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All Redskins fans living out of the D.C. area...


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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I live in eagles territory, so it is rare for me to see a fellow fan out this way. So when I do, I tend to get a little exuberant. I sometimes wonder if I ever make my family feel uncormfortable, but until they say something... :D

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and was visiting another friend of ours in Philly for the weekend last year. Well, he had a Redskins bumper sticker and while his car was parked in the street overnight, someone had spray painted his bumper green (of course covering the sticker.) It's almost like you can't even put anything on your car in another town if you are a Redskins fan. Or is it just Philly?

Anyone else experience this type of stuff?

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I have redskins stuff in my car and on it, and there have been a few times where someone along the road will honk or show their redskins paraphernalia also. I love when that happens, it seriously makes my day. I remember this one time when I was driving to school I saw a guy with a Redskins license plate. I got into the next lane so i could pass him and show him my redskins CD case. I swear, it mustve been a minute that I was holding that thing up, ****** wouldn't look:laugh: . I nearly ran my ass off the road, but finally he looked and he pumped his fists with pride.

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Down here in Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, I don't see much even with all the "U" guys we have...

When I do, it is someone seeing my Skins gear or car decorations. When I see a Skins fan, I go out of my way to say something.

When I see a Brokeback, I go out of my as well. If it means speeding in front of them on the road and slowing down or just a casual "Cowboys Suck!" in a store.

As far as negativity, the Dolphins have been just as bad the past few years, so people keep their mouth shut down here. Not to mention they are all bandwagon fans anyways...

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It is not very often that I see another Skins fan. If I do I would usually say something or give them the nod - as if to say "hail". I never get any hate when I have a skins hat or skins shirt on - if anything, people just wonder why I am a Skins fan.

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Yes, the wife and I always say something to other Skins fans we meet, although they are few and far between up here in Oregon.

As far as the other question, most folks are Seahawks fans and just appear very confused that anyone wouldn't be rooting the same way up here.

On an aside, when we were living in Kansas City area, we had all of our Skins memorabilia in the downstairs room with the TV, and many visitors would say something like "Wow, you guys are big Cheifs fans!", normally followed by "hey, that's not Cheifs stuff, wth!"

/Bring on the Pain:helmet:

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I always say something positive....along the lines of "Go Skins!" whenever I see a fan down here. They are like family.

No problems down here in Florida. We have three footballs teams in this state, or at least two plus the Dolphins.:laugh: So everyone is divided. Also, Florida is full of snow birds and transients from the north....so it isn't uncommon to see Skins fans often.

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Man, you live in a city where there are a lot of die hard Giants, Iggles, and Jet's fans. Those are some crazy fans man, especially Iggles fans and even Giants fans to some degree. I don't know, I usually have people say stuff to me before I say stuff to them, but there are tons of Skins fans in Hampton Roads and in Vienna/NOVA areas so it's always cool to chat when you see someone wearing burg and gold gear. I just hate when I see someone wearing a shirt or a hat and they talk like the Skins is a complete loser of a team. I hate the Eagles almost as much as the Pokes, and I hope I get the chance to murd....never mind, I have to go take my meds....:paranoid::silly:



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I was sitting in a bar in FL a month ago and the waitress told me she was a huge Skins fan (I was wearing my 75th anny t-shirt) and some guy took his hat off from across the bar and we gave each other the thumbs up.

Out in St louis i dont come across too many skins fans, so when I do I say something... I only had one think I was half crazy.

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I live in Giants/Jets country but I wear my redskins shirts and jerseys all the time, plus I have Skins bumper stickers and window decals on the back and a mini Skins helmet air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror.

Only my friends give me crap about being a Skins fan. When I meet others, either they ignore the Skins stuff or I get a positive response. Even during the season, on Skins-Giants gameday, I see guys wearing Giants jersey's while I'm wearing a Skins jersey. We nod to each other, sometimes I'll tell them that I'd wish them luck, but I wouldn't mean it so I won't bother. That usually gets a chuckle out of them.

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It is not very often that I see another Skins fan. If I do I would usually say something or give them the nod - as if to say "hail". I never get any hate when I have a skins hat or skins shirt on - if anything, people just wonder why I am a Skins fan.

Exact same response I give and I also get the same puzzled looks and questions LOL. In a mix if Giants, Pats and Jets fans here.

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I live in Baltimore County...if I am driving or at a bar and see skins gear I always honk or try to stop and say hello, however my girlfreind lives in Baltimore City (across from M&T Bank staduim) and I have been walking to my car heading down to FedEx field and ravens fans always talk trash...I have almost been in 2-3 fights b/c raven hillbillies talking trash...probably not as bad as iggles fans but certainly close.

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I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who gets that compulsion to acknowledge fellow, out of town Redskins fans. :)

A lot of these quotes are hilarious. "and I hope I get the chance to murd," "I have to go take my meds." :laugh: Great stuff. :applause:

BTW, I'm shocked that no one has ever had a negative experience. That's great though.

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I just had the most random experience in colorado! Just last week this guy was going door to door trying to collect $$ for something...since I was in a good mood and supported the cause, I decided to write a check. I get my checkbook (which is in a redskins pocket book), start writing the check, when all of a sudden the guy says "ARE YOU FROM DC???" it took me a second to realize he saw my redskins checkbook, then it hit me! "YES! ARE YOU A REDSKINS FAN???" turns out I met this HUGE skins fan!! It was so awesome! We talked football for a while, showed him my newly painted redskins basement, even exchanged numbers/emails to do something for games this fall! It totally made my day:)

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The only problem I have is when someone invariably mistakes my Redskins tattoo for the seminoles. :puke:
Hey now, nothing wrong with that. Works out for me perfectly if someone confuses my Seminole gear or my Redskins gear for the other.

I actually see a LOT of random Redskins fans around in Florida. I was in the grocery store a couple weeks ago here in Orlando and this guy behind me in line saw my Redskins lanyard and started talking to me about how much he hated Brunell last season and what he thought about this season. I'll see random Portis/Moss jerseys in Tallahassee, and every once in awhile I'll see a Doug Williams throwback.

An old family friend moved down to Panama City several years ago and we met with him once for lunch, and he actually told us a story about watching Redskins games in a sports bar every Sunday. One day these guys who would usually sit in the corner together called him over, and quietly asked him "are you a Redskins fan?" and he said "yes, of course." To which they told him about a Redskins club they had that met most Sundays to watch the games together in a backroom of the bar, and how he should join them sometime. Just thought it was funny because of the Fight Club secretive nature of it.

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