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All Redskins fans living out of the D.C. area...


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I live in Florida and drive a burgundy SUV with a Redskins plate on the front and Redskins sticker in the rear window over the brake light (it's clear so that the light shines through it). I had someone the other day put a note on my door that there was a local Skins club that I had never heard of. Kinda cool.

I see a lot of Redskins tags around town. I also make it a point to say something to people wearing Skins paraphernalia. It always makes everyone smile.

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Living in Nova Scotia I have to say I have not met one fellow 'Skins fan yet. I am sure there are some around but I have never seen another person wearing a 'Skins hat or jersey. It's serious Patriots territory up here.

However I can also say that I have never experienced anything negative from other fans. Just the usual trash talk from my friends who are mostly, of course, Patriots fans. So it's been an agonizing 5 years to say the least.

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If I see someone else in Skins gear I will usually say something like "Go Skins" and then strike up a conversation if time permits. I get approached by other Skins fans about a half-dozen times per year when they see me in my gear...

...most folks here (Conn.) care more about baseball then they do football, so there is very little trash talking from the Giant/Jet/Patriot fans

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Although I'm stuck in the middle of Bronco country, there is a nice representation of Skins fans here in Colorado Springs who moved here, like me, from the DC area. My 10 year old son was wearing his old hand-me-down Roland Bailey jersey at my softball game last night when one of the women on the team started talking about the Skins and I found out she's a huge Skins fan as well. She also mentioned she gets Sunday ticket every year. Unfortunately, she's married to a Broncos fan but she told me to bring the kids over to watch the Skins this fall. You just never know when or how you'll meet a fellow fan in the middle of hostile territory.

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I'm in metro Atlanta, so I see a good number of Falcons stickers and jerseys from day to day. But, by and large, college football is king in this part of the country. I see lots of UGA, GA Tech and Auburn shirts, hats, bumper stickers, etc.

Apparently, before the Falcons arrived (1966, I think) the 'Skins were the team down here. I do see some folks wearing 'Skins gear, but they are mostly older gentlemen who, I guess, didn't capitulate when the new NFL franchise was awarded to Atlanta. Usually, if I'm close enough to the person wearing the 'Skins gear, I'll say something like "nice hat (or t-shirt, jersey, etc.)" but it doesn't necessarily lead to a long conversation. I think I've had maybe one or two conversations with any depth about our shared favorite team in 11 years of living here. But, if I can, I do definitely say something, and there is usually a short, cordial exchange. If I’m wearing ‘Skins stuff, and someone else is, too, one of us will normally initiate a conversation.

I've run into a few transplants from Redskins territory, but, again, no long conversations with any of them. I’ve seen a car around my town with a “GO SKINS” personalized state license plate, but I haven’t been close enough to them to say anything to them. Of course, metro Atlanta is home to the coolest car in America , but, try though I might, I’ve never actually seen it with my own eyes, though I’ve gone by the owner’s shop in hopes of doing so several times.

I’ve never had anybody say anything outright rude to me concerning my ‘Skins gear (I’ve got a bunch of ‘Skins stickers on my car and often wear Redskins t-shirts and caps). I was wearing my Rypien jersey one day and somebody shouted something at me from a moving car as I was getting my mail. I couldn’t hear exactly what they said, but it seemed somewhat hostile.

People will often confuse my ‘Skins apparel or stickers for Florida State stuff. I have to attribute this to the predilection for college football down here. But, most of the stuff I wear is the cardinal/mustard color scheme, not the true burgundy/gold color scheme (which is more similar to the FSU scheme), so I don’t know why it’s so confusing to people. I guess to many, a Native American profile is a Native American profile, no matter how pronounced the differences.

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I see very few Redskins fans in NY during the offseason ( I live on Long Island), but come Regular season, I see a bunch of seasonal friends at a local bar ( Irish Times).

I have to tell ya, its one of the best times of the years for me. All the guys are pretty cool. The one girl we h ave is great too. There are about 4 or five of us that usually show up on Sundays, and we have called ourslves Redskins Nation ( I know... all 5 of us) But its a great support system. Especially during Giants games (Its a huge Giants bar).

I dont know if any of you are here os ES, but I cant wait to see ya!

Hail Redskins!

Hail Redskins Nation!

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Okay.....let me ask a question here...a bit of a change-up, but one I've been wanting to ask for quite a while.

As an out-of-town Redskin fan, I've wondered what you feel is missing from your experience. Not the obvious, like "going to the games"..but, rather, with all the resources out there these days, such as internet message boards, online shopping for gear, team sponsored sites, non-team-sponsored sites, NFL Channel, DirecTV.....what is STILL missing for you?


Or, are you happy as you can be with all your Redskin needs being met?

In your perfect world, what would you like to see out there..either where you live or simply available to you via internet or any other medium.

Let me know...



Good question. Years ago, before the internet and DirecTV, I missed being able to see the games on TV of course...and I would always look forward to a trip down to the Stadium Store once a year to pick up some Redskins gear.

Today, with all the convieniences you mentioned, the only thing I miss is the camaraderie of being around other Skins fans. It would be nice to live in the DC area and be with the majority of Skins fans, rather than bumping into only 5 or 6 Skins fans every year...

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Ok, so I'm really not alone in my compulsion. :laugh:

But the most shocking thing to me is...Hawaii, Australia, Canada, New York, South Carolina, New England, Arizona, California, Atlanta, Delaware, Texas, Denver and so on and so on.

I'm not that shocked that we have fans all over the world like that. I'm more shocked that you all made it here, to ES.

Nova Scotia? OMG! :):cheers:

Do I hear Greenland?

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It looks like we all agree that there is nothing like an Eagles fan as well.
That is definitely the truth. If I were to have Redskins flags outside of my house, like some of you guys are able to do, I would also have to sit out there with my shoutgun. :D
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That is definitely the truth. If I were to have Redskins flags outside of my house, like some of you guys are able to do, I would also have to sit out there with my shoutgun. :D
We should all get together and tailgate the stink for the Skins vs. Eagles game this year. Seems to be a good amount of us. Don't know if I'm that brave though. I used to live within shouting distance of the Vet and the locals truely are nuts.
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well, the funny thing is, this is one of my biggest problems, i dont know if i scare people or what, but i am always yelling "GO SKINS" at fellow fans, and i usually get some cold ass stares, i work construction and last year i had this big magnetic logo on both sides of my work van, if i saw a cowjerk in the parking lot, i would slap the logo on the side of the van door REAL hard, and reminded them that they are in redskin country. my favorite fans are the FANatic's the ones that will yell about fixin' the d-line, right there at the traffic light, me trying to finish my sentence, and "alright man, GO SKINS!" as the car behind me honks, and i drive away.


:applause: :laugh: hahahahahaha:laugh:

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Bout the only gear available down in the southern part of the world is either cowboys or 49ers, very little skins stuff available, which is despicable, so not only do i have no skins gear in australia i dont think anyone else does either

Why don't ya just order it off the net? Plenty of sites deliver it. That's how i got all my gear.

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I am in the market for a new stove so I went to an appliance store last night. I happened to be wearing a Skins T-shirt. When the manager comes over he says he will help me in anyway he can as he is also a Skins Fan!! They did not carry the model I want but I think I made a new friend to watch games with.


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I live in Los Angeles I have to deal with the Fader Fans & the Cowgirl Fans. We go at it but you have to be able to take it if you are going to give it. When we had the Fader games here they use to throw stuff at me for wearing Skin Gear to the games but from very far away I'm 6'4" 250

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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

1. Yes, If Im at the gas station or if Im driving on the highway, and I see someone with a Skins flag on their vehicle or wearing a jersey, I shout them out verbally or a beep the horn and give them the thumbs up. DIE HARD BABY!!!!!! Its like seeing a distant relative.

2. No. Ive gone to a Pittsburge bar, rocking my LaVar jersey (when he still was on the team), and I didnt receive any hate at all. I told them that I have no problem with the Steelers or their fans, itz the Cowboys that I HATE. And everyone got a kick out of that. And when I when Im in Philly rockin a Skins jersey, I get more love then hate. Philly got more then a few Skins fans up there, surprisingly.

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People tend to stop me when I'm wearing my Redskins stuff. What Redskins fans there will start talking about the Redskins and the year they're having, that kind of thing. Rivals fans, well, the few who say something usually come up with the same stuff. Who's going to be your QB or When's Gibbs hanging it up? That kind of thing.

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People tend to stop me when I'm wearing my Redskins stuff. What Redskins fans there will start talking about the Redskins and the year they're having, that kind of thing. Rivals fans, well, the few who say something usually come up with the same stuff. Who's going to be your QB or When's Gibbs hanging it up? That kind of thing.
Yeah, I get that one all of the time.

IMO, it just shows their football ignorance. :)

Either that, or they just don't consider the Redskins to be legitimate threat any longer and they just don't give a damn. :(

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I see all kinds of Skins fans down here in Florida! I am always compelled to shout out to them, I am not much of a hand shaker though. The only time I experienced anything negative was when I bought Madden at the game store and some little drunk punk Philly fan felt the need to say something, other than that it is great here. I also have Redskins tags and emblems on my truck and no one has ever messed with it.

My only problem with down here, is no one can tell the friggin difference between the Florida Seminoles and the Skins. I think they are all stupid or something. Everyone yells "Go Noles" and I have to let them know that I hate the Noles and they should learn the difference in colors.

Another thing that sucked is I lived in Gainesville at the same time Spurrier came to the Skins. Everyone there also assumed I was a Noles fan and the ones that did know the difference assumed that I liked the Skins because Spurrier went there. They could not have been further from the truth!!!

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Yeah, I get that one all of the time.

IMO, it just shows their football ignorance. :)

Either that, or they just don't consider the Redskins to be legitimate threat any longer and they just don't give a damn. :(

Probably a little of both. Late last season a friend of mine from New York asked me about the Skins and we talked a few minutes. He then stated that the Skins would go nowhere as long as Brunell was starting. Said it was time for him to sit down. I told him that was nice and all, but Brunell was benched 2 weeks before. "Oh" was the response.

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