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All Redskins fans living out of the D.C. area...


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I have met VERY few Redskin fans out here in Utah. I did have a guy excited to see my skins cap at the hardware store a few months back. I was very surprised.

Most people out here aren't into pro football, the ones who pretend to be seem to root for whoever won last year. I guess thats what happens when there isn't a local team to root for.

I don't mind running into true fans of other teams (except dallas), because then at least we can talk football.

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I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

Yes. I saw a guy in a Campbell jersey at Taco Bell one time recently and I was so proud. I do NOT see B&G very often. Believe me, it sucks. If either my mom or myself see some Redskins merchendise anywhere we tell each other about it. Today she said she saw a Doug Williams jersey and it made me smile.

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

Browns fans. :rolleyes:

YES. Everywhere, so much adolescent immaturity it almost makes me smile when I think about the front-runners' JC jerseys I might see in a few years after we win the Super Bowl. Geometry class last year featured an Eagles fan and a Broncos fan, who tried valiantly to rag on me, but I really enjoyed teeing off on them. :D I'm 15 but at 6'0 225, don't think I won't go Taylor if I have to.

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I live in Giants/Jets country but I wear my redskins shirts and jerseys all the time, plus I have Skins bumper stickers and window decals on the back and a mini Skins helmet air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror.

Only my friends give me crap about being a Skins fan. When I meet others, either they ignore the Skins stuff or I get a positive response. Even during the season, on Skins-Giants gameday, I see guys wearing Giants jersey's while I'm wearing a Skins jersey. We nod to each other, sometimes I'll tell them that I'd wish them luck, but I wouldn't mean it so I won't bother. That usually gets a chuckle out of them.

im a skins fan from poughkeepsie man... i say something to every skins fan i see... and i ALWAYS talk **** to my buddies who are cowpukes, iggles, and "Little Giants" fans...

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i get a new series redskins style fitted cap every time i see a brand new one. so you can imagine i wear a lot.. if i wear all white, most of the time ill wear the white skins hat.. but im always wearing smoething redskins, even its its ssmall skins wristband

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I live in Saint's territory... so no I don't see much exept for Saints fans and Cowboy fans. I seem to always see someong wearing Dallas paraphernalia even now that the Saint's are winning.

I hate the fricking Saints because they're always on Fox down here, so if I get a game... it usually is the New Orleans game. When they don't show N.O., they typically televise the Cowboys game. It's one big reason why I hate Dallas and New Orleans. The Saints are the local "home" team... but it's like Dallas is the second home team.

As far as being picked on about my Redskins gear... no, that usually isn't a problem. The Saints and Dallas fans mostly just laugh at me and move on.

I hate that the most! :tantrum:

Oh, there are a lot of Green Bay fans here too because this is considered Brett Favre territory. I actually went to college with him. Great, great arm... mediocre head and he's just simply an *******.

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Hail and Aloooooooooohaaaaa!!!

You think you have trouble finding fellow fans. Try Hawaii, Pal. Unless I'm on a major military base, seeking out a brother fan is like conducting a CSI investigation. Visitors, people on vacation, would point at me and say "This is the year". For me, every year is the year. Everyday is the day.

Here it's always warm, but I own a Redskin Jacket (they don't make this design any more), which looks brand new, like I never wore it (since purchased, I believe I've worn it 4 times). I bought this jacket at the start of the season, 1990. We won the Superbowl of 1991. That was the year John Madden while hosting a game on the west coast said, "No one's talking about the Redskins", and predicted that the Skins are the ones to watch. Frankly, I liked it that way; no media predictions, no expectations, no pressure. That was the first time I witnessed the Oline rotated as expected, and made it absolutely impossible to stop them from running the ball down everyone's throat. John Madden took the time, when covering the Redskins game, to point out the "counter trey" and the "counter gap". Ever since, I loved the Offensive Line Positions. So,...Hail Redskins! Here's watching the Oline this year.

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A couple of months ago I went to pay for my meal in a cafe, and the cashier saw my redskins credit card and called the cook out to the front, it turned out he was a big redskins fan. There are a lot of Redskiins fans down here in the Atlanta area. I see quite a bit of Redskins gear and give them a thumbs up or a Hi, and put in a plug for Extremeskins.

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This is kind of a two part question.

I was wondering if when you guys and gals see other people who are wearing Redskins paraphernalia and are obvious fans, do you almost feel compelled to either say something to that person or shake that persons hand?

I live in eagles territory, so it is rare for me to see a fellow fan out this way. So when I do, I tend to get a little exuberant. I sometimes wonder if I ever make my family feel uncormfortable, but until they say something... :D

I also wanted to know if anyone has experienced anything negative or lets say, more on the harsher side of being a Redskins fan in another town?

I have a friend who lives in Maryland and was visiting another friend of ours in Philly for the weekend last year. Well, he had a Redskins bumper sticker and while his car was parked in the street overnight, someone had spray painted his bumper green (of course covering the sticker.) It's almost like you can't even put anything on your car in another town if you are a Redskins fan. Or is it just Philly?

Anyone else experience this type of stuff?

That is LOW CLASS PHILLY CRAP, I deal with them here in the Philly burbs, never had my car vandalized but, do get comments about my jersey, and other skins clothing

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Bout the only gear available down in the southern part of the world is either cowboys or 49ers, very little skins stuff available, which is despicable, so not only do i have no skins gear in australia i dont think anyone else does either
Austrailian Redskins fan, fantastic!

Wish we could all get together and send you some gear big guy. :D

Hail and Aloooooooooohaaaaa!!!

You think you have trouble finding fellow fans. Try Hawaii, Pal. Unless I'm on a major military base, seeking out a brother fan is like conducting a CSI investigation. Visitors, people on vacation, would point at me and say "This is the year". For me, every year is the year. Everyday is the day.

Here it's always warm, but I own a Redskin Jacket (they don't make this design any more), which looks brand new, like I never wore it (since purchased, I believe I've worn it 4 times). I bought this jacket at the start of the season, 1990. We won the Superbowl of 1991. That was the year John Madden while hosting a game on the west coast said, "No one's talking about the Redskins", and predicted that the Skins are the ones to watch. Frankly, I liked it that way; no media predictions, no expectations, no pressure. That was the first time I witnessed the Oline rotated as expected, and made it absolutely impossible to stop them from running the ball down everyone's throat. John Madden took the time, when covering the Redskins game, to point out the "counter trey" and the "counter gap". Ever since, I loved the Offensive Line Positions. So,...Hail Redskins! Here's watching the Oline this year.

Kinda reminds me of this year. Hopefully we have the same out come. :D

Cool to see we've even got our Hawaian brotha's representin. :applause:

A couple of months ago I went to pay for my meal in a cafe, and the cashier saw my redskins credit card and called the cook out to the front, it turned out he was a big redskins fan. There are a lot of Redskiins fans down here in the Atlanta area. I see quite a bit of Redskins gear and give them a thumbs up or a Hi, and put in a plug for Extremeskins.
Great story. Keep them coming.
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I went to college right near Philly in Iggles territory and they are more talk then anything. I flaunted my skins jersey proudly and never recieved more than passing comments. Mostly in jest. They talk about us living in the past when we boast about our lombardi trophies, well they are doing the same thing about this "tough" reputation. Don't believe they hype.

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flexxskins, I know exactly what you're talking about. I live in Morris County in NJ and it's really split between Giants, Jets, and Eagles. There is so much rivalry between the three teams that local fans ignore the Redskins, unless their team is playing the Redskins. It's sort of a mild neglect.

Whenever I see anyone with Redskins or Nationals gear, I feel compelled to say something. For the most part, it's a certain kind of comfort knowing that there are others in this area who bleed burgundy and gold. In a sea of blue and green, seeing Skins' colors is like seeing an oasis in the desert. Usually it's just a brief exchange of "Hail Redskins" or "Go Nats".

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I have redskins stuff in my car and on it, and there have been a few times where someone along the road will honk or show their redskins paraphernalia also. I love when that happens, it seriously makes my day. I remember this one time when I was driving to school I saw a guy with a Redskins license plate. I got into the next lane so i could pass him and show him my redskins CD case. I swear, it mustve been a minute that I was holding that thing up, ****** wouldn't look:laugh: . I nearly ran my ass off the road, but finally he looked and he pumped his fists with pride.

Dont worry, I do the same kinda thing... I'm such a dork.

Even here in Northern VA, you see so much Philly, Pukes and Giant crap, I get so excited when I see someone with redskins stuff on there car. I have so much redskins crap in and on my car, I'm hard to miss.

The best is on the way to the games, cause everywhere you look there are redskins fans, its great.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Here in donkey country, I don't see alot. But I do see a skins fan about once a week. I always tell them hi and that I love the shirt, or hat or bumper sticker.....what ever.

The last time the skins were here in Denver (Damn tuck rule), I went to the game and there were actually quite a few skins jersies in the stands.

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Here in donkey country, I don't see alot. But I do see a skins fan about once a week. I always tell them hi and that I love the shirt, or hat or bumper sticker.....what ever.

The last time the skins were here in Denver (Damn tuck rule), I went to the game and there were actually quite a few skins jersies in the stands.

tell the donkey fans "sorry bout that whole Doug Williams thing......NOT":laugh:

I've had a couple cowardly fans vandalize my car a couple times.....one time there was serious body damage....the other time they just ripped my skins license plate off......I'm in friggin' Iggle country so I'm guessing it was some of those classy Iggle fans.

see sig

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I moved to Cowgirl Country more than a year ago and haven't seen a skins fan yet. Austin is perhaps the most friendly town I ever lived in- that is unless I'm wearing team colors. You can't go the the grocery store or blockbuster with out someone starting small talk. When I wear my skins hat or jersey, I don't even get a smile from the clerk- and am normally shunned. So- I'm not saying there are no fans here, I'm just saying there haven't been any who wear their colors. Unlike Philly- this area is way to nice for people to actually say something negative, but I'm sure they think it.

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It is tough being in Eagles territory. I hear it all year long. The other night, I was bartending. The place I work has no TVs and is not a sports bar in the least, so when I heard someone mention McNabb not being a good QB, I looked up and told him he was wrong. I always seem to be deffending D.Mac against Eagles fans, hey the guy can play.

Turns out, 3 guys in the bar, a cowboys fan, a Eagles fan and a Skins fan too. Next thing you know, we are all argueeing about teams and owners and such. It got real heated. Owner wasn't to pleased. Here I'm serving $10+ martinis and we're all yelling over each other about football. Nobodys wife was happy. The cowboys fan wife said she was from Philly and her whole family is a bunch of Eagles fans. Called him an embarasment. It was pretty funny.

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Yes, the wife and I always say something to other Skins fans we meet, although they are few and far between up here in Oregon.

As far as the other question, most folks are Seahawks fans and just appear very confused that anyone wouldn't be rooting the same way up here.

On an aside, when we were living in Kansas City area, we had all of our Skins memorabilia in the downstairs room with the TV, and many visitors would say something like "Wow, you guys are big Cheifs fans!", normally followed by "hey, that's not Cheifs stuff, wth!"

/Bring on the Pain:helmet:

Amen Murray, i live in a town where half of them are baked and the other half are looking for a tree to hug so seeing any Redksins clothing outside of my own is a rare site, I did see a guy last year with a hat and the 'R' Script, I asked him are you a Redskins fan and we talked for quite a bit feeling we were both alone being a fan of an outsider team..too funny, but yeah, if I see someone I say something...of course ppl here love the 'Seahawks' and they act like they are our hometown team, ridiculous. :point2sky

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I've lived out of the DC area now for about twenty one years.....by now, I'm pretty used to being one of the few 'Skins fans around.

I've only got a few pieces of gear....t-shirts and hats, mostly....and usually when I see someone else with same (or vice versa) there's a quick exchange like "Don't see many of those around, do ya?". Every now and then you end up finding out where you both grew up and sometimes even discover you know some similar people back home.

When I come home to visit family I always get pretty sentimental about the whole comraderie thing....I walk around and see all the Redskin gear everywhere and wish I had more of that "family" around. It makes me realize that I really DO have an extended Redskin family and that no matter what differences of opinion we may all have here on ES, we all want the same thing....for the Redskins to win.

Maybe this year....


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I have redskins stuff in my car and on it, and there have been a few times where someone along the road will honk or show their redskins paraphernalia also. I love when that happens, it seriously makes my day. I remember this one time when I was driving to school I saw a guy with a Redskins license plate. I got into the next lane so i could pass him and show him my redskins CD case. I swear, it mustve been a minute that I was holding that thing up, ****** wouldn't look:laugh: . I nearly ran my ass off the road, but finally he looked and he pumped his fists with pride.

Hmm I wonder if that was me or not? It all depends on which block you park on, lol. A drunk die hard fan could mean alot of trouble. But out here in the Tampa, Clearwater area there is actually a good amount of Skins fans and I don't know where the hell they are all coming from, lol. You guys shoulda heard me in the Transformers theatre when I saw the Portis Jersey just classic.

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I've lived out of the DC area now for about twenty one years.....by now, I'm pretty used to being one of the few 'Skins fans around.

I've only got a few pieces of gear....t-shirts and hats, mostly....and usually when I see someone else with same (or vice versa) there's a quick exchange like "Don't see many of those around, do ya?". Every now and then you end up finding out where you both grew up and sometimes even discover you know some similar people back home.

When I come home to visit family I always get pretty sentimental about the whole comraderie thing....I walk around and see all the Redskin gear everywhere and wish I had more of that "family" around. It makes me realize that I really DO have an extended Redskin family and that no matter what differences of opinion we may all have here on ES, we all want the same thing....for the Redskins to win.

Maybe this year....


Dammit, you almost made me cry. :cry:

Well said. :applause:

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