agree - my only prob with Brunell as a back up is his salary cap number

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This article was put up on the 13th, but I don't remember reading about it in the forrums. I attempted to use the search engine for a few key words such as "Brunell, sportsline, backup" and a couple more, but found nada.

Nonetheless... here it is.

Honorable mention

Mark Brunell, Washington

Yeah, he's near the end of the line. But he's not there yet. Which means he can still win ball games. Sure, he doesn't throw the ball down the field, and he can't move as he once did. But Brunell is smart, tough and accurate, and all three qualities were there when he led Washington to a 36-30 overtime upset of Jacksonville last season. But he also turns 37 and is worn down by years of getting hammered in and out of the pocket. He doesn't make many mistakes, but he doesn't make a lot of big plays, either. In only one game last season did he run for more than seven yards, and in only two did he throw more than one scoring pass. Nevertheless, he provides enough leadership and sound play to qualify here. If Washington loses Jason Campbell for a series of games, I'd have no reservations about having to win with Brunell.

Personally, I agree with this article 100%. All of you Anti-Brunell lemmings can't deny that he is one of the better prospects in the league as far as backups go. But I'm not here to start an argument, just post an article :cool: .



I would have no reservations about bringing Brunell in during any situation in the game, he still has a lot to offer. By him being a lefty, the onus will be on Jansen and Thomas to protect his backside. True, he doesn't have the elusive abilities that he used to possess however he's smart and a great "field general". :)
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This team should have assigned Brunell the backup position from day one, and this team would have been in two playoff seasons instead of one. Gibbs obviously thought Brunell was going to pull some magic out out of his rear end, and it just didn't happen. This league is too young and too fast for a 37yo quarterback who cannot see downfield, and who has no speed to move out of the pocket. It really showed last season, and Gibbs, for whatever reason waited far to long to make the switch.

Now that is history, and Gibbs has moved on, Brunell will make an excellent backup. I am scratching my head now wondering about Daunte, but know he wouldn't sign to a team as a backup. I just thought if he didn't get any offers as a starter, and Campbell went down for the season, maybe a guy like Daunte, rather than Brunell would be a better answer?

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That was definitely a nightmare season, eh? 23 Td's 10 Int's, should have made the pro bowl, and oh, we made the playoffs. Man, I only wish it would have been different. And, to respond to another post, it wasn't all Santana, Chris Cooley had what, 70 receptions, almost 1000 yards as well, CP had 1500+ yards, give me another 10-6 season and a playoff berth, I would take that every year.

I think you an everyone else knows that we made the playoffs inspite of Brunnell by playing exceptional on defense, running the ball and punting extremely well. If we had anything resembling a QB we would have won the Seatle game which, along with the Tampa game and a few others were some of the worst QBing in Redskins history. Brunnell has been Joe Gibbs achilles heel since he traded for him. To be honest He flat out stole from us just like deion did. Both of them knew they didnt have much left in the tank but I guess you cant blame them...Now we just all have to hope and pray that we have seen the last of him on the field.

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This article was put up on the 13th, but I don't remember reading about it in the forrums. I attempted to use the search engine for a few key words such as "Brunell, sportsline, backup" and a couple more, but found nada.

Nonetheless... here it is.

Honorable mention

Mark Brunell, Washington

Yeah, he's near the end of the line. But he's not there yet. Which means he can still win ball games. Sure, he doesn't throw the ball down the field, and he can't move as he once did.

In only one game last season did he run for more than seven yards, and in only two did he throw more than one scoring pass. Nevertheless, he provides enough leadership and sound play to qualify here. If Washington loses Jason Campbell for a series of games, I'd have no reservations about having to win with Brunell.



I think Brunell, much like salt in my food, is only good in super small doses. If he came in the third Quarter of a game we were winning, I wouldnt be too scared. If Campbell were out for a stretch longer then 2 games, I would have to see what any other QB we had could do. In that article they talk about Brunell like he is a tightly wrapped mummy, (Mumra from the Thundercats comes to mind) or like he is geriatric. Let us all rejoice, for this is the last season we will have Brunell soaking up a huge contract for us. I see us parting ways with Ol Mumra after this season, unless he reworks his deal to the fine tune of vet min + an incentive or two.

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He did play through an injury last season, but I guess that doesn't matter when talking about throwing strength. The year before when healthy he did post up some fairly nice numbers, but that was all Santana. He knew when to throw the ball away instead of pushing it, but I guess our D was good enough that throwing ints don't matter. He's a supportive veteran that took a pay cut in order to help out the team, but I guess we need someone that would ***** about getting "fair competition" and want veteran starter pay.

:applause: Couldn't have said it better myself.

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I think the article rings true. It's time for all the Brunelle haters to back off and accept the fact that he's our backup QB now. Joe Gibbs may love Brunelle, but at the end of the day it was Joe Gibbs who took the ball out of Brunelle's hand and gave it to Campbell. Mark Brunelle is a battle tested, experienced QB who will continue to mentor JC into being a great NFL QB. You don't always have to make big plays to win games, teams have won Super Bowls with great defense and game managers at QB. If JC were to go down, I think we're in better shape with Brunelle than a lot of other teams around the league are with their 2nd option.

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