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All Redskins fans living out of the D.C. area...


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Been in Arkansas four years and lived the majority of that time in the Northwest area of the state. There is a weird mix of fans with the majority of "real" NFL fans being Cowgirls, Chiefs, or Rams fans. I don't know if there are any Saints or Titans fans in the area of the state close to TN or LA. The vast majority of people are "fans" of the NFL team the most recent "star" of the University of Arkansas plays for. The team du jour is the Jags right now because of Matt Jones. You would think I lived in North Florida with all the Jags jerseys I see. I had an old lady get in my face at the sportsbar last year after the Skins win over the Jags, because I was "cheering against Matt Jones".

I have seen two Skins fans since I have been here. Went up to them while sporting a Portis jersey and had nice conversations with both. One was a transplant and the other was a native. The native claimed there are pockets of Skins fans in places, but most are relatively older. I asked him why there would be any Skins fans in AR and he said 1. A backlash against all the Cowboys fans that dominated the state for so long; 2. People started rooting for the Skins when a certain former University of Arkansas offensive line coach by the name of Joe Gibbs started winning Superbowls.

I just moved to the Little Rock area of the state, so if there are any Skins fans that get together for games please post or PM the where and when so you can add another bleeder of burgundy and gold to your ranks!

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well, the funny thing is, this is one of my biggest problems, i dont know if i scare people or what, but i am always yelling "GO SKINS" at fellow fans, and i usually get some cold ass stares, i work construction and last year i had this big magnetic logo on both sides of my work van, if i saw a cowjerk in the parking lot, i would slap the logo on the side of the van door REAL hard, and reminded them that they are in redskin country. my favorite fans are the FANatic's the ones that will yell about fixin' the d-line, right there at the traffic light, me trying to finish my sentence, and "alright man, GO SKINS!" as the car behind me honks, and i drive away.


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here's a story

a few weeks ago i was hangin out at a friends house and as the night went on he had some more people over. One of the girls he had over (at the time i didn't know it) was a DC native like myself, and she was hotttt. So i talked to her for awhile, hoping i could get a little that night. My friend comes in and says "how you guys holdin up, you know kaila (girls name) is a redskins fan too?" so she asks me "wait, you're a skins fan?"

the rest is history:D

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i was visiting one of my friends at work on saturday and when i was leaving, i saw a guy with a 'skins hat on so i was like "that's a great hat" then i showed him my phone which has a 'skins background. that was the first time ive seen someone wearing any 'skins gear around in the 12 years i've lived here.

but my nieces dad has it just as hard...he is a eagles fan. so we get a good little rivalry going on.

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Hmm I wonder if that was me or not? It all depends on which block you park on, lol. A drunk die hard fan could mean alot of trouble. But out here in the Tampa, Clearwater area there is actually a good amount of Skins fans and I don't know where the hell they are all coming from, lol. You guys shoulda heard me in the Transformers theatre when I saw the Portis Jersey just classic.

hmmm, do you also have a U of MD sticker or something on your car?

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I live in Jersey, but work in Philly. My truck has a big Redskin logo on the back window. Thoughts of walking to my truck all smashed up do come to mind often. But knock on wood everything has been ok. I think that I worked in another city I wouldn't feel that way.

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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I live in eagles territory, so it is rare for me to see a fellow fan out this way. So when I do, I tend to get a little exuberant. I sometimes wonder if I ever make my family feel uncormfortable, but until they say something... :D

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and was visiting another friend of ours in Philly for the weekend last year. Well, he had a Redskins bumper sticker and while his car was parked in the street overnight, someone had spray painted his bumper green (of course covering the sticker.) It's almost like you can't even put anything on your car in another town if you are a Redskins fan. Or is it just Philly?

Anyone else experience this type of stuff?

Hell yea I say something to guys wearing skins stuff! ut then again, I am about a 20 minute ride from you!! God don't you just hate the damn eagles fans? HAHAHAHA!

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Okay.....let me ask a question here...a bit of a change-up, but one I've been wanting to ask for quite a while.

As an out-of-town Redskin fan, I've wondered what you feel is missing from your experience. Not the obvious, like "going to the games"..but, rather, with all the resources out there these days, such as internet message boards, online shopping for gear, team sponsored sites, non-team-sponsored sites, NFL Channel, DirecTV.....what is STILL missing for you?


Or, are you happy as you can be with all your Redskin needs being met?

In your perfect world, what would you like to see out there..either where you live or simply available to you via internet or any other medium.

Let me know...



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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I live in eagles territory, so it is rare for me to see a fellow fan out this way. So when I do, I tend to get a little exuberant. I sometimes wonder if I ever make my family feel uncormfortable, but until they say something... :D

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and was visiting another friend of ours in Philly for the weekend last year. Well, he had a Redskins bumper sticker and while his car was parked in the street overnight, someone had spray painted his bumper green (of course covering the sticker.) It's almost like you can't even put anything on your car in another town if you are a Redskins fan. Or is it just Philly?

Anyone else experience this type of stuff?

I live in an area which is considered "REDSKIN TERRITORY" however i'm always confronted with cowboy fans wearing various insignia denoting their affiliation while i'm wearing "skins" stuff. The conversations are jovial and funny and we all walk away with great pride in our chosen teams.

Philadelphia is one of the most "hard core" franchises in the NFL. Remember, they booed when Mcnabb was selected in the first round. I attended a game there once against the skins, we won ! but i'll never go to another one there again. :mad:

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It seems like I wave a couple times a month at other people with skins license plates. When I see someone in person I absolutely do say something and I've never had anyone not jump right into a conversation about football.

Nah, I live in predominately puke country and their fans, as we know, are generally a little snotty but I've never worried about my car or anything. I think that's just a filthadelphia thing. :laugh:

What do we miss? Not the traffic. I wish it were a little cheaper to occasionally go a to a home game though. I'll do it one these days, but I'm always looking for games at Phoenix, Denver or Dallas. And I don't like the ones in Big D. I just hate that place all around.

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I thought it was just me. I live in a really tough geographic area for "Outside" fans, CT. I am wedged between Patriots country in New England, Giants turf in NYC, and finally J.E.T.S. land right across the LI Sound. As much as I hate to admit it, the Giants are by far the class of this bunch! If you know anyone who has visited either the Pats of Jets with their team will tell you; they both make Philly really look like The City of Brotherly Love!!! WOW.

For instance; last time I went to Jets game vs Skins, it was either 00 or 01. The Skins won a barn-burner, getting a favorable pass interference call and capatalizing on it. When we (my girlfriend and I) got to the parking lot, there was a grey cadillac w/ Go Skins plates, upside-down and on fire! We had to hightail it outta there!!!

I always go nuts when I see a fellow HOG!!! My family already knows what they are getting into!!!


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I have Redskins on my car's front plate and window clings on the back. My house has Redskins room and I put out a Redskins flag during the season. My neighbor puts out his Packers/Wisconsin flags. I don't actually see Panther flags much. Alot of people here are into the South Carolina/Clemson rivalry.

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im a skins fan from poughkeepsie man... i say something to every skins fan i see... and i ALWAYS talk **** to my buddies who are cowpukes, iggles, and "Little Giants" fans...

Small world! I don't see many Skins fans around here. I've only met 4 the entire 5 years I've lived here. But I've made friends with all of them. Even given them window decals and stuff.

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Okay.....let me ask a question here...a bit of a change-up, but one I've been wanting to ask for quite a while.

As an out-of-town Redskin fan, I've wondered what you feel is missing from your experience. Not the obvious, like "going to the games"..but, rather, with all the resources out there these days, such as internet message boards, online shopping for gear, team sponsored sites, non-team-sponsored sites, NFL Channel, DirecTV.....what is STILL missing for you?


Or, are you happy as you can be with all your Redskin needs being met?

In your perfect world, what would you like to see out there..either where you live or simply available to you via internet or any other medium.

Let me know...



Well, since I'm not local, I don't get to see the games on TV every week. I wish I could, but I will say "watching" the games through ES and gamecenter is priceless, so it's all good.

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Okay.....let me ask a question here...a bit of a change-up, but one I've been wanting to ask for quite a while.

As an out-of-town Redskin fan, I've wondered what you feel is missing from your experience. Not the obvious, like "going to the games"..but, rather, with all the resources out there these days, such as internet message boards, online shopping for gear, team sponsored sites, non-team-sponsored sites, NFL Channel, DirecTV.....what is STILL missing for you?


Or, are you happy as you can be with all your Redskin needs being met?

In your perfect world, what would you like to see out there..either where you live or simply available to you via internet or any other medium.

Let me know...



Local am radio talk shows.
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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I live in eagles territory, so it is rare for me to see a fellow fan out this way. So when I do, I tend to get a little exuberant. I sometimes wonder if I ever make my family feel uncormfortable, but until they say something... :D

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and was visiting another friend of ours in Philly for the weekend last year. Well, he had a Redskins bumper sticker and while his car was parked in the street overnight, someone had spray painted his bumper green (of course covering the sticker.) It's almost like you can't even put anything on your car in another town if you are a Redskins fan. Or is it just Philly?

Anyone else experience this type of stuff?

I'd say while it is obviously more dangerous in Philly to root for an opposing team, I have gotten a chilly reception right here in Ohio. You would think that ppl would be apathetic to the Redskins but often (especially in the mid -90's) they would go out of their way to mock and ridicule. Although I have to say the loudest opposing fans I ever encountered were also the best sports. I watched our game at Arrowhead 2 yrs ago w/my ex......we were side by side and there were times we still couldn't hear each other yelling over the crowd. Still -- those fans were very respectful and even congratulated me following the game (i.e. "the redskins showed a lot of heart", "you guys are really close to being a real contender", etc)

As far as the Redskins fans in my area -- hell, my family's lucky if I don't stop and try to get a pic with them right there on the street !!



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Well in response to your question, I live here in San Antonio, TEXAS. Of course there are hundreds and thousands of cowpuke fans. Believe it or not, there is hardly any stuff done to our properties. It's all done in fun. Now when we start beating them like they had been beating us for those many years, then maybe a sudden urdge might come to them to do damage.

I've never seen anything drastic done to any Redskin fans vehicle. I proudly display several Redskin stickers on my vehicle and one huge Redskin helmet on my rear window. I guess you can say that I've given them plenty enough reason to harm my vehicle.:point2sky :dallasuck :dallasuck

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I go to school at Penn State which is right in the middle of eagle and steeler country. I wear my jerseys on the weekends and on mondays after games to show my pride and this causes me to take so much crap from the stupid eagles. Its kinda fun to argue with them tho. However, all this hate just makes it so much better when i meet a fellow skins fan and i always acknowledge them in some way.

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