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Someone tried to break into my sisters house


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My mother called me up all upset because a group of teens tried to break into my sisters house. The crazy thing is they saw her and still tried to break down the door, my mother is saying that my sis wants to by a gun now but I don't think that's such a hot idea because she has 2 young children.

I think a taser gun like this would be a better option but I wanted to seewhat you guys thought.


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If she does end up buying one. Make sure she spends a little more and get the good saftey features. Some guns have locks built into the gun. Some smart wepons have a scanner that reads your prints before you are able to fire them. Some you have to hold a button on the handle before it will fire. Either way its good to protect yourself.

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There is no problem having a gun in the house with children. You just have to be responsible and take a couple of safety precautions.

Never store a loaded gun.

Put a trigger lock on it and store it in a combination locked box

Store ammo and one loaded ammo clip in seperate combination locked box

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If she goes, make sure she gets trained on how to use a gun and what to do with it. Also, if this is normally something that she is really against, advise her to have a cooling period before making this decision. Right now, it's based on reasonable fear. She should make this decision in the light of cool logic. If she does need it purely for self-defense that's good. If she buys it because she's in a panic, panic sometimes results in terrible consequences.

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There is no problem having a gun in the house with children. You just have to be responsible and take a couple of safety precautions.

Never store a loaded gun.

Put a trigger lock on it and store it in a combination locked box

Store ammo and one loaded ammo clip in seperate combination locked box

I understand that is a very safe method, but by the time you find all the keys to these locks, unlocked the gun from the box, unlock the trigger lock on the gun, THEN you gotta go to yet another lock box and unlock the ammo too? Man, burgler, murderer boogey man, teen wolf, whatever would already have broken in, stole everything in the house, including fixtures, made sandwiches for the trip back, and checked the tv guide.... and he may do all that before you even get into Ft. Noch's, aka your gun safe.

My girlfriends kid stays over some nights. I have a small metal gunsafe that weighs almost 200lbs i think, and I keep my guns in that safe, that has a combination lock, that only i know, in the closet of my bedroom.. The only place i have the combination written down is in a draft on my personal email account that i can only get into. I leave the weapon unloaded but i do leave full clips in the bottom of the gun safe. If i ever have to use a fire arm in my house, i simply have to roll out of bed, and unlock the safe in my closet, grab gun, and grab clip and its hammer time. Because i have my gunsafe, i do not use a trigger lock. If i kept my gun in a desk drawer i would use a trigger lock, but i wouldnt use a lock box on top of that. If the trigger lock is on it, the gun cant be fired, i dont believe it can be loaded.

With a trigger locked gun that was locked in a lock box and the ammo was in a seperate lock box, It would be a death sentence if your intruder had a gun as well and meant to do harm.

To the OP, your sis should get a small 22 caliber pistol, or a 38 caliber revolver and actually spend time at a shooting range learning how to use it. I would also say she should get a taser as well, and then she can use discretion as to the amount of force she needs to apply. Keep both in a gunsafe, next to her bed or in a closet. Educate the kids with gun safety, or if she has a boy, hunters safety. :2cents:

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It's not only having a gun etc etc. it's the will to use it. A woman?...even harder. You have a panic situation...you have to evaluate if gun use is warranted all the while under extreme duress. Also, confronted with a hardened criminal carrying a gun, she wont stand a chance. Criminal will shoot straight and true in the blink of an eye...sister probably will not.

I'd advise her to get a man. Or if the area is a bad one, to move. Both is preferable.

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It's not only having a gun etc etc. it's the will to use it. A woman?...even harder. You have a panic situation...you have to evaluate if gun use is warranted all the while under extreme duress. Also, confronted with a hardened criminal carrying a gun, she wont stand a chance. Criminal will shoot straight and true in the blink of an eye...sister probably will not.

I'd advise her to get a man. Or if the area is a bad one, to move. Both is preferable.

She's married but he was at work when all of this happened and they just moved into this place about a month ago so moving isn't really a option.

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A 22 is worthless except in skilled hands,a pistol overall is not the best choice unless you are skilled in its use.

A pump shotgun,easy to use and forgiving on aim...and safer for the neighbours ;)

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I would advise to get a dog then...a vicious one. Pit Bull, Doberman etc.

Heh, except in this world she might need to get a pit bull safe. ;)

Also, confronted with a hardened criminal carrying a gun, she wont stand a chance. Criminal will shoot straight and true in the blink of an eye...sister probably will not.

Do you really think a hardened criminal with a gun can shoot straight and cares about going to the range to increase his accuracy? I'd bet most "hardened criminals" are just dumb drug addicts who don't realize the safest time to rob a house is when no one is home... if they really wanted to get in and had guns they could've done more damage than happened when there was no gun.

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Do you really think a hardened criminal with a gun can shoot straight and cares about going to the range to increase his accuracy? I'd bet most "hardened criminals" are just dumb drug addicts who don't realize the safest time to rob a house is when no one is home... if they really wanted to get in and had guns they could've done more damage than happened when there was no gun.

In a house...what distance do you reckon the gunfight will take place at? 15 feet, at the most? All you need to do is shoot straight...and I mean straight..not well. A bit hard for a woman who's never pointed a gun at a person, let alone shot him. You know? Sweaty palms, shaky hands, dry mouth...second thoughts. On the other hand, a criminal wont think twice...especially a drug addict.

I speak from experience. I was a soldier. ;)

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I told my mother to tell her to get a German Shepherd since they're good with kids and know how to protect :applause:

Most home intruders will stay away when they know there's a dog...just not worth the hassle. Whereas home intruders wont know there's a gun in the house, until they are confronted with it...and then it's too late. Also, how many gun owners get killed by their own gun by unarmed intruders? I've read a few incidents...

...a German Shepard is a good choice. Good protection and a nice pet...two for the price of one.

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Most home intruders will stay away when they know there's a dog...just not worth the hassle. Whereas home intruders wont know there's a gun in the house, until they are confronted with it...and then it's too late. Also, how many gun owners get killed by their own gun by unarmed intruders? I've read a few incidents...

...a German Shepard is a good choice. Good protection and a nice pet...two for the price of one.

just put a big ol' sign in your front yard that you are a proud member of the NRA. that should keep the criminals away.

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I hope shes doing ok, in a gun fight you dont aim anyway you point and shoot. I agree with everyone saying a 20 gauge shotgun, its very ideal for females.

While I agree, a 20 gauge is easier for someone to use, in a house in tight quarters it might be a little unwieldy compared to a pistol. But at close range, as long as you can point it in the right direction with an open choke, you'll at least be able to make an impression. Take the plug out and you have a few extra shots.

Edit to add: I'm glad to hear she's ok

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Tell her to get a 20 gauge pump shotgun,easy for a woman to handle and Quite effective at discouraging unwanted guests.

Tazers are not too effective on more than one person

Yep get three guys in a hall can pretty much nail them all with one shot ;p

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