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Danny Snyder's seats for families of NFL Ref's


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I hung out with a friend I've known for ever last night who's dad has been a very respected NFL ref for over 15 years and we got into discussion of the skins. I don't want to mention names but I think 7 out of 10 fans have heard of this ref.

My friend said that Snyder's seats for the refs families ARE THE WORST IN THE NFL. They are complete nosebleed. My friend also went on to say that when Jack Kent Cooke was the owner NFL refs got great seats for family near the 50 yard line and great treatment.

We know that refs are supposed to be impartial, blah, blah, blah. But if I were an owner I would look for any advantage possible. It wouldn't hurt to give the freaking families of refs decent seats ... :2cents:

I told him I was going to post that story on ES and he laughed and said if it gets us better seats go for it! :laugh:

My friend is also a ref for Div III games and on the side he ref's the Redskins practices. He said Joe is pretty tough behind the scenes and gets on players more then you would think. He mentioned guys like Moss and S. Taylor have crazy speed, in his words, "another gear he didn't think exisisted." Pretty cool converstation. :helmet:

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It sure seems like Snyder, who does every thing possible for the Redskins, would be giving the ref's families good seating, sounds strange!

He mentioned guys like Moss and S. aylor have crazy speed, in his words, "another gear he didn't think exisisted." Pretty cool converstation. :helmet:
Portis has this gear as well!:)
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Hmm. I had a friend who played for the Cards. He got me seats. They were with the rest of the Cardinal player people (ie. wives, girlfriends, family, etc.)

Well, thinking that I'm somebody, I walked up to Will Call on the day of the game, asked for my tickets that were left there by him, and stood there with my chest out.

Guess where we sat? Corner of the endzone in the LAST row of the stadium. My back was against the chainlink fence and I was talking to God as my nose bled. There around me were all the ticket holders from the rest of the Cardinal team.

Talk about treating visiting people like crap! Met him after the game near the lockerroom and he couldn't believe it. He said in other stadiums they take care of the visiting team's ticket requests.

Why should the refs be any different? LOL! I know, I know, any advantage we can get!

Needless to say, I'll never take tickets from a player again (unless of course it's a Skins player)!

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Hmm. I had a friend who played for the Cards. He got me seats. They were with the rest of the Cardinal player people (ie. wives, girlfriends, family, etc.)

Well, thinking that I'm somebody, I walked up to Will Call on the day of the game, asked for my tickets that were left there by him, and stood there with my chest out.

Guess where we sat? Corner of the endzone in the LAST row of the stadium. My back was against the chainlink fence and I was talking to God as my nose bled. There around me were all the ticket holders from the rest of the Cardinal team.

Talk about treating visiting people like crap! Met him after the game near the lockerroom and he couldn't believe it. He said in other stadiums they take care of the visiting team's ticket requests.

Why should the refs be any different? LOL! I know, I know, any advantage we can get!

Needless to say, I'll never take tickets from a player again (unless of course it's a Skins player)!

From what i remember, it is like that in every NFL Stadium. The visiting team is almost always put in seats in the corner, high up, in the upper deck.

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I hung out with a friend I've known for ever last night who's dad has been a very respected NFL ref for over 15 years and we got into discussion of the skins. I don't want to mention names but I think 7 out of 10 fans have heard of this ref.

Did his dad take you to the gun show? ;)

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My friend said that Snyder's seats for the refs families ARE THE WORST IN THE NFL. They are complete nosebleed. My friend also went on to say that when Jack Kent Cooke was the owner NFL refs got great seats for family near the 50 yard line and great treatment.

This sounds very unDanny Like, I am shocked he doesn't give the refs families seats in his luxury box with him. This way he could butter up the refs and chew out their families for the blown calls that go against us.:laugh:

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I have never seen a more paranoid fan base in my ****ing life. This is completely absurd.

You obviously didn't watch the Redskins/Tampa regular season game in '05, or the Denver/Skins game in 04 or 05 I forget which year...

It wasn't a 2point conversion

It was a fumble...

If we had won that Tampa game we would have had a home playoff game...

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Well, it certainly can't hurt to treat the ref's entourage nicely. Maybe offiating crews might reciprocate in some way. At a very minimum, it's would be each ref's head that the Skins have something to take away if the really screws them over on their home-field.

Frankly, I'm curious to know what other teams are doing in this matter. Regardless, I'm sure this is being scrutinized by the NFL mainly to prevent teams 'going over the top' to try influencing the officiating crew.

Maybe the Skins should check out ways to improve how they are 'comping' these officiating teams familiies.

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Maybe the Skins should check out ways to improve how they are 'comping' these officiating teams familiies.

Yeah I have to agree, I am a pretty good tipper even some times with s****y service thinking that if I am to come back it will be better service. I would think DS would do the best he can (that is within rules) to get some type of edge?

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This would be an issue that the referees union http://www.nflra.org/login.php?referer=2F would negoiate and dictate NFL wide. They probably have it as a rule that the seats given to refs families league wide are the cheap seats. I guess its to prevent favoritism and perks for less flags. F the zebras they hate us

The tuba player in the Redskin Marching band gave me his free tix he gets from the team and they were 400s row 27


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:laugh: Spoiled much? I think you stand alone on this one.

"Damn players, always trying to give me free tickets!"

Yeah, pretty much! Who the heck wants to watch a game from the last row in the stadium in the corner of the endzone to boot? Not me.

I see what you mean, though, it did sound pretty pompous:D

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