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New 7 Wonders of the World


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(CNN) -- The new seven wonders of the world were named Saturday following an online vote that generated server-crushing traffic in its final hours.

The final tally produced this list of the world's top human-built wonders:

• The Great Wall of China

• Petra in Jordan

• Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer

• Peru's Machu Picchu

• Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid

• The Colosseum in Rome

• India's Taj Mahal

Before the vote ended Friday, organizers said more than 90 million votes had been cast for 21 sites.



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So many of these "new" wonders of the world are ancient. The Colosseum? How does that differ from the Great Pyramids or the Sphinx? These are all certainly worthy choices, but I would think most of them would make great additions to the "Wonders" list and not a new list. If it were all modern era (renaisance and forward) I could probably see that. Ah, I'm just being in a difficult mood.

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So many of these "new" wonders of the world are ancient. The Colosseum? How does that differ from the Great Pyramids or the Sphinx? These are all certainly worthy choices, but I would think most of them would additions to the "Wonders" list and not a new list. If it were all modern era (renaisance and forward) I could probably see that. Ah, I'm just being in a difficult mood.

i don't think they're saying that the "wonders" are new, but rather, it's a new list.

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So many of these "new" wonders of the world are ancient. The Colosseum? How does that differ from the Great Pyramids or the Sphinx? These are all certainly worthy choices, but I would think most of them would make great additions to the "Wonders" list and not a new list. If it were all modern era (renaisance and forward) I could probably see that. Ah, I'm just being in a difficult mood.

The Colosseum is about 1900 years old. The Sphinx is 4500-4700 years old, as is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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Proably... and they are all really nice choices, but the word choice bothers me. What was wrong with the old 7 wonders:

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Colossus of Rhodes

The Pharos of Alexandria

I think that these new guys (given their eras) should be additions. I think we need a Wonders of the World Hall of Fame Committee! Where's Peter King! We should add a wonder or two every decade. Why is it seven?

By the way, God still wins :)

The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

Mount Everest

The Great Barrier Reef

The Grand Canyon

Victoria Falls

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

Paricutin Volcano

The Northern Lights

For a pretty cool page go to: http://wonderclub.com/AllWorldWonders.html

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The Colosseum is about 1900 years old. The Sphinx is 4500-4700 years old, as is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Is the Colosseum really that young?

Edit: It only took four years to build back then? Wow!

The Colosseum is the most famous monument of Ancient Rome. Its original name is Flavian Amphitheatre. It was started by the Emperor Vespasian between 70 and 76 AD, and completed by his son Titus in 80 AD. The Colosseum was dedicated the year after Vespasian's death by Titus. They celebrated the opening by holding 100 days worth of games there. It was built on the site where Nero had had a huge villa for himself. Vespasian wanted to build something for the people rather than for himself. It got its popular name, the Colosseum, because it was built near where Nero had erected a huge statue, or colossus of himself. It showed him as the god of the sun. It was 100 feet high, and it was the largest gilded bronze statue in antiquity. It was later moved away. It took 24 elephants to move it!

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The Pyramids in Giza got an honorary status, whatever that means. I can't quite get my mind around why the Great Pyramid is relegated to an "Honorable Mention". But, then again this was a popular vote on the internet where people could vote more than once, so maybe the credibility of its results are shall we say questionable.

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Here's the list of candidates:


The Acropolis--Greece

The Hagia Sophia--Turkey

The Kremlin/St. Basil's--Russia

The Colosseum--Italy

Neuschwanstein Castle--Germany

The Eiffel Tower--France


The Alhambra--Spain

The Great Wall--China

Kiyomizu Temple-Japan

The Sydney Opera House-Austrailia


The Taj Mahal--New Jer....err India



The Pyramids of Giza--Egypt

The Statue of Christ Redeemer-Brazil

The Easter Island Statues--Chile

Machu Picchu--Peru

Chichen Itza--Mexico

The Statue of Liberty--USA

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Guest RideorDieChic

In the past, I always thought the Great Wall of China was part of the great wonders... guess I was thinking ahead.

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was there any reason to redo the list? they already had a 7 Wonders of the Modern world, but now I guess they wanted to redo it with more modern ones. I do think they shouldn't even have a "7 Wonders" and instead put all of them down if they are part of the World Heritage Sites.

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I refuse to recognize any wonders list without having the Pyramids at Giza on it. It is like having the hall of fame without Art Monk.

Agreed. NO WAY does the statue in Brazil beat that out. For that matter, I'd take Neuschwannstein over the Mexican pyramid

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Agreed. NO WAY does the statue in Brazil beat that out. For that matter, I'd take Neuschwannstein over the Mexican pyramid

Schloss Neuschwanstein is amazing...built straight into the mountains, and then you have the Mariensbruecke spanning across. You don't realize what a huge feat it must have been to build it until you travel up the mountain and realize how amazingly difficult it must have been to get all the materials up there...and then see the over-the-top grandeur of the castle itself. Several woodcarvers worked for YEARS just on one small room of the castle. It's like a Verseilles in the mountains, it's that extravagant.

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From Wikipedia:

Some in Egypt see it as competition to the status of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the only surviving monument of the original Ancient Wonders. "This is probably a conspiracy against Egypt, its civilization and monuments," wrote editorialist Al-Sayed al-Naggar in a leading state-owned daily.[7] Egyptian Culture Minister Farouq Hosni said the project was "absurd" and described its creator, Weber, as a man "concerned primarily with self-promotion".[7] Nagib Amin, an Egyptian expert on World Heritage Sites, has pointed out that "in addition to the commercial aspect, the vote has no scientific basis."[7]

After the complaints from Egypt, the pyramid was given special status and removed from the voting list. From the Web site: "The New7Wonders Foundation designates the Pyramids of Giza — the only remaining of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World — as an Honorary New7Wonders Candidate, and removed it from the voting."[8]


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and shouldnt this get some type of mention...


Man made island in Dubai...:logo:

Have they finished that yet? If not that's probably why it wasn't included. It might be considered in the running for a "modern wonder". What's cool is that there's a whole series of them, one in the shape of the globe, then the palm, and then there is another as well, but I don't remember what that one looks like.

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