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Alcohol at Son's 16th Gets 27-Month Sentence


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I guess most people in this thread have never seen the studies showing that if you have an alcoholic drink before 15, you are like 10 times more likely to be an alcoholic.

Great dad duty to those who said they have no problem supplying their underage kids.

Your number one duty is to raise your kids with the best possible shot at having a sucessful, fulfilling life. Sometimes parents want to be liked so much, they think things like this are alright.

Its funny, because when i was a freshman in college, the kids that drank in HS (at age 15-18) adjusted much better to the college environment. The ones that were able to drink for the first time went way overboard and most failed out. HALF my dorm failed out. 30 of 60.

I have no problem if a parent serves my future kids beer when the are 15 IF i know about it in advance and no one leaves until morning.

This lady screwed up by not being straightforward.

Also, the reason that some parents serve beer to kids at their house isnt always to be "the cool mom" its because they know kids are going to booze, this way mom can keep her eye on them.

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Well, first thing that comes to mind is it's ILLEGAL! Second is why would any rational parent with one ounce of common sense think that allowing an underage person to drink would be ok.

I'll go even further. If my kid was at that party hosted by an adult set of parents. I would one, call CPS. Than I would as my childs parent file charges against them and sue their brains out( that might be hard since they seem to not have any) than file charges with the police beyond what the city/state did and make sure they know what stupidity results in.

I just know that I am going to hear the "thier going to do it anyway" excuse, so please don't try to justify this action. Sorry, but if they were responsible parents they would bring up their kids to have the balls to say no and obey the law. The fact that they had no trust in their kids or friends, just shows me that they aren't doing their job. If they did, they wouldn't have the need to worry about it so.

They got what they deserved and rightly so.

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Ok.....a party for a 16 year old and:

Court records show she spent $340 on beer and wine for the party that night.

I think that pretty much tells it all.

15 and 16 year old kids.

Let's say $15 for a case of 12 beers.

That is 22 cases. 22X12= 264 beers.


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Ok.....a party for a 16 year old and:

Court records show she spent $340 on beer and wine for the party that night.

I think that pretty much tells it all.

15 and 16 year old kids.

Let's say $15 for a case of 12 beers.

That is 22 cases. 22X12= 264 beers.


$340 = 2 half kegs ($178), 2 taps($4), 2 keg deposits($40), 2 tap deposits($60), 2 buckets for ice ($4), 2 deposits for buckets ($40), various wine (whatever is left)

2 half kegs = 168 X 2 = 336 beers...

It's all about maximizing avalible alcohol...

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Ok.....a party for a 16 year old and:

Court records show she spent $340 on beer and wine for the party that night.

I think that pretty much tells it all.

15 and 16 year old kids.

Let's say $15 for a case of 12 beers.

That is 22 cases. 22X12= 264 beers.


A case is 24 beers. :silly:

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A case is 24 beers. :silly:

I was saying 12 in a case..........or whatever you call 12.

I dont buy beer so I dont know what you call 12.

And I know you CANT buy 24 for $15........surely.


She spent $340.

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I was saying 12 in a case..........or whatever you call 12.

I dont buy beer so I dont know what you call 12.

And I know you CANT buy 24 for $15........surely.


She spent $340.

I DO buy beer from time to time, and i can tell you, you CAN buy 24 for $15.


Im trying to help you make your point accurately.

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in the dc area :)

we didn't have wine at the table with every meal, in some countries it is very common to have some type of alcohol at the table for all to drink, not in the us

in the US it is common to get **** faced at various social gatherings HS, college, and later on

and when was the age raised 1980's? the country was around before then

basically you have constructed one of the worst arguments i have ever seen


Nattylight case goes for around $10 everywhere i've been

Beast is cheaper

of course they may have been drinking a bit pricier stuff

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Well , the Communist Wealth of Virginia is at again.

I know most of the do-gooders on this board think that this is a just punishment, I mean, after all, the sentence was dropped from EIGHT years to a little under two. Read the artical, then tell me how this criminalization is justified.

Who are they to decide what Laws to obbey? Especially when it comes to someone else's kids. They lied to the other kids parents and basically taught her kids it's okay to break the law, Virginia decided to teach them they can't.

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Leave it to the the commonwealth to screw it up once again. Maybe the facts are not all in, maybe it is different then presented in the article, which is most likely true. As far as I can see, she is at fault for deceiving others parents about the party, that was 100% wrong. Worth 2 years in jail? Hell no, especially when you consider a rapist could be out in less time. . .yea, lets put the pot smokers, and parents who allow their kids to drink in jail :doh:

People need to understand a few things. . .

1. Teenagers will drink alcohol

2. Teenagers will drive a car when drinking alcohol

3. Teenagers will get in a car with someone who is drinking, and will die.

Those three facts are an inevitable part of growing up as a teenager. I drove drunk as a teenager, I was in the car with people who were drunk, everyone I know was, everyone I went to school with at one point or another was in the car with a drunk driver, or was drunk themselves.

So how do you stop it? It is funny, because the "responsible" thing to do is to make sure your child does not drink and drive. The best possible way is to keep your eyes on them, and if they are drinking, make sure do not drive by either chaperoning or having people over and taking the keys of others. That way you KNOW 100% for a fact that your child is not getting in the car with a drunk driver.

If you want to take the "my kid would never do something like that approach", then you may just end up like other parents who have lost a child to drunk driving. Well, the choice is yours, drinking and driving happens, and although what she did was illegal, it was still a responsible thing to do if you can see the big picture in the grand scheme of things. . .I don't expect many to understand that point though.

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Fine - It was illegal, and stupid. So you tear a family apart, and lock up a mom for 24 months?

Let me get this straight - Mom (Or teacher) that has sex with a underage boy, 180 days and probabtion (http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=local&id=3470790)

Mom that buys beer for 16 kids (7 which did not drink, 9 that drank, but stayed under the legal limit for being drunk) 2 years.

It's crap.

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Those three facts are an inevitable part of growing up as a teenager. I drove drunk as a teenager, I was in the car with people who were drunk, everyone I know was, everyone I went to school with at one point or another was in the car with a drunk driver, or was drunk themselves.

Inevitable is a strong word there, chom. I can tell you truthfull that I never drank before I was 21; nor did I ever get into a motor vehicle with anyone who had been drinking. I knew what the penalty would be for doing so, and feared it considerably more than I did the peer pressure to drink.

So how do you stop it? It is funny, because the "responsible" thing to do is to make sure your child does not drink and drive. The best possible way is to keep your eyes on them, and if they are drinking, make sure do not drive by either chaperoning or having people over and taking the keys of others. That way you KNOW 100% for a fact that your child is not getting in the car with a drunk driver.

The responsible thing to do is to explain to your children the consequences should you find out they have been drinking. You ensure that you know where they're going, who they're going with, and what they plan on doing. If they won't tell you, or you believe they're lying, they don't get to go.

If you want to take the "my kid would never do something like that approach", then you may just end up like other parents who have lost a child to drunk driving. Well, the choice is yours, drinking and driving happens, and although what she did was illegal, it was still a responsible thing to do if you can see the big picture in the grand scheme of things. . .I don't expect many to understand that point though.

Any child of mine would know that if I ever caught them with alcohol on their breath, or found out they'd been drinking before they turned 21, they would no longer have a place to live, or a family to belong to. If you live in my house and expect me to pay to support you, you will live by MY RULES. Pure and simple.

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Fine - It was illegal, and stupid. So you tear a family apart, and lock up a mom for 24 months?

Let me get this straight - Mom (Or teacher) that has sex with a underage boy, 180 days and probabtion (http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=local&id=3470790)

Mom that buys beer for 16 kids (7 which did not drink, 9 that drank, but stayed under the legal limit for being drunk) 2 years.

It's crap.

Personally, I would suggest that the woman should never be allowed around children again, EVER. She's obviously shown a total incompetence and lack of any level of judgement regarding the proper care and raising of children.

I see the crime you've compared this too a little differently, but that's a discussion for another time and thread as I don't believe it's related at all.

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Okay. I'm going to bookmark this thread and come back to it in...what...20-25 years? and we'll see. :)

My brothers and I went by the same rules and none of us have a drinking or drug problem and we are well past 25 yrs later.

My children were raised under the same rules w/o problem so far,in fact they are above average in intelligence and responsible behavior.

I think teaching responsibility and the hazards inherent in drinking are a factor.

Alcoholism is a genetic trait in some,as your study shows

Children of alcoholics are significantly more likely to initiate drinking during adolescence and to develop alcohol use disorders.3

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Personally, I would suggest that the woman should never be allowed around children again, EVER. She's obviously shown a total incompetence and lack of any level of judgement regarding the proper care and raising of children.

I see the crime you've compared this too a little differently, but that's a discussion for another time and thread as I don't believe it's related at all.

Knowing your feelings about crime and punishment, you probably would give her the death penalty :doh:

And she shouldn't have deceived the other parents, but it was responsible IMO; if they're gonna drink, make it so they can't drive.

And the prosecutor said this is the WORST case of underage drinking he's seen in 15 years? :wtf: What a :censored: moron

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